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CAMP’s Bluey immersive adventure brings beloved Australian cartoon to Los Angeles

It’s for real life: Family-experience retailer CAMP has teamed up with BBC studios to bring an immersive Bluey experience to Los Angeles.

Located at CAMP’s flagship West Coast store at ​​Westfield Century City, the experience guides guests through a “Magic Door” that leads to the family home of Bluey, a cartoon pup that stars in the Emmy-award winning show that hit Disney platforms in 2019.

The show, fittingly named “Bluey,” features an inexhaustible Blue Heeler dog who loves to play and turns everyday family life into extraordinary adventures, developing her imagination as well as her mental, physical, and emotional resilience.

“We love Bluey,” Amy Tangerine, a creative lifestyle blogger who attended the event with her 2-year-old daughter, Juniper, said. “I think we’ve seen every episode at least five times.”

The show first aired in Australia in October 2018. Tangerine noted that it appeals to her family for its cleverness, adding that the whole family can watch it – and genuinely enjoy it.

“Not only is Bluey a wildly beloved show, its core characteristics — parent-child imaginative play, relatable comedy, and silly fun — fit with everything CAMP stands for. It’s a match made in Heeler Heaven,” said Kirk Larsen, CAMP’s Chief Creative Officer.

The experience is housed in a 5000 square-foot space bursting with colors and nods to the show’s episodes:

Commemorating an episode about being kind for the sake of it, the duck cake:

A ducky cake toy at the new Bluey X Camp immersive adventure at the Century City Mall in Los Angeles, Calif. on Nov. 2, 2023. (Carolyn Burt, SCNG)

A fan-favorite recurring object throughout the show, the garden gnomes:

A gnome game for guests to play at the new Bluey X Camp immersive adventure at the Century City Mall in Los Angeles, Calif. on Nov. 2, 2023. (Carolyn Burt, SCNG)

The space clearly caters to childrens’ fleeting attention spans: The hour-long experience features varying activities, with a “choose your own storyline” -style approach.

The space is staffed with “CAMP Counselors” who lead group activities (all of which are inspired by Bluey’s own beloved pastimes), like story time, keep-the-ball-in-the-air (or “Keepy Uppy,” if you’re Bluey) and group dance.

Guests play “Keepy Uppy” at the new Bluey X Camp immersive adventure at the Century City Mall in Los Angeles, Calif. on Nov. 2, 2023. (Carolyn Burt, SCNG)
Storytime featuring Unicorse at the new Bluey X Camp immersive adventure at the Century City Mall in Los Angeles, Calif. on Nov. 2, 2023. (Carolyn Burt, SCNG)














The adventure also offers a scavenger hunt that will lead you through the house’s six rooms, each of which are equipped with a hole punch device so kids can keep track of their progress.


A scavenger hunt for guest to follow at the new Bluey X Camp immersive adventure at the Century City Mall in Los Angeles, Calif. on Nov. 2, 2023. (Carolyn Burt, SCNG)

Throughout the adventure, kids are meant to feel like they are playing the “most amazing Hide-and-Seek ever,” during which they’re meant to search for Bluey and her sister, Bingo, who have left traces of themselves throughout the house.

After watching a new Bluey animation exclusive to the experience, guests enter the new Bluey X Camp immersive adventure at the Century City Mall in Los Angeles, Calif. on Nov. 2, 2023. (Carolyn Burt, SCNG)

And, of course, at the end of the hour-long visit, they’re met with an epic reveal: A meet-and-greet with Bluey and Bingo, who finally reveal themselves in a hidden room that’s kept for the end of the experience.


Audience engagement producers Carolyn Burt and Dorothy Elder meet Bluey and Bingo at the new Bluey X Camp immersive adventure at the Century City Mall in Los Angeles, Calif. on Nov. 2, 2023. (Carolyn Burt, SCNG)

“This is so amazing,” Tangerine said on her way out of the house, as Juniper toyed with mini “Bluey” characters.

“Truly a real-life Bluey house experience with all of the details taken care of. The people who were working here were so entertaining and Juniper just loved it.”

Tangerine recommends that prospective attendees watch a few videos about the experience ahead of time in order to maximize the immersion, because “there’s so much to take in.”

The event opens to the public on Monday, Nov. 6 and is in LA through Feb. 19. Timed entry tickets, which are $39 each, are available at camp.com/bluey.

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