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Great white sharks being driven away from hunting grounds as apex predators rip out their livers in new brutal attacks

A NEW top apex predator could be in our oceans after great white sharks have been found dead with their livers brutally ripped out.

The horror attacks have led to great whites avoiding the South African coast at all costs.

A new apex predator has been terrorising great white sharks in South Africa as they’ve been driven away from their usual hunting grounds
Facebook/Marine Dynamics
A great white shark found dead on the shore with a nasty wound by its liver that was taken out by its killer[/caption]

Back in 2017, five great white sharks eerily washed up along the coastline with gaping teeth marks and bleeding wounds on their livers.

The killers are still unknown but scientists suspect it could be two well known beasts that roam around the bay.

Experts claim the predators have started to enjoy the taste of shark meat, especially their fatty livers and could now be top of the food chain.

So far in 2023 not a single great white shark has been seen in False Bay – famous for the iconic view of Seal Island – despite there being 50 recorded sightings last year.

The phenomenal discovery was made after researchers noticed trackers they’d put on the sharks didn’t record a single one going near the bustling tourist spot.

The formidable killers are said to be a pair of orcas – Port and Starboard.

Named for their dorsal fins that hang to the left and to the right, the pair have developed a taste for shark and now patrol the bay asserting their dominance.

Vital organs such as the liver are rich in oil and fats and a valuable energy source for the huge marine creatures.

Marine biologist Alison Towner of the Dyer Island Conservation Trust said: “A study in California showed that great white sharks were being attacked by pods of killer whales and driven away from feeding grounds.

“This is a complex issue which is something we are trying to better understand but we do know that killer whales have regional impact on great whites as seen in South Africa, California and Australia.

“Although the presence of killer whales will obviously have an effect on great whites, there are many other factors that come into play.”

False Bay is the biggest bay in South Africa and it’s prime location is just three miles away from Seal Island that boasts 60,000 seals.

Tourists would flock to the bay to try and catch a great white in its natural habitat hunting for food.

Holidaymakers could also swim with the great beasts from cages but will now have to travel to Gansbaai as they’re long waited return continues.

Marian Nieuwoudt, a Cape Town environment official, is concerned by the sudden disappearance and what they could mean for the other marine life.

They said: “Great white sharks are top apex predators and we do not know how their absence from False Bay would impact the ecosystem.

“We remain hopeful that the great whites will return to False Bay and will announce our first sighting when this happens.”

In October, scientists revealed that killer whales had started to act in a weird, never-before-seen way.

They had started to engage in tons of new aggressive activities such as the brutal killings of other marine life and made scientists believe they may be getting smarter as a species.

Experts have been trying to figure out why the whales would pick up new worrying behaviours so suddenly.

It’s been suggested that whales are able to learn new things quickly due to their complex brains.

Interactions with humans could also be a determining factor as to why they’ve been videoed attacking, bullying and brutally killing whatever they like.

South Africa is full of killer whales and especially Struisbaai, a notorious hunting ground for the brutes.

Incredible footage has shown a great white shark swimming through the area covered in nasty wounds and cuts likely caused by orcas.

Footage from California has also shown the clever killers carrying back their kills through the water.

One shows a mammoth orca trapping a tiger shark in its jaws as it tries to wriggle free before being brutally devoured by the killer whales little ones.

Orcas have been causing more attacks on boats and other animals recently as scientists concerns grow over why they’re becoming such scary beasts[/caption]

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