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Met Police consider banning pro-Palestine march on Armistice Day

There have been a number of pro-Palestine marches in London since the latest conflict broke out last month (Picture: REX)

The Metropolitan Police says it will use ‘any legislation necessary to keep people safe’ as it decides whether to ban a major protest on Armistice Day.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign is planning a major pro-Palestine demonstration on Saturday following a number of large-scale protests in the capital.

The group says it will avoid Whitehall and the area around the Cenotaph war memorial during its demonstration – and says it has not organised any protests to take place on Remembrance Sunday.

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But Scotland Yard says it will use ‘all powers and tactics’ at its disposal to prevent disruption, including Section 13 of the Public Order Act 1986, which allows the banning of a procession when there is a risk of serious disorder.

Met Commander Karen Findlay said: ‘We fully appreciate the national significance of Armistice Day.

‘Thousands of officers will be deployed in an extensive security operation and we will use all powers and tactics at our disposal to ensure that anyone intent on disrupting it will not succeed.’

The planned route for the demonstration runs from Hyde Park to the US Embassy in Vauxhall.

Police have guarded the Cenotaph during previous demonstrations (Picture: REUTERS)

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Suella Braverman has questioned the Met’s response to some pro-Palestine demonstrations (Picture: Vuk Valcic/ZUMA Press Wire/Shutterstock)
Counter-protests have been held at the Cenotaph in the past (Picture: Twitter/MrAndyNgo)

In a statement, Palestine Solidarity Campaign organisers said: ‘We have made clear that we have no intention of marching on or near Whitehall, in order not to disrupt events at the Cenotaph.

‘We are alarmed by members of the government, including the prime minster, issuing statements suggesting that the march is a direct threat to the Cenotaph and designed to disrupt the Remembrance Day commemorations.’

Home Secretary Suella Braverman described pro-Palestine demonstrations as ‘hate marches’, saying some participants chanted ‘jihad’ and were ‘calling for the erasure of Israel’.

She said yesterday that anyone who attempted to vandalise the Cenotaph should be ‘put in a jail cell faster than their feet can touch the ground’.

In order to ban a protest the Met must prove the threshold for a Section 13 order has been met – but they are unlikely to see any resistance from Ms Braverman.

In a statement on Sunday night, Scotland Yard said: ‘We recognise the terrible events in Israel and Gaza continue to have an impact on communities across London and recognise there is significant concern.

The Met has an important role to play in making sure London is a safe place for everybody and over the past four weeks we have dedicated thousands of officers to reassuring communities, policing protests and dealing with anyone who breaks the law.

‘We continue to work with protest organisers to ensure they are lawful, whilst balancing the concerns of other communities.

‘Our most experienced and knowledgeable commanders are working on the policing of these events, making sure we are utilising all legislation to its fullest extent.

‘Section 13 of the Public Order Act 1986 allows for the banning of a procession when there is a risk of serious disorder. It has to be approved by a Secretary of State.

‘Sections 12 and 14 of the Public Order Act 1986 allow for conditions to be imposed to processions and public assembly to prevent serious disruption.

‘We have used this legislation over recent weeks and will continue to use any legislation necessary to keep people safe.’

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