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Protester prompts Biden to abruptly change Middle East policy


Joe Biden meets with senior advisers to discuss the budget and debt ceiling, Monday, May 15, 2023, in the Oval Office of the White House. (Official White House photo by Adam Schultz)

A protester calling on Joe Biden to demand a ceasefire in Gaza has prompted the president to abruptly alter his Middle East policy on the fly.

He responded with, "I think we need a pause," after a protester at Biden's speech in Minnesota said, "If you care about Jewish people, as a rabbi, I need you to call for a ceasefire."

CBS confirmed it was a "departure" from Biden's existing position, that the White House would not "dictate how the Israelis carry out their military operations in response to the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas."

In that terror attack, militants in Hamas drugged themselves and carried instructions to carry out "atrocities" on civilians in Israel, where 1,400 were killed and another 200 or so were kidnapped.

The massacre involved some of the most horrific deaths since the Holocaust, reports have confirmed, with whole families burned alive by Hamas terrorists, even babies beheaded.

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Biden was speaking to launch his Rural Investment Tour in Northfield, Minn.

Israel responded to the terror attack by Hamas with a military campaign launched against Gaza, Hamas' home.

Air strikes have been followed by ground assault troops. Israel has been warning civilians in areas it is targeting to evacuate before the attack starts.

But, the CBS report said, Biden has been under pressure from "human rights groups" and members of his own liberal Democrat party to call on Israel to halt its response to the terror attack.

The White House already has suggested there be brief times without bombing so that civilians can get aid and foreign nationals leave.

Biden said, "I think we need a pause. A pause means give time to get the prisoners out."

He then bragged about what he said he's done.

"I'm the guy that convinced Bibi (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu) to call for a ceasefire to let the prisoners out. I'm the guy that talked to Sisi (Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi) to convince him to open the door" to let humanitarian aid enter through the Rafah border crossing from Gaza into Egypt," the report revealed.

Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Herzog already has said, "We are ramping up humanitarian supplies into Gaza in those areas which are away from Hamas in the southern part of Gaza. The number of truckloads doubles and is going to pick up more and more."

IMPORTANT NOTE TO WND READERS: "Our country is going communist!" warned Donald Trump recently. "It's going Marxist, it's going REALLY bad." He added, "The PEOPLE of our country aren't that way – but the people RUNNING it are." Is this just election-season bluster and hyperbole, or can the utterly unthinkable be true?

Incredibly, it is true. In 2023 America, the Democratic Party – its agendas, its core values, its wall-to-wall dishonesty, and its audacious and utterly ruthless methods – are virtually indistinguishable from those of modern-day communists. Compare the Communist Party USA's website, CPUSA.org (where the featured top-of-page story is about "TRANS RIGHTS"), with the Democratic National Committee's website, Democrats.org, and try to discern any substantive difference.

America's plunge into atheistic Marxism in virtually every area of life – from weaponizing government and courts to destroy critics and political opponents, to crushing free speech, to corrupting and brainwashing the nation's children, and much much more – is all stunningly explored in the October issue of WND's critically acclaimed Whistleblower magazine, titled "AMERICA'S COMMUNIST REVOLUTION: How the freest nation in history is rapidly becoming a Marxist police state." Beyond exposing the Marxist takeover of America's key institutions, this explosive special report goes on to reveal how Marxism/communism is ACTUALLY A MAJOR WORLD RELIGION, albeit a false and malevolent one. It unearths what REALLY motivates the "high priests" of this truly dark atheistic faith, which has captivated untold millions and murdered millions more. And it vividly illustrates exactly how and why citizens of the greatest nation in history are now experiencing – to quote Barack Obama's words – "a fundamental transformation of the United States of America." This Whistleblower issue is a crucial wake-up call for all Americans. WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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