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8 Must-Watch Queer Rom-Coms Streaming Now

Looking to taste the rainbow while falling head over Doc Martens for your leading protagonist? In need of a love story where boy meets boy? Girl meets girl? Boy meets girl but also meets boy? We’ve got you covered with a list of swoon-worthy, heart-fluttering queer rom-coms to cozy up to with your partner — or watch alone with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s as you daydream about the romantic escapades you’re not experiencing…yet. 

 ‘Bros’ 2022 | Prime Video

Though Billy Eichner isn’t everyone’s cup of tea — as his in-your-face personality and incessant gabbing can grow grating — Bros presents a romance between two men who haphazardly stumble their way to love. They dance through many a typical male homosexual dilemma — foursomes, open vs. closed relationship conversations, straight women who are a bit too enthusiastic about their allyship, late-night clubbing endeavors, and disappointing Grindr conversations. Yet, the film also boasts those tried-and-true rom-com moments — the yearning glances from across the room, the stress-induced pizza-eating, and the overthinking of text conversations. 

Though it’s not exactly the significant step forward for queer cinema it was marketed as — given the “masc for masc” relationship at the center seemingly in place to remain palatable to straight audiences — it’s definitely a cute watch. There are some laugh-out-loud moments and some swoon-worthy exchanges, as well as a nice sprinkling of those arguments that are both sincere and funny.  

‘Alex Strangelove’ 2018 | Netflix  

Alex has got it all. He’s an A-student with a cute girlfriend and a tight-knit circle of friends he can depend on. All he has left to do: lose his virginity. It’s smooth sailing, as he sets his sights on a romantic night with his girlfriend Chloe…but first he meets Elliot — an out and proud gay man who is unabashedly forward about his interest in Alex. The question is: Does Alex feel the same way about the offbeat and captivating Elliot? 

As Alex comes to terms with his sexuality — the letters on the cereal boxes before him transforming to read Heter O’s and Gay Flakes instead of Honey O’s and Krispy Flakes — his friends are right there to support his journey. The message at the core: before you can find love, you must find yourself. Though centering on teenagers, it’s an insightful and mature foray into sexual awakenings and the complexities tied to attraction. It’s a classic coming-of-age movie with a queer twist and just enough progressive and charming beats to capture your heart. 

‘Love, Simon’ 2018 | Disney+

Simon has yet to tell his family and friends that he’s gay. Like many a queer adolescent, he’s scared to come out of the closet. What will his family and friends say? Will people look at him differently? Will he be treated differently? When he starts chatting with a gay classmate online, he begins to fall for him and finds solace in the fact that there’s another gay student at his school. 

He’s so ready to be himself. The desire to stop holding his breath — as his mother notes — comes to a boil alongside this romantic mystery at the center. You’ll grin from ear to ear as you watch this adorable rom-com that may (spoiler warning that’s inevitable) end a bit too idealistically with instantly supportive parents and a perfect crush…but we’re here for it anyway. 

‘Happiest Season’ 2020 | Hulu

Abby and Harper are the perfect couple. Happy together. Ridiculously compatible…and hopefully headed to the altar (as Abby has already purchased the ring). There’s just one teeny-weeny, microscopic, no-big-hurdle in the way: Harper isn’t out to her wealthy and WASP-y conservative parents. So, when they head to Harper’s hometown for Christmas, Abby must take on the role of Harper’s “orphan friend.” 

Abby and Harper hide their relationship while stealing moments to kiss and flirt. Sibling rivalries resurface, ingrained family dynamics become humorously apparent, and Abby and Harper’s relationship is put to the test. Abby grows rightfully frustrated at being asked to step back into the closet  — metaphorically (and literally at one point) — that she has so triumphantly emerged from. Will Harper come out to her family — consequences be damned? Will their relationship survive the so-called “merriest season?” 

With Kirsten Stewart and Mackenzie Davis in leading roles — and a supporting ensemble that includes the lovable likes of Alison Brie, Aubrey Plaza, Daniel Levy, Victor Garber, and Mary Steenburgen — you can’t help but get swept up in the cutesy cliches. Though another somewhat trite coming-out story, it’s got enough heart — thanks to authentic performances – to keep you hooked. 

‘The Prom’ 2020 | Netflix 

A gay musical with THE Meryl Streep playing a narcissistic Broadway performer who heads to a small town on a self-serving mission to save her reputation and gain favor with the merciless press? Count us in. As for the mission: make sure an Indiana teen — up against a homophobic PTA and school board — can attend prom with her girlfriend. 

Through “fiery songs,” a ton of bedazzled outfits, and over-the-top glamour — as well as an inspired Fosse number by Nicole Kidman — this movie is filled to the brim with sing-a-long tunes. Yet, it is the intimate relationship between the gay protagonists — Alyssa (Ariana DeBose) and Emma (Jo Ellen Pellman) — that saves this from glitzy shallowness. It’s super flashy and boasts a ridiculous amount of talent, which sometimes distracts from the more heartwarming love story at the center. But, it’s an upbeat ride that never slows down, so just hop on the rollercoaster and throw your jazz hands in the air. 

‘Fire Island’ 2022 | Hulu

Six-packs and chiseled jawlines. Speedos and thick thighs. Perfectly quaffed hair and teeth as white as snow. Late-night parties with tons of alcohol and scantily-clad gays. This is what you see when you head to Fire Island. However, though this film has no shortage of eye candy, it also boasts quite the progressive and socially conscious underbelly —  with conversations surrounding racism, classism, body image, and internalized homophobia circling the romantic plotline at the center. 

Just like the source material it is based on, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the film dives headfirst into social class and hierarchies — with a contemporary queer twist that spotlights what separates gays and lesbians from other gays and lesbians. It’s just as funny as it is sincere — making declarations that are true, yet tough to swallow — with a dash of sarcasm and a lot of heart. 

‘Red, White & Royal Blue’ 2023 | Prime Video 

Alex, the son of the President of the United States, meets Prince Henry, who is fourth in line to the British throne, and it’s love at first sight. Just kidding. They despise one another. It’s quippy remarks and off-handed comments. It’s back-handed compliments before the press and feigned grins to satisfy the masses — and safeguard the political standing between Britain and America. Yet, as time passes, they come to realize they aren’t as different as they seem. And, they can’t resist their attraction to one another. Each one is cute in their own way — the blonde and polished Henry boasts a charming and sophisticated demeanor, while the laid-back and suave Alex has a captivating flirtatious nature. They possess their fair share of endearing qualities — on the surface and otherwise. 

Though Red, White & Royal Blue isn’t accomplishing anything very “new,” it’s an adorable watch with several funny one-liners and swoon-worthy, envy-inducing romantic escapades. 

‘The Half of It’ 2020 | Netflix

The endearing but hopelessly inarticulate jock Paul hires the shy but linguistically gifted A-student Ellie to write love letters to his crush. Ellie is accustomed to taking cash to write other students’ academic essays, so this is a foray into unexplored territory for her. All is smooth sailing and Paul and Ellie’s friendship blossoms as the movie progresses. There’s just one problem: Ellie begins to fall in love with the same girl she’s helping Paul win over. 

It’s a coming-of-age queer tale that spotlights what it feels like to be an outsider finally finding a connection. It’s tender. It’s moving. It’s remarkably funny, but never minimizing. It’s a strong teen movie that relies on a familiar narrative structure but imbues it with fresh and clever attractions. 

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