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Antisemitic Rep. Ilhan Omar Has a Meltdown and Lashes Out at Reporter When Questioned on Israel’s Right to Self-Defense Against Hamas Who Slaughtered Innocent Israelis Including Children

In a recent press briefing, Rep.

The post Antisemitic Rep. Ilhan Omar Has a Meltdown and Lashes Out at Reporter When Questioned on Israel’s Right to Self-Defense Against Hamas Who Slaughtered Innocent Israelis Including Children appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

In a recent press briefing, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and her Jihadist squad were questioned about their stance on the Israel-Gaza conflict, specifically concerning Israel’s right to self-defense against Hamas, who has killed innocent Israelis, including babies.

“Why don’t you want Israel to [defend itself from Hamas], that burned, tortured, killed their babies and children and still have them? Why don’t you want the Israelis to go after the terrorists that did that?” the reporter asked highlighting the horrifying acts committed by Hamas.

Omar, well-known for her hatred of the Jewish people, throws fit and lashed out at the reporter saying, “How many more killings is enough for you? A thousand more? 2000 more? 3000?”

Omar, who married his brother to get around US immigration laws went on to question the reporter’s integrity and her perspective on Palestinian lives, “How many more Palestinians dying would make you happy? Would you be satisfied if all the people of Gaza were gone?”

“And maybe that’s the question you should ask Richie. Is he okay? How many more Palestinian lives is he comfortable with? Because I am not comfortable with [it] anymore,” disgusting anti-Semite Ilhan Omar said and then walked out.


As The Gateway Pundit reported Saturday,  Ilhan Omar insulted a reporter instead of answering her tough questions over her calls for Israel to stop defending itself against Hamas savages on Friday. This followed what the Daily Mail described as her meltdown at Joe Biden regarding his “support” for Israel over Hamas.

Fox Business reporter Hillary Vaughn caught up to Omar on Capitol Hill and peppered her with tough questions regarding why she supported a “ceasefire” with Hamas terrorists. Vaughn pointed during her questioning this would be tantamount to Israel surrendering to the Islamist terror organization that is trying to wipe them off the face of the earth.

Rather than responding, Omar decided to trash Vaughn instead.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that 68% to 89% of Palestinians support terror attacks on Israel.

A poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) back in 2014 found that 89% of Palestinians support terror attacks against Israel. That is quite a majority.

The poll results are:

  • (88.9%) support the firing of rockets from Gaza at Israel.
  • (75.4%) believe that the deterrence of the Palestinian Resistance has increased.
  • (61.2%) of the Palestinians oppose the deployment of UN-multi-national forces in Gaza Strip.
  • (54.0%) are satisfied with the performance of Palestine-president “Abu Mazen.”
  • (64.7%) rated the stances of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as “negative.”
  • (58.1%) are content with the ICRC performance, (71.2 %) with that of the UNRWA.

Another poll in 2021 found that 68% of Palestinians support continued attacks on Israel.

The post Antisemitic Rep. Ilhan Omar Has a Meltdown and Lashes Out at Reporter When Questioned on Israel’s Right to Self-Defense Against Hamas Who Slaughtered Innocent Israelis Including Children appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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