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Rising wave of Hindutva a matter of ‘deep concern’ for international community: PM Kakar


Prime Minister Anwaarul Haq Kakar on Thursday termed the rising wave of Hindutva or Hindu nationalism a “matter of deep concern” for the international community, including the United States.

Addressing the Council on Foreign Relations in New York on the sidelines of UN General Assembly, the premier linked Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ideology of Hindu nationalism with Canada’s recent allegations against India pertaining to the killing of a separatist Sikh leader on its soil.

“These ideologues of Hindutva, they are becoming emboldened in a manner that they are now going beyond the region,” PM Kakar said, highlighting that the “unfortunate killing” of the Sikh leader “is a reflection of that ominous tendency”.

“But for obvious economic and strategic reasons, many players in the Western capitals chose to ignore this fact and reality.”

PM Kakar also emphasised Pakistan’s continued desire for peaceful relations with India, underscoring that “our quest requires reciprocal sincerity by the Indian government”, according to state-run Radio Pakistan.

However, he said measures taken by India in 2019 in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir had pushed the entire region into a dark alley.

Kakar expressed the concern of both the government and the people of Pakistan regarding the worsening human rights situation in held Kashmir, which includes attempts by the BJP government to alter the demographic landscape of the occupied region.

The prime minister urged the US administration to use its influence with the Indian government, emphasising that the peaceful resolution of the Kashmir dispute, in accordance with the aspirations of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, was indispensable for liberating South Asia from perpetual instability.

‘Not desirous of any camp politics’

PM Kakar also reaffirmed Pakistan’s commitment to maintaining robust relations with both the United States and China, while emphasising the country’s steadfast refusal to engage in any camp politics.

The prime minister underscored Pakistan’s firm belief in the imperative connection between peace and stability in its neighbourhood and the advancement of economic prosperity and social development.

He stated, “In this vein, our earnest desire is to foster peaceful relations with all neighboring countries and those beyond the region.”

He also asserted Pakistan’s readiness to collaborate with the United States and all like-minded partners who share the vision of a harmonious and prosperous world, where cooperation prevails over conflicts.

He mentioned that Pakistan had instituted a Special Investment Facilitation Council with the aim of transforming the country into an appealing hub for investment and innovation.

Concerns over rise of terrorism

Discussing the terrorism challenge, PM Kakar expressed deep concern over the resurgence of terrorist threats posed by dangerous groups such as the proscribed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), emphasising its gravity not only for Pakistan but also for the global community.

He called upon the international community to unite in the face of the emerging threat, highlighting past collaborative efforts aimed at ensuring the safety and security of people. He reiterated that maintaining a stable Afghanistan remained a crucial foreign policy objective for both Pakistan and the United States.

PM Kakar welcomed the direct engagement between the US and the Afghan government and affirmed Pakistan’s commitment to encourage Afghan authorities to fulfill their obligations, including safeguarding women’s rights, promoting girls’ education, and preventing Afghan territory from being used as a base for terrorist activities against other nations.

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