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Vivek Ramaswamy’s Voting Record Shows He is Not a Registered Republican, and Donated to Anti-Trump Democrat Candidate in 2016

Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images

In a recent revelation, GOP presidential candidate Hirsh Singh has brought to light controversial details concerning Vivek Ramaswamy’s political affiliations and voting history. Documentation obtained from the Franklin County, Ohio Board of Elections suggests that Ramaswamy is not a registered Republican but, rather, a registered “Unaffiliated” voter.

In an X post (formerly Twitter), Singh wrote, “Per documentation received by Vivek Ramswamy’s Franklin County, Ohio Board of Elections Vivek is not a registered Republican, but Registered Unaffiliated and never voted in a Republican Primary in his entire life.”

Source: Franklin County, Ohio

Voting records, initially posted by an account called Ohio Legislative Watch on X, show Ramaswamy did not vote in the Ohio state primaries in 2022 and 2023.

“Well this is awkward. GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who lives in Columbus, is not a registered Republican in Ohio and has skipped half of the elections since registering to vote in Franklin County,” the account wrote, adding, “His wife is also unaffiliated and skipped the same elections.”

“His parents live in Hamilton County and do not appear to be registered to vote at all, at least not at the address where they claim an owner-occupied property tax reduction,” the post concluded.

Source: Franklin County, Ohio

These records have been independently reviewed by NBC News:

Ramaswamy, 38, is listed as an “unaffiliated” voter in Franklin County, Ohio, where he’s been registered to vote since November 2021, after he moved to Columbus.

The biotech multimillionaire has described himself as being a “libertarian freestyler” in college.

He’s said he voted for a Libertarian in the 2004 presidential election, but did not vote in 2008, 2012 or 2016, according to Reuters, and has contributed to both Republican and Democratic candidates. He brushed past a question about his sparse voting history during Wednesday’s GOP presidential debate.

Ramaswamy said he went on to become a “hardcore” Trump supporter and voted for him in 2020.

Ramaswamy, who declared his presidential candidacy this past February, has previously defended his failure to vote in his younger days, telling Sean Hannity he hadn’t then because he was “a jaded person in my twenties.”

Adding to the controversy, Federal Election Commission (FEC) data reveals that Ramaswamy was a donor to the Democratic Party in the 2016 Democratic Primary.

FEC records show that on March 29, 2016, Vivek Ramaswamy made a $2,700 ActBlue donation to the Friends of Dena campaign group, which is associated with Democratic Party congressional candidate Dena Minning Grayson.

Source: FEC

From Singh’s press release:

A news report in INQUISITR reported in 2019 that the mystery woman who sat behind President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen and made animated facial expressions as Cohen testified before the House Oversight Committee against President Trump was Dena Grayson. She has been described by Inquisitr as an internet personality best known for criticizing and ridiculing President Trump and amassing followers for this reason.

In a video that is linked from Inquisitr’s website, Grayson can be seen making faces and even lip-synching an answer provided by Cohen simultaneously with him, indicating that she was an insider in the Never-Trumper world. Grayson’s own tweets and now deleted posts on medium.com confirm that she is part of the Never-Trumper world. Republican voters who have been shown this information alongside evidence of Vivek Ramswamy’s donation to her are stunned by the fact that they were led to believe that Vivek Ramaswamy represented their values.

This connection to the far-left world would explain why Vivek Ramaswamy was not part of the TEA Party Revolution which opposed the Wall Street bailouts and the passage of Obamacare. In contrast, Hirsh Singh was part of the Young Americans for Liberty and the TEA Party Revolution and vigorously opposed the Wall Street bailouts and Obamacare. While Hirsh Singh was part of the TEA Party Revolution, Vivek Ramaswamy got a scholarship from the Paul and Daisy Soros Foundation to fund his degree at Yale. Despite Vivek Ramaswamy’s claim that he has no connection to George Soros, Paul Soros who died in 2013 was George Soros’s brother.

“Vivek Ramaswamy’s time as a pretender is up. He may be able to fool all the people some of the time, and some people all the time, but he cannot fool all the people all the time,” said Hirsh Singh echoing Abraham Lincoln’s famous quote.

In a statement to The Gateway Pundit, Vivek’s Senior Advisor Tricia McLaughlin said that the donation to Dena Minning Grayson “was not a political in support, purely friendship.” 

“Dena was a friend of Vivek,” McLaughlin said.

Regarding not voting in Republican primaries, Vivek doesn’t align himself with any particular party.

“In regards to not voting in a Republican primary, Vivek is not a party man,” McLaughlin said.

During the 2024 GOP first debate, Ramaswamy was accused of ripping off Obama’s speech.


President Trump congratulated Vivek for dominating the GOP debate.

“This answer gave Vivek Ramaswamy a big WIN in the debate because of a thing called TRUTH,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post with a video of Vivek complimenting the ex-president. “Thank you Vivek!”

Here are a few of the concerns that have been made by DC Draino and others about Vivek:

Ties to Soros

Last month, Ramaswamy defended himself in a Twitter video for accepting a $90,000 award from the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans.

This fellowship was named after George Soros’s older brother, Paul Soros, a Hungarian-born American businessman and philanthropist, often called “the invisible Soros.”

Vivek said in a video posted on X, “In 2010, I won a scholarship when I was 24 or 25 years old and headed to law school that was partly funded not by George Soros but by Paul Soros, George’s brother. [Paul] made his money independently and who, by the way, is now dead, funded hundreds of people – hundreds of kids. I was one of them, to go to graduate school at the age of 24 or 25, back when I didn’t have a lot of money to do it.”

However, Vivek Ramaswamy was already a millionaire by the time he accepted the Soros scholarship he previously said he needed in order to pay for law school, FOX News reported.

When Ramaswamy accepted the award in 2011, he was a first-year law student at Yale and had been working for several years as an investment analyst at the hedge fund QVT Financial, according to FOX News.

However, recent revelations regarding Ramaswamy’s financial records paint a different picture. In the same year he accepted the award, Ramaswamy reported $2,252,209 in total income, according to his tax returns. He also reported a total of $1,173,690 in income in the three years prior.

Ramaswamy’s Wikipedia page was updated to remove information about his association with Paul Soros, raising questions about the transparency of Ramaswamy’s candidacy according to critics.

According to Mediate, Ramaswamy seems to have paid Wikipedia editor “Jhofferman,” to remove content from his page that Ramaswamy believed would undermine his candidacy in the Republican primary. A few days later, Ramaswamy declared his intention to run in 2024.

“According to the article’s version history, the editor removed lines about Ramaswamy’s receipt of a Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans in 2011,” the outlet reported.

Ties to WEF

Ramaswamy has also faced scrutiny over his inclusion in the WEF’s 2021 ‘Young Global Leader’ list published on March 10, 2021. Despite rejecting the award and repeatedly asking for his name to be removed, the WEF refused.

“The World Economic Forum named me on a list of so-called young global leaders. They did it despite the fact that I turned down their award. They kept my name on that list despite the fact that I repeatedly asked them to take it off because I did not share their values. I’m an opponent of it,” Ramaswamy said.

After two years on the list, Ramaswamy was removed by the WEF after he filed a lawsuit against the company earlier this year, saying, “This is an organization that does a lot of wrong and I’ve opposed it publicly and believe it should be held accountable.”

Mask Mandate

On the topic of face masks, Ramaswamy acknowledged that he made a statement encouraging people to buy masks out of personal responsibility early on in the pandemic, in opposition to government advice. However, he clarified that as the scientific understanding of masks evolved, so did his stance.

“I’ll admit it, my anti-government instincts got the better of me. Because I don’t know if you all remember this, but back in March, April 2020, when I put that tweet out, which said that we should buy masks based on individual personal responsibility or whatever it was that I said, that was in response to the government, including Fauci and the head of the CDC, laughing at people for buying masks and telling people across this country that they shouldn’t buy masks. I have inherently libertarian instincts,” he said.

Involvement in the Ohio COVID-19 Response Team

Ramaswamy’s alleged work with Ohio’s COVID-19 response team was also removed from his Wikipedia page at his request, a move that has raised eyebrows.

According to Mediate, “Also removed from the page on February 9, 2023 was Ramaswamy’s role on the state of Ohio’s Covid-19 Response Team. The editor recorded that Ramaswamy’s Covid-era work was removed from the article by the candidate’s own explicit request, while his Soros fellowship was deemed “extraneous material” by the editor.”

Ties to NIH

Vivek Ramaswamy’s company, Datavant, partnered with the National Institutes of Health to create a database of patients’ personal medical information.

“Regenstrief Institute, Indiana Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CTSI) and Datavant are supporting the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in a national effort to securely gather data to help scientists understand and develop treatments for COVID-19,” according to the news release.

“Regenstrief, Datavant and Indiana CTSI created solutions that will enable the linking of data from different sources without the identifiers, improving the quality and completeness of the information while still protecting patient identities. This process will make data more useful to researchers as they work to understand the virus and develop solutions to address it.”

“Datavant provides the privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL) technology which underpins de-identified data contributions to the NIH COVID-19 Data Warehouse, including the N3C, ensuring patient records are shared safely, securely, and privately in compliance with de-identification standards. De-identified data linkages within and with the N3C will address the challenges of assembling comprehensive patient records in large-scale clinical research due to care fragmentation and data fragmentation.”

San-Francisco-based Datavant is a unit of Roivant Sciences, which Vivek Ramaswamy owns.

2020 Election Fraud

In an episode that promises to be remembered, Candace Owens hosted a heated debate between conservative influencer DC Draino and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy on her well-known podcast, Candace Owens Podcast.

The podcast provided a platform for the two to face off directly.

DC Draino grilled Ramaswamy by calling out his alleged flip-flopping on critical topics, including:

  • Initially believing the 2020 election wasn’t stolen through ballot fraud
  • Supporting former Vice President Mike Pence on January 6th
  • Expressing interest in re-entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)
  • Advocating for “no cap” on educated immigrants
  • Encouraging everyone to get vaccinated

“And just like magic, Vivek changed many of his positions and now claims: -there was 2020 ballot fraud -only wants bilateral trade deals -regrets getting the vax,” Draino wrote on Twitter.

“But he stuck to his guns on “no cap” immigration for high-skilled immigrants Nobody has been asking Vivek the tough questions even though he’s a Big Pharma exec that appeared out of nowhere, so I did,” Draino added.

DC Draino expressed his concerns about Ramaswamy’s past statements, including quotes from his book that seemed to criticize President Trump regarding the January 6 incident and called him a loser.

Draino directly questioned Ramaswamy’s stance on the 2020 election’s fairness, and whether the election was rigged.

Draino said, “I started to dig a little deeper on Twitter, and I came across some passages from your book. And I don’t know which book it is. It’s one of the two. But it talks about January 6, and it says, “It was a dark day for democracy. The loser of the last election refused to concede the race, claimed the election was stolen, raised hundreds of millions of dollars from loyal supporters, and is considering running for executive office again. I’m referring, of course, to Donald Trump.””

The quoted passage is from Ramaswamy’s book Nation of Victims, published in 2022, in which he lambastes Trump for refusing to concede the election’s outcome, dubbing him a “loser” and and detailed Trump’s futile efforts to overturn the results.

Draino continued, “Do you think that the 2020 election was fair? Do you think that Joe Biden got the most votes in American history? Or do you think 2020 was rigged?”

Ramaswamy provided a comprehensive response. He explained the nature of the quoted passage from his book, which he claimed had been taken out of context. According to Ramaswamy, he was actually referring to Stacey Abrams.

“Those exact words I’m referring to, of course, Stacey Abrams, that was literally the opening paragraph of that chapter. And it turned out that those words were literally borrowed from a description of somebody else criticizing Donald Trump that I then cut and pasted,” Ramaswamy said.

Re-entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

“Here is the Twitter Space with Elon where Vivek says he wants to re-enter TPP He backtracked those statements on the Candace Owens show but I called out his flip-flop,” DC Draino wrote.

The post Vivek Ramaswamy’s Voting Record Shows He is Not a Registered Republican, and Donated to Anti-Trump Democrat Candidate in 2016 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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