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A mountaineer shares why K2 is more deadly than Mount Everest — even though it's nearly 800 feet shorter

British mountaineer Jake Meyer says the sheer steepness K2, the Savage Mountain, is critical to why it is considered more deadly than Mount Everest.

Jake Meyer became the youngest British mountaineer at age 21 to climb Mount Everest in 2005.
Jake Meyer became the youngest British mountaineer to climb Mount Everest in 2005 at age 21.
  • Despite being nearly 800 feet shorter than Mount Everest, K2 is a more deadly mountain.
  • Mountaineer Jake Meyer told Insider several critical factors contribute to making K2 so dangerous.
  • On K2, mountaineers face constant 45-degree-angle climbs, no matter the route they take, he said.

"If you asked a child to draw a picture of a mountain, they would draw K2," veteran mountaineer Jake Meyer tells Insider. "It looks like the perfect equilateral triangle with an ice-cream cone, a bit of snow, over the top of it."

As idyllic as that sounds, the mountain — which lies on the borders of Pakistan and China — is far from paradise.

K2, often nicknamed "The Savage Mountain," is so treacherous that, as of August 2022, approximately 700 people have reached the summit, Climbing magazine reports. So far, at least 91 people have died on the mountain, according to estimates from veteran mountaineer and climbing coach Alan Arnette, who previously spoke to Insider's Matthew Loh. (Arnette became the oldest US climber to reach the K2 summit in 2014.)

And in August, the death of Mohammed Hassan, a 27-year-old Pakistani porter on the mountain, made headlines around the world after footage leaked that appeared to show climbers passing by him to reach the summit. In an Instagram post from August 10, Norwegian climber Kristin Harila said that she and a few others spent an hour and half helping Hassan before deciding "to continue forward" to avoid a dangerous rescue. And in an interview with Insider, Harila denied the accusation that she and her team ignored Hassan.

While Mount Everest, at 29,032 feet, is the world's highest peak, it's K2 — a 28,251-foot-tall mountain that's 781 feet shorter — that is considered more deadly.

Meyer, who became the youngest British climber to complete the 7 Summits (the tallest mountain on each continent) in 2005, has climbed both Everest and K2. Speaking to Insider, the mountaineer shared the critical factors that make K2 that much more deadly.

Jake Meyer has summited Mount Everest and K2 multiple times. He told Insider the experience can differ vastly depending on the route climbers take.
Jake Meyer on the summit of K2.
Jake Meyer on the summit of K2.

"I've now done three trips to K2 and have climbed on two routes there, and two trips to Everest and summited via two routes," Meyer, 39, said. "And like any mountain, it does depend quite significantly on what routes you are on." 

The two most common routes climbers take on Mount Everest are the South Col and the North Ridge, he said.

South Col is the route originally taken by Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgaye, considered the first climbers to successfully summit Everest on May 29, 1953. It features the Khumbu Icefall, which Meyer described as an "incredible labyrinth of ice" formed by a melting glacier, huge crevasses, and the steep Lhotse Face — where climbers traverse 45-degree-angle walls — as well as fields of boulders. 

The North Ridge is the other popular route on Everest and offers a totally different climbing experience, according to Meyer. 

"Because it's north facing, it doesn't get nearly as much snow on it," he said of the North Ridge. What's more, an earthquake in 2015 dislodged steep sections of rock on what was known as the Hillary Step, one of the hardest parts to climb on the North Ridge, Meyer said. 

"Technically it's slightly more difficult than the south route, but objectively it's probably not quite as dangerous," Meyer said.

But when it comes to K2, Meyer said there is no such thing as an "easy" route.

"There are a number of different routes and of course are varying difficulty," he said. "But even the most simple straightforward route is incredibly steep from the second you set foot on the mountain."

Unlike Everest, where some sections of the mountain are relatively flat, every route on K2 "averages 45 degrees from base to summit," according to Meyer.
Meyer climbing the Black Pyramid on K2.
Meyer climbing the Black Pyramid on K2.

To put it plainly, Meyer said, "You could probably climb Everest even if you suffered from fear of heights."

Over on K2, however, every route "averages 45 degrees from base to summit," he said.

"You wouldn't want to leave base camp on K2 if you suffered from fear of heights or if you had vertigo," Meyer added. "It's just the sustained nature of that level of steep climbing."

On K2, Meyer said climbers face increased danger from falling rocks and avalanches.
Traversing on K2.
Jake Meyer traversing on K2.

On Everest, Meyer said it's not uncommon for climbers to forgo helmets for the majority of the climb, except for when they are making their way through the Khumbu Icefall. 

"I don't think I used a helmet above Camp 2," Meyer said of his Everest climb. 

But over on K2, a mountain that features a series of steep, rocky climbing sections, Meyer said it's essential for climbers to wear safety equipment the entire time.

"The second you step foot from the base of the route on, it's crampons on, ice axes, helmets on," he said. "Those stay on all the way to the top." 

"You are constantly bouncing from scrambling over steep, steep rocks to clinging desperately onto steep, snow-covered slopes," Meyer said. He added that "rocks are constantly falling" on K2 and the mountain is prone to avalanches.

Camping on K2 is far more treacherous than on Everest, Meyer said.
Meyer's camp on the Cesen Route on K2.
Jake Meyer's camp on the Cesen route on K2.

On Everest, campsites can generally accommodate hundreds of climbers, even on the steeper parts of the mountain, according to Meyer. 

"For instance, on Everest, Camp 3 on the south is dug into the steep head wall on the Lhotse Face," he said. "But there is plenty of space." He estimated that 100 tents can fit in the space.

It's quite the opposite on K2. "What are recognized as the campsites are very small," Meyer said. "On K2 in Camp 1, you're probably lucky if you could get 15 tents and they are on top of each other."

Further up on K2, Meyer said camping becomes even more perilous as wide, flat sections are basically nonexistent. "I've had times where you've got half the tent hanging off the side of the mountain," he said. 

And it's not just the danger of falling out of a tent climbers face.

Meyer recalled a time he and his climbing partner narrowly escaped severe injuries when a falling rock shot through their tent pitched at Camp 1 on K2 "like a meteor."

"We were like 'Oh my God, that's a very near miss,'" he said, adding that they immediately put their helmets back on.

Because of how "technically difficult" the mountain is and how little space climbers are afforded, Meyer said rescuing an injured person is more challenging on K2 than on Everest.
Climbing between camp 1 and camp 2 on K2.
Jake Meyer and another member of his team climbing between Camp 1 and Camp 2 on K2.

On Everest, the width of the routes combined with the snowy landscape makes getting injured climbers to safety relatively easier than on K2, Meyer said. 

"If you're on snow slopes, you can lower somebody down quite easily because they will slide in a way," he said. He added that "it's difficult, but it's certainly not impractical or impossible" to get an injured climber on Everest down the mountain, provided you can control their descent. 

However, on K2, the topography is rockier, which makes a rescuing someone who can't "help themselves" more of a challenge, Meyer said. 

He also said the paths that mountaineers are often climbing and traversing on K2 are as wide as footprints: "We're talking inches."

That again adds to what Meyer called the "physical impracticality" of assisting an injured climber, who he said requires a team of at least six people — possibly more depending on the conditions — to bring them down safely.

Rescues are also more difficult on K2 because helicopters aren't as available as they are on Everest, Meyer said.
Mountaineers trek along Khumbu glacier as an helicopter flies near the Everest base camp on May 4, 2021.
Mountaineers trekking along the Khumbu Icefall as a helicopter flies near the Everest base camp on May 4, 2021.

According to Meyer, helicopters that conduct rescues on K2 are mostly provided by the Pakistani military and fly in from Skardu, a city in Kashmir that's roughly 20 miles away from the mountain. 

Meyer said chartering a commercial helicopters is an option, but that can be "incredibly expensive," and estimated that one can cost as much as $30,000 to charter.

Whereas, on Everest, Meyer said helicopters are mostly run by commercial companies and cost less to charter. From Camp 2, for example, he estimated that climbers can spend $4,000 to be flown down to base camp. 

Moreover, Meyer said, the helicopters can reach climbers faster — a critical factor in a rescue scenario. "They're flying from villages which are 10, 15 miles away, which is not very far at all," he said.

Another reason why Everest is relatively safer than K2 is because there are more Sherpas on the mountain, according to Meyer.
Porters making their way to basecamp on K2.
Porters making their way to base camp on K2.

Sherpas are a Nepalese ethnic group that have lived on the highest plateaus of the Himalayas for at least 6,000 years, according to NPR. As the outlet reported, a 2017 study found the mitochondria of Sherpas process oxygen into energy more efficiently when compared to people who live at lower altitudes.

Because of that, Sherpas have a unique ability to climb mountains — and fast — which makes them invaluable members of climbing teams and commercial operations that guide recreational climbers to the summit of both Everest and K2.

But while Meyer says thousands of Sherpas work as guides on Everest during climbing season, he said there aren't as many on K2.

The Khumbu Icefall on Everest and the Bottleneck on K2 are considered the most dangerous sections of either mountain, but Meyer said the latter is more challenging.
The Khumbu Icefall is considered the most dangerous part of climbing Mount Everest.
Jake Meyer hiking through the Khumbu Icefall, which is considered the most dangerous section of Mount Everest.

The Khumbu Icefall is often considered the most treacherous section on the South Col of Everest. "It's such a vulnerable point, a choke point that you are forced to climb through," Meyer said. "You are in it for hours. You can't just run through it in 10 minutes. And if you don't time it right and an avalanche comes down the side, you're in the line of fire."

However, when compared to K2's Bottleneck — often considered the mountain's most dangerous climbing section — Meyer said one key difference makes the Khumbu Icefall relatively safer: altitude. 

"For the objective danger of it, the difference is that the Khumbu Icefall is at 5,500 meters. The Bottleneck is at 8,300 meters," he said. Simply put, Meyer said that even if the Khumbu Icefall and the Bottleneck are "technically" similar, the higher altitude of the latter makes it much more dangerous.

The biggest indicator of how much more dangerous K2 is than Everest is that there have been years where no one reaches the summit, Meyer said.
K2, as seen from Broad Peak at 6,300 metres.
K2, as seen from Broad Peak, roughly 26,414 feet above sea level.

When it comes down to it, there is no clearer way to show the difference in danger between Everest and K2 than the frequency in which climbers are able to successfully reach the summit. 

According to Meyer, there are hundreds of summits every year on Everest, but on K2 there have been years in a row where there were "deaths but no summits," he said.

"There are also many years where you just have nobody summitting," he added. "Until maybe 2018, for 40% of the years that people tried to climb it, there were no summits."

Failed summits are mostly caused by treacherous conditions on K2, an experience Meyer said he is familiar with. In 2016, during an attempt to summit K2, Meyer said he and his climbing team avoided an avalanche by just a few hours. 

"The reason why we didn't summit and nobody summited that year was that the Camp 3 got completely wiped out by an avalanche," he said. "We were a couple of hours below it when the avalanche hit, so had we been a few hours earlier, or the avalanche had been a few hours later, there probably would've been about 15 deaths."

Read the original article on Insider

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