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Funniest/Most Insightful Comments Of The Week At Techdirt

This week, we’ve got a double winner on the insightful side with Stephen T. Stone taking both top spots. In first place, it’s a comment about how, whatever you might think about old Twitter, its moderation practices were sure better than they are now:

Maybe I didn’t hear about it, but I don’t recall any stories about Jack Dorsey unbanning someone who knowingly and provably posted CSAM on Twitter.

In second place, it’s a comment about the push to outlaw porn:

Whenever freedom is eroded, porn will always go first, since few people will publicly defend it. Someone may cheer if it gets banned, but eventually, something they value will become the thing nobody is willing to publicly defend. Republicans already know this⁠—and weaponize it to a frightening degree. Same-sex kissing in movies? “That’s porn.” A book about a girl with two mommies? “Yep, porn.” Age-appropriate sex education? “Oh that is hella porn.” They know how well the phrase “protecting kids” serves these efforts. But this isn’t about “protecting” kids, so much as it’s about controlling them⁠—much like how this fight against porn isn’t about the porn, so much as it’s about opening a door to censoring content that conservatives don’t like.

And since I know some dipshit troll will try to twist what I’m saying here: I don’t support children being exposed to porn, I don’t support porn being in public libraries, and I support age-appropriate sex education because it’s proven to help prevent the sexual assault of children.

For editor’s choice on the insightful side, we’ve got a pair of comments about the RIAA joining the effort to kill the Internet Archive. First, it’s That One Guy on what the fight tells us:

If culture is to survive it will be in spite of copyright, not because of it

78rpm records were some of the earliest musical recordings, and were produced from 1898 through the 1950s when they were replaced by 33 1/3rpm and 45rpm vinyl records.

Lawsuits like this are one of the reasons I have absolutely zero sympathy when that lots whines about those dastardly pirates destroying creativity itself. When they’re throwing fits over the idea of music half a century to a over a century old being able to be listened to without money changing hands it just serves as further evidence of how utterly absurd copyright law currently is.

Next, it’s Crafy Coyote with a reply to that comment:

Just watched the MTV documentary about the start of hiphop
“Mixtape”. Hiphop survived because of people who stood up to copyright, not because of copyright. If undercover cops had attended Kool Herc’s legendary apartment party in 1973 where the genre was invented, everyone involved would be arrested for copyright infringement and hiphop would never exist. Instead, the rappers, many of which were career criminals dodged law enforcement attempts to enforce copyright by hopping state and national borders, so hiphop spread all over the world.

Over on the funny side, our first place winner is BeatrixWillius with a comment about Linda Yaccarino’s ramblings about ExTwitter:

The woman can play bs bingo with herself. Impressed!

In second place, it’s Anon E Mouse with a comment about Canada complaining about its own dumb law preventing news about wildfires from spreading on Facebook:

Ignoring the real issue

Obviously, Meta started the wildfires. They needed a hot topic Canadians would want to follow in the news to highlight the link tax issue, and since nothing newsworthy actually happens in Canada they started the fires to get that one big example story.

do we still use /s for sarcasm or is there a better symbol now

For editor’s choice on the funny side, we start out with a half-hearted anonymous defense of Linda Yaccarino:

C’mon Mike, no need to be so hard on Yaccarino. With what Musk has given her to work with, “empty platitude, meaningless business jargon, nonsense speech” is about all she can put out unless she wants to undercut him, and we know her tenure will be measured in nanoseconds if she does that…

Finally, it’s another anonymous comment, this time about RIAA lawyer Matt Oppenheim:

I am become death, destroyer of culture.

That’s all for this week, folks!

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