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Jury rules cop can't assault, tase, beat nonviolent loitering suspect


A federal jury has determined that a cop is not allowed to assault, tase and beat a nonviolent loitering suspect, then kick him in the face. A report from the U.S. Department of Justice explains former Louisiana police officer Dylan Hudson, 33, was convicted in a four-day trial of a charge of deprivation of rights…

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(Image courtesy Unsplash)

(Image courtesy Unsplash)

A federal jury has determined that a cop is not allowed to assault, tase and beat a nonviolent loitering suspect, then kick him in the face.

A report from the U.S. Department of Justice explains former Louisiana police officer Dylan Hudson, 33, was convicted in a four-day trial of a charge of deprivation of rights under color of law.

The trial evidence, the DOJ said, established that Hudson "physically assaulted a loitering suspect during a daytime arrest in Shreveport, Louisiana."

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It explained, "During the arrest, the defendant repeatedly struck the suspect in the head and face. The conduct described during the trial and played for the jury on video from police dashboard cameras included several applications of potentially deadly force. The defendant struck the suspect in the head with a loaded pistol, tased him at the base of the skull, and kicked him in the face."

But, other officers testified, the loitering suspect, who was not identified, was non-violent through the attack.

And, they said, the officer's violence actually created a danger to the suspect and others.

"Dylan Hudson’s conduct during this incident was unacceptable and he does not deserve the honor of wearing the badge. I hope the victim, our Shreveport community and even the Shreveport Police Department can now begin to heal from Hudson’s unlawful conduct,” said U.S. Attorney Brandon B. Brown for the Western District of Louisiana.

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“This is the first trial resulting in a guilty verdict that we have ever had in the history of this district where the defendant was a member of the Shreveport Police Department."

Douglas Williams Jr., a spokesman for the New Orleans FBI office, explained, "Hudson’s despicable actions have no place in law enforcement. The FBI and its partners are dedicated to protecting the public from individuals who misuse the trust and authority of the badge.”

The former officer could be given up to 10 years in prison when he is sentenced Oct. 26.

IMPORTANT NOTE: It's hard to believe it's really happening, but it is. Male athletes pretend to be females, dominate their sports, and are thereby rapidly destroying women’s competitive sports worldwide. Convicted male criminals suddenly claim to be transgender so they can be confined in a women’s prison and sexually abuse the female inmates there. Men claiming to be female likewise invade women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, schools, dormitories, sororities, shelters, spas and social organizations – and in the process steal women’s scholarships, advancement, honors and myriad other opportunities.

Meanwhile, transgender groomers and recruiters in schools and on social media platforms like TikTok are continually feeding and expanding the current “mass hysteria” craze that has already led countless teen girls to take testosterone and undergo double mastectomies in a pathetic effort to become boys. No wonder the CDC reports 3 in 5 teen girls say they feel “persistently sad or hopeless” and almost 1 in 3 say they have seriously considered committing suicide.

All of this on top of the radical left’s renewed obsession with killing women’s unborn babies via abortion.

The “woke” left’s maniacal attack on women and girls, virtually unreported by the rest of the media, is the entire focus of the sensational June issue of WND’s critically acclaimed WHISTLEBLOWER magazine, titled “THE LEFT’S TOTAL WAR ON WOMEN.” WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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