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Tens of thousands support senator's crackdown on military abortion funding


Joe Biden has lashed out at Sen. Tommy Tuberville's restrictions on the Pentagon for its decision to spend American tax dollars on abortion. Biden called the move by Tuberville, a Republican from Alabama, to not allow mass promotions for military officers to be granted by the Senate, "bizarre." Democrats there, in the majority, still can…

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Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jordyn Diomede Jordyn Diomede embraces her daughter after arriving at Naval Base Guam, May 20, 2021. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Victoria Kinney)

Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jordyn Diomede Jordyn Diomede embraces her daughter after arriving at Naval Base Guam, May 20, 2021. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Victoria Kinney)

Joe Biden has lashed out at Sen. Tommy Tuberville's restrictions on the Pentagon for its decision to spend American tax dollars on abortion.

Biden called the move by Tuberville, a Republican from Alabama, to not allow mass promotions for military officers to be granted by the Senate, "bizarre."

Democrats there, in the majority, still can grant those promotions, but they have to do it one candidate at a time, a move they have not pursued.

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Tuberville's hold on mass promotions has been because he charges that the Pentagon is in violation of federal law with its pro-abortion agenda.

Biden's agenda, meanwhile, has put abortion as a top point.

But thousands, in fact, tens of thousands, of Americans are siding with Tuberville, not Biden, in the dispute.

According to the Washington Stand, an outlet of the Family Research Council, 24,000 signatures were sent to the office of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to "Support Senator Tuberville's Pro-Life Stand."

Tuberville has said he'd release his hold on those military promotions when the Biden Pentagon reverses its pro-abortion payments.

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"Our military should not be in the abortion business," the petition read. "The DOD’s attempt is not only unlawful, but it also politicizes the military, and undermines congressional authority. The focus of our military needs to be on keeping our nation safe, not on furthering a left-wing pro-abortion agenda."

The report noted Quena González, senior director of government fairs at FRC, said, "Not many people know how the Senate works, and those who do have grown accustomed to operating by unanimous consent, where a single senator rarely objects."

But Tuberville is "well in his jurisdiction" to impose the holds.

"Ninety-nine other senators could have exercised the right to place a hold on promotions in order to highlight the administration’s unlawful targeting of the unborn, but Tuberville actually did," the report said.

Tuberville recently told FRC chief Tony Perkins, "If we continue to let them make up laws in their head and only from the White House and not go through Congress, we’re going to have a very, very tough time in this country."

IMPORTANT NOTE: It's hard to believe it's really happening, but it is. Male athletes pretend to be females, dominate their sports, and are thereby rapidly destroying women’s competitive sports worldwide. Convicted male criminals suddenly claim to be transgender so they can be confined in a women’s prison and sexually abuse the female inmates there. Men claiming to be female likewise invade women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, schools, dormitories, sororities, shelters, spas and social organizations – and in the process steal women’s scholarships, advancement, honors and myriad other opportunities.

Meanwhile, transgender groomers and recruiters in schools and on social media platforms like TikTok are continually feeding and expanding the current “mass hysteria” craze that has already led countless teen girls to take testosterone and undergo double mastectomies in a pathetic effort to become boys. No wonder the CDC reports 3 in 5 teen girls say they feel “persistently sad or hopeless” and almost 1 in 3 say they have seriously considered committing suicide.

All of this on top of the radical left’s renewed obsession with killing women’s unborn babies via abortion.

The “woke” left’s maniacal attack on women and girls, virtually unreported by the rest of the media, is the entire focus of the sensational June issue of WND’s critically acclaimed WHISTLEBLOWER magazine, titled “THE LEFT’S TOTAL WAR ON WOMEN.” WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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The post Tens of thousands support senator's crackdown on military abortion funding appeared first on WND.

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