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From daily doodling to having small glass of booze – here’s TEN 10 minute activities which could add years to your life

DOING a doodle every day can make you live a decade longer.

Recent research found that spending ten minutes a day doing something artsy as a stress reliever, from sketching to colouring, could add up to ten years to your life expectancy.

Here are ten simple 10 minute tasks that could add years to your life[/caption]

And it’s not the only little change to your routine that can increase your lifespan.

Laura Stott brings you other simple tasks to give you ten out of ten.

Kitchen disco

KEEPING fit and active has endless proven benefits for our overall health.

But if you struggle to find the time or inclination to exercise it’s worth knowing that as few as ten minutes a day of heart-rate-raising activity can be enough to extend your life expectancy by years.

A brisk walk, cycle, online workout, hoovering or just dancing round the house will all do the job.

And if you can double that to twenty minutes a day, according to data published in the British Medical Journal, you’ll be 28 per cent less likely to die young.

Get arty

Engaging with art can lead to a happier and healthier brain[/caption]

BOFFINS at John Hopkins University School of Medicine in the US found out how engaging with art for a short time can lead to a happier and healthier brain.

The activity helps lift mood, engage the brain and lower levels of stress hormone cortisol to achieve up to a decade longer.

You don’t need to be the next Picasso, ten minutes enjoying anything arty or crafty will do.

This can include drawing and painting, colouring in pictures, model making or knitting, to cranking up the tunes and singing along to your favourite songs.

Bosh the beans

WE all know the importance of eating a well-balanced diet, but what you ingest during ten minutes at lunchtime really could add an extra decade down the line.

Studies have found that eating an optimal diet can increase life expectancy by a decade or more, and the younger you are when you adapt healthier eating habits, the more time you could gain.

For longevity the researchers suggested ditching pre-processed foods as well as high fat and high sugar choices.

Instead of these empty carbs, pile your plate with beans, peas, lentils, nuts, brown rice, oats and other whole grains, and try to cut down on red meat.

Glug a glass

Drink moderately can also increase your lifespan[/caption]

QUITTING smoking and cutting back on alcohol consumption are two of the most important things you can do to add years to your life expectancy according to Harvard University findings.

Their experts discovered even if you don’t ditch the ciggies until your fifties, doing so can still prolong your life by up to fourteen years for women, and twelve for men, meaning it’s never too late.

Drinking moderately can also increase your lifespan.

You don’t have to ban booze completely, just stick to a limit of a small glass of wine daily for women, or two for men.

Don’t worry, be happy

TAKING as little as ten minutes a day to do something that you love has proven to help people stay alive for longer.

Numerous studies have found that people who feel happy live longer than those who don’t, so it really is worth giving precedence to your wellbeing.

You can do anything including spending quality time with family, a favourite hobby, catching up with your friends, or simply some me-time in front of the telly.

Prioritise your passion and take all the time you need to do the things you love for longevity.

Enjoy nature

Simply step outside to your local park, footpath or greenspace for fresh air to lower stress levels[/caption]

ANY activities done habitually that lower your stress levels increase your lifespan by reducing the chance of life-shortening cortisol induced health issues.

These conditions range from heart and cardiovascular problems to depression and anxiety.

Relaxation practices such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing are all effective. Or simply step outside to your local park, footpath or greenspace for fresh air.

Experts from the University of Exeter found people who spend short periods in nature a week, even just ten minutes sitting on a bench, are more likely to have good health and well- being.

Learn to write code

IF the idea of writing code or developing an app sounds impossible, all the more reason to give it a go

Learning new skills and thriving by challenging yourself are proven to help adopt a positive mindset towards aging and improving cognitive and memory performance.

If you don’t fancy launching an app you can try learning a language, a musical instrument or join a social network like TikTok and get stuck in even if it’s for just ten minutes a day.

Don’t let your age become a barrier and adapt your mindset to help gain, not lose, a decade.

Floss your teeth

People who don’t floss increase their risk of death by up to 30 per cent, a study found[/caption]

FIVE minutes spent flossing after brushing your gnashers every morning and night won’t just keep your oral hygiene in good shape, it could prolong your lifespan too.

People who don’t floss increase their risk of death by up to 30 per cent, a study in the Journal of Aging Research found.

The experts found strong links between dental health and the risk of cardiovascular disease which has been linked to gum inflammation.

Your teeth and breath will thank you, especially in your golden years.

Message your mates

SPENDING time with friends, even if it’s just a short catch up over a coffee, twice weekly, has been shown to increase life expectancy due to its positive effect on mental health.

And those who don’t have satisfying or regular social interactions are more likely to suffer with loneliness, depression and increased mortality.

The good news is you don’t even have to meet face to face to reap the rewards of extra years.

Studies have found socialising online can be just as beneficial, as long you have a meaningful connection with those you are chatting to.

LOL at cat memes

Anything that gives you a good giggle can add years to your life by improving your immune system[/caption]

IT doesn’t have to be viral videos of moggies falling off walls, anything that gives you a good giggle for ten minutes or more could add on years to your life down the line by improving your immune system.

Numerous studies show that laughter can help us achieve a healthy body by reducing pain, and lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol and as a result leading to a longer life expectancy of eight years or more.

Anything that makes you chortle or chuckle from a TV comedy to a funny film will work just as well.

Just as long as you are happy and laughing.

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