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Planned Parenthood Sues to Force Women to Complete Abortions, Kill Their Unborn Babies

Planned Parenthood Sues to Force Women to Complete Abortions, Kill Their Unborn Babies

Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Kansas to hide life-saving information from pregnant women and basically force them to kill their unborn babies even if they have a change of heart. The lawsuit challenges a new state law that requires abortion providers to inform women about the abortion pill reversal treatment, a safe and […]

The post Planned Parenthood Sues to Force Women to Complete Abortions, Kill Their Unborn Babies appeared first on LifeNews.com.

Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit Tuesday in Kansas to hide life-saving information from pregnant women and basically force them to kill their unborn babies even if they have a change of heart.

The lawsuit challenges a new state law that requires abortion providers to inform women about the abortion pill reversal treatment, a safe and effective method of reversing the abortion drug mifepristone that can save an unborn baby’s life.

Responding to the case, Danielle Underwood, director of communications at Kansans for Life, said the abortion industry is “aggressively working to speed up the decision-making process, seemingly forcing women into abortion without discussion of alternatives.”

Underwood said women have the right to be informed about abortion risks and alternatives before going through with ending their unborn baby’s life.

For many years, Kansas has required abortion facilities to provide informed consent to women at least 24 hours prior to their abortion. This year, the Kansas Legislature amended the Woman’s Right to Know Act to include information about the abortion pill reversal treatment, which has saved more than 4,500 unborn babies to-date.

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The law ensures that women:

– receive information about the medical risks of abortion
– have the chance to see the ultrasound and hear the heartbeat of her unborn baby
– learn the gestational age of her unborn baby
– be informed of any disciplinary actions against the abortionist
– receive information about the abortion pill reversal treatment

In its lawsuit, the Planned Parenthood abortion chain argued that the law “undermines the principles of bodily integrity and decisional autonomy that underlie the doctrine of informed consent” and violates doctors’ freedom of speech, according to Reuters.

Here’s more from the Associated Press:

The lawsuit, filed in state district court in Johnson County in the Kansas City area, argues that Kansas has created a “Biased Counseling Scheme” designed to discourage patients from getting abortions and to stigmatize patients who terminate their pregnancies. The lawsuit contends that the requirements have become “increasingly absurd and invasive” over time and spread medical misinformation.

Planned Parenthood also claimed the abortion pill reversal treatment is “experimental and potentially dangerous” – even though research show it is safe and effective. One study found that nearly 70 percent of women who underwent the treatment were able to reverse the effects of the abortion drug and save their babies’ lives. The study did not find any increased risks of complications or birth defects.

By maligning the life-saving treatment and refusing to provide information about it, Planned Parenthood is in essence saying women must complete their abortions and kill their unborn babies even if they no longer want to.

The abortion pill reversal treatment works by counteracting the abortion drug mifepristone, the first of two drugs typically taken to abort and then expel the unborn baby. Mifepristone makes the uterus inhospitable to new life by blocking the hormone progesterone. The reversal procedure involves giving the mother progesterone, a natural pregnancy hormone, to counteract the abortion drug. However, it does not work after the mother takes the second drug, misoprostol, one or two days later.

According to the American Association of Pro-Life OB-GYNs, the abortion pill reversal works very similarly to a hormonal treatment that has been used for years to help prevent miscarriages.

Underwood said the billion-dollar abortion industry profits when women are kept in the dark about abortion.

“It is clear the abortion industry wants a monopoly on the information available to women, especially when disclosure threatens its bottom line,” she said. “No matter one’s opinion on the issue, every woman deserves to be free from pressure to undergo an abortion and to not be kept in the dark about all her options.”

Parties in the lawsuit include Planned Parenthood’s Kansas affiliate, and an independent abortion facility in Kansas City, its owner and one of its abortionists.

The post Planned Parenthood Sues to Force Women to Complete Abortions, Kill Their Unborn Babies appeared first on LifeNews.com.

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