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Новости сегодня

Новости от TheMoneytizer

From rabbit manicures to naughty cocker spaniels – your pet queries answered

HE is on a mission to help our pets  . . . and is here to answer YOUR questions.

Sean, who is the head vet at tailored pet food firm tails.com, has helped with owners’ queries for ten years.

Today, Sean helps a reader asking about rabbit manicures
Sean McCormack, head vet at tails.com, promises he can ‘help keep pets happy and healthy’

He says: “If your pet is acting funny or is under the weather, or you want to know about nutrition or exercise, just ask. I can help keep pets happy and healthy.”

Q) SHOULD you give rabbits manicures and trim their nails like you do with dogs?

My rabbit Pepi’s claws are getting long. Can I clip them myself, as he’s very placid? Or should a vet do it?

Ben Simpson, Warminster, Wilts

A) That depends on if they need this. Which depends on what surfaces they are exercising on and how active they are.

If Pepi is a house rabbit and always on carpets, I’d imagine his claws would get overgrown.

If he has access to concrete and earth outdoors and does a lot of digging and running around out there then they may not need trimming ever, or at least not as often.

It’s very easy, so my advice is a hybrid of your suggestions.

Go to your vet or veterinary nurse to be shown how to do it safely, taking care to handle him correctly and keep his spine protected as they are prone to injury with poor handling.

Then you can trim them properly at home in future.

Got a question for Sean?

SEND your queries to vet@the-sun.co.uk

Q) MY wife and I have a nine-month-old ragdoll cat, Gizmo.

He has had all his injections and was neutered when the time was right, but we have a problem with him scratching furniture and biting.

We have tried everything we can think of, but to no avail.

He has mad, berserk run-around sessions, which we understand.

But he attacks my wife with great ferocity, and her wrists and ankles are in shreds.

He even jumps up to attack her face. On other occasions he will sleep on her knee peacefully.

If we don’t find a solution very quickly we fear we will have to get rid of him, but who will take a cat that bites? Please can you help?

Anne and Brian Shepherd, Hull

A) Is Gizmo an indoor cat? It sounds like he’s got bags of energy — typical for a kitten of his age — and not much outlet to get rid of it.

Hence being frustrated, and frustrating to live with.

Play-hunting, biting, attacking and ambushing are all natural behaviours for cats, but obviously problematic when directed at humans.

So the trick is to redirect some of these behaviours in acceptable directions.

Mainly towards rod and line toys, feather or fur lures and the like. Play is vital.

If he’s not an outdoor cat, make his indoor environment interesting and stimulating.

There are endless ideas and “how-to” articles and videos online.

I’d also recommend building a safe “catio” if you can, to allow him some access to the outdoors but behind a screen.

The thing to avoid when playing with any kitten is to direct hunting play towards the arms, hands and feet as this can lead to disinhibition of biting or scratching behaviour and result in aggressive play behaviours, just as you’re experiencing now.

Q) PLEASE can you help us with our two cocker spaniels, who are aged one and two?

The younger one is terrible on his leash and it is not a pleasurable experience walking him.

They are also both excessive barkers when in the house.

We have tried whistles and a bark buddy, with absolutely no effect. Any advice please?

Julie Davidson, Newcastle upon Tyne

A) It is tricky to give effective advice without observing you and your dogs in action.

There are dog and human factors to most behavioural problems and any good behaviourist will want to visit to observe how you interact with, train and correct your dog, before giving you tips to resolve the issues you’re having.

The leash issue is separate to the barking issue. The latter may have completely different underlying ­motivations between both dogs.

So I’d enlist the help of a qualified animal behaviourist, not a dog trainer, to come and give you a hand.

Star of the week

RESCUE greyhound Bond is a real-life Scooby-Doo who investigates paranormal phenomena.

The seven-year-old dog is part of the Paranormal Rescue team run by Brian Sterling-Vete, 64, and his wife Helen Wuorio, 53, from Manchester.

Rescue greyhound Bond is a real-life Scooby Doo who investigates paranormal phenomena

And as well as spotting spooks he is also bravely battling cancer.

Helen said: “We realised he has a psychic intuition and joins our investigations. He is also being very brave with his illness.”

Brian added: “If Bond reacts to something, with a bark or growl, it’s because something is there. He’s unique.”

WIN: Hotel stay

HOTEL Indigo Edinburgh is giving one reader the chance to win two nights’ B&B worth £300.

It is in the 4H boutique hotel close to the Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle.

The hotel loves four-legged friends, and has “supaw stays” which give dogs their own bed and snacks.

To enter, send an email headed INDIGO to sundaypets@the-sun.co.uk by June 10.

See edinburgh.hotelindigo.com for more details.


HAY fever season is in full swing – and our furry friends get it too.

But the symptoms for cats and dogs are quite different from human ones.

Hay fever symptoms can look quite different for our furry friends

Dr Karlien Heyrman, head of pets at store chain Pets At Home, said: “A common symptom is itching, so watch out for excessive scratching, nibbling and licking on their paws, eyes, ears and mouth.

“This can cause your pet’s skin to appear red, sore or flaky. In very severe cases it can lead to the skin getting infected and them losing patches of fur.

“Make sure you seek advice from your vet if the skin becomes inflamed.”

Although there is no cure, vets can prescribe a range of treatments, including injections, creams, sprays, shampoos and ear and eye drops.

Dr Heyrman added: “It’s best to go for walks early in the morning or late at night when the pollen count is lower.

“The Met Office shares the latest pollen count on its website.

“Gently wiping your pet’s coat and feet after they have been outside will help to remove some of the pollen and regularly washing their bedding and vacuuming is beneficial.

“There are also supplements for cats and dogs to boost their skin barrier and reduce sensitivities.”

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