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Евгений Куйвашев вручил медали Кубка России по художественной гимнастике уральским, омским и московским спортсменкам

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Harry Arnett Shares What Made Municipal Line Successful

In the summer of 2020, Mark Wahlberg, Harry Arnett, and Stephen Levinson launched Municipal; a clothing line that seamlessly blends style and performance, making it easy for active individuals to look good without sacrificing comfort.

A movie star, golf executive, and television producer might seem like unlikely business partners, but together they've created something extraordinary that proves their collaboration is nothing short of genius.

In a recent episode of the Men's Journal Everyday Warrior Podcast, Harry Arnett—CEO of Municipal—sat down to discuss brand’s vision and how its success aligns with Arnett's three core principles for a fulfilling life.

All About Vision

Arnett's impressive history of creating unique and compelling brand experiences for product-based sports companies—including Russell Athletic, TaylorMade, and Callaway Golf—provided the foundation he needed to be successful in the athleisure space.

But he didn't do it alone. Wahlberg, tired of being a brand ambassador, wanted to create a line that reflected his values, passions, and personality. Alongside Levinson, the men envisioned a brand that would make style, quality, and luxury accessible to everyone.

Their vision combined the versatility and fabric of Lululemon, the sports performance and vibrant colors of Nike, the captivating swagger of Supreme, and the appeal of exclusive brands like James Perse. The result? Municipal, a harmonious blend of fashion, versatility, and performance that empowers customers to embrace their unique selves without trying too hard.

The Path to Fulfillment

How do you separate yourself from others in such a saturated market? Simple: embrace your individuality. For Arnett, Wahlberg, and Levinson, that meant focusing on their values, work ethic, and passion. These three tenets are also rooted in Arnett's core principles for leading a successful and fulfilling life.

1. Follow Your Values

The key to a fulfilling life is simply following your values. That's the ethos behind Arnett's first principle. Pursuing what truly matters allows you to craft a life that's uniquely your own. Arnett says to define these as early as possible because "to follow your values, you must know what they are."

His team embodies this philosophy. Rather than replicating existing brands, they prioritized innovation, versatility, and style to carve out a niche. This dedication to their values is evident in everything from their designs and marketing to their business practices. At its core, Municipal is a brand committed to authenticity, originality, and creativity. By following their values, the founders created something unique and inspiring.

2. Dream, Plan, Hustle, Repeat

Dream, plan, hustle, repeat is the powerful message behind Arnett's second principle. It's easy to get lost in the excitement of a great idea, but it requires hustle to turn those dreams into reality. "Don't be afraid to fail; just get out there and try stuff," he says.

Municipal understands this concept better than most. The founders envisioned a brand that perfectly blended performance, streetwear, and comfort—a true fusion of style and function. However, they never could have anticipated launching their brand amid a global pandemic.

It would have been easy to give up or delay their plans, but instead, they doubled down on their commitment. Their big dreams, solid plan, and tireless work ethic proved that anything is possible.

3. Embrace Your Passions

Imagine waking up each day ready to pursue your passion rather than meeting the expectations of others. That's the driving force behind Arnett's third principle.

Passionate about sports, luxury experiences, and streetwear, Arnett's team created an authentic, original, and genuine brand. Their success is a testament to the power of embracing your passions and staying true to yourself.

"If you try to meet other people's expectations, you'll never meet your own," explains Arnett. The possibilities are endless when you create something that speaks to your soul.

As the world grows more complex, Arnett, Wahlberg, and Levinson cater to those who value authenticity. From fitness enthusiasts to those on the cutting edge of fashion, Municipal's commitment to quality and inclusivity has earned a loyal following.

Looking to the future, Arnett is excited about what's to come and confident that his team's innovative ideas and bold approach will continue making a positive impact. As Municipal defies the norm, one thing is certain: By following their values, pursuing their dreams, and staying true to their passions, Arnett, Wahlberg, and Levinson have changed the game.

The Talking Series is a weekly segment that digs deeper into topics discussed by guests of the Men’s Journal Everyday Warrior Podcast. A new episode of the Podcast is released each Tuesday.

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