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Sandhurst cadet found dead in her room had attempted suicide the year before

Olivia Perks died in 2019 (Picture: PA)

An army cadet who was found dead in her room had a ‘low risk of reoccurrence’ when she attempted suicide the year before, an inquest has heard.

Olivia Perks was just 21 when her body was found in her bedroom at the elite Sandhurst military academy on February 6 2019.

An earlier inquest hearing found her provisional cause of death was ‘asphyxia due to hanging’ – but another pre-inquest review heard she fell victim to alleged ‘gross sexual misconduct’ by senior officers before she died.

Colonel Robert Manuel, president of the Army enquiry into her death, told coroner Alison McCormick that Olivia’s behaviour had become erratic after being found drunk three times.

In July 2018, following a Royal Engineers visit, she was found drunk and had made a suicide attempt.

Olivia confessed that she wanted to go in the sea, wanted to kill herself and asked for a belt and knife.

She also tried to swallow rocks and attempted to strangle herself.

The female soldier she was with became so concerned she began recording Olivia as she thought ‘it was so outlandish that people won’t actually believe it’, Colonel Manuel said.

Olivia was described as ‘the most wonderful, vivacious and captivating girl’ by her mother (Picture: PA)

After the Royal Engineers incident she was deemed at low risk of reoccurrence and given a ‘dressing down’.

Olivia was also in a secret relationship with a staff sergeant who worked at the academy’s gym, which was against the rules, and while her actions were discussed at various meetings there was ‘no positive action to support her’.

During a trip to Normandy in November 2018 she was said to have inappropriately put her hand on a colour sergeant’s arm, and following the Falklands Ball on February 1 2019, five days before her death, she ‘trashed’ her room and was found hitting her head against a bed frame.

She spent the night in a colour sergeant’s room and missed a parade the next morning. They both denied engaging in sexual activity but the sergeant was dismissed from Sandhurst.

Olivia was on a risk register during her time at Sandhurst and her risk was deemed to be ‘amber’ before being raised to ‘red’ in the days before her death.

Following the other two episodes she wasn’t referred for medical help.

She was an ‘integral member’ of her platoon (Picture: PA)

‘Pen portraits’ of Olivia by her mother Louise Townsend and father Ian Perks were read out during the inquest on Monday by the coroner.

Mrs Townsend said: ‘Liv was the most wonderful, vivacious and captivating girl.

‘From a young age she showed fearless determination to push forward.

‘People spoke of her as that stand-out figure who was so motivated and driven to succeed.

‘She was known for her smile and her wicked sense of humour.

‘She was full of energy and enthusiasm, always willing to take on any adventure, and as a friend she was compassionate and kind. She was always ready to help and support others.

‘She had that natural ability to be at ease with everyone, no matter their age or gender, and treated everyone equally.

‘The enormity of losing her remains palpable, not only within her family but also her massive circle of friends.

‘We are incredibly proud of our remarkable girl and everything she achieved in her life, a life which ended prematurely before she was able to reach her full potential.’

Need support?

For emotional support you can call the Samaritans 24-hour helpline on 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org, visit a Samaritans branch in person or go to the Samaritans website.

If you're a young person, or concerned about a young person, you can also contact PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide UK. Their HOPELINK digital support platform is open 24/7, or you can call 0800 068 4141, text 07860039967 or email: pat@papyrus-uk.org between the hours of 9am and midnight.

Mr Perks described Olivia as the ‘best daughter any father could wish for’.

He added: ‘She was full of energy and enthusiasm, had an enormous sense of fun joining in with anything and everything.’

Olivia had ambitions to join the army while still a teenager, and joined the junior cadets while still in school.

She joined Sandhurst in 2018 and despite being the youngest member of her platoon she was considered to be an ‘integral member’, something both parents were extremely proud of.

The inquest continues.

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