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Hunter Biden's lawyers demand counter-investigations into key Republicans


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By Mary Lou Masters
Daily Caller News Foundation

Hunter Biden’s lawyer sent letters Monday morning calling for investigations into two of the president’s son’s top Republican agitators.

Abbe Lowell, Biden’s attorney, wrote to the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Inspector General regarding former Trump administration official Garrett Ziegler and also to the Office of Congressional Ethics about Republican Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, according to the letters. The probes relate to Ziegler‘s handling of “suspicious activity reports” (SARs) and Greene‘s constant criticism of the Biden family.

“Ziegler has used Mr. Biden’s SARs and other financial records to craft a false narrative that Mr. Biden is associated with a human trafficking ring,” the letter reads. “On behalf of our client, I respectfully request that the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Treasury review and investigate how and with whom Ziegler acted or collaborated or conspired to obtain my client’s private financial records before illegally publishing them.”

Ziegler obtained and published the SARs on his website Marco Polo that contain personal financial information linked to Biden, which the letter alleges were illegally obtained from J.P. Morgan. The letter pointed to Ziegler’s comments on the issue where he claims an “insider” at the bank provided him the reports.

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The letter also brought up Ziegler’s cooperation with House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, Republican from Kentucky, and his use of the reports in a press conference, where he said the reports tie Biden to human trafficking. Several other probes into Biden’s financial records have been weighed against the president’s son, and federal prosecutors are currently deciding whether to charge him with three tax counts.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury confirmed with the Daily Caller News Foundation their receipt of the letter and that it is under review.

Another letter to the House Ethics Committee seeks investigation into Greene‘s continuous “defamatory” attacks against the entire Biden family and whether she violates House rules. The letter alleges that Greene’s conduct doesn’t have to do with making legislation or acting with congressional oversight.

“Representative Greene’s unethical conduct arises from her continuous verbal attacks, defamatory statements, publication of personal photos and data, and promotion of conspiracy theories about and against Robert Hunter Biden,” the letter reads. “None of these could possibly be deemed to be part of any legitimate legislative activity, as is clear from both the content of her statements and actions, and the forums she uses to spew her often unhinged rhetoric.”

The letter addresses specific instances of Greene accusing the Biden family of human trafficking involvement on social media, as well as posting and allegedly mischaracterizing photos of the president’s son. The letter also pointed out how members of her own party, specifically GOP Rep. Mark Green, have recently come out against Greene’s conduct in office.

The Office of Congressional Ethics declined to comment and Greene did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

This story originally was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

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