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Q & A with Native American artist Emmi Whitehorse

Exclusive Interview by Karen Beishuizen

Emmi Whitehorse is a Native American artist and painter. Her work “Movement” is on display at the Honolulu Museum of Art. Other works are on display throughout Europe, America and Japan. Check out her work as it is amazing.

KB: You are from the Navajo Nation: How did you grow up as a kid?

I grew up in a very remote place. My family raised sheep and that was our livelihood. We spent our youth moving with the sheep, tending sheep, helping w/chores around the house and caring for all the animals, and horses. It was very nomadic, summer was spent camping outside, moving sheep from pasture to pasture. Life was off the grid, no running water or electricity. We spent every minute outside. I spent a lot of time on horseback, watching sheep, entertaining myself with coloring books, listening to a battery powered portable radio. All roads were unpaved, so weather dictated travel. In the fall we returned to school, a boarding school that was quite a drive away. Being the youngest, I was always left in the company of adults, or alone. A very lonely time as I thought adults were boring.

KB: Who was a big influence in your life and who inspired you to start painting?

When I arrived at school, it was mostly about trying to comprehend English, writing and adjusting to boarding school life. And again, finding myself alone again. I found nothing inspiring until I met these three people:

My 4th grade teacher – She planned a school trip to Santa Fe, NM. We were treated to a small Museum. I was able to see a bronze and stone sculpture of nudes for the first time in my life. We all blushed of course! I was also introduced to lithography, and it blew my mind!

My High School Drama and Art Teacher – She pushed me to explore other art forms, high school drama, oil painting, competitive public speaking. Made me look up who Picasso was and other pillars of contemporary art. Most inspiring event was her encouragement of entering a competition for Art. An Art Contest for High Schoolers. I entered a small canvas board with an abstracted object in oil paint. It actually won top prize! It came with a small monetary prize also. It was quiet the surprise and made me see what was possible. That experience led me to Art Studies at a University.

My friend Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, an Artist – She pushed me to get out of my shell, keep my eye on the prize no matter what! (A Degree in Art) And get out and show my work and keep trying. And not to shrink from putting Modern Native Art on the map!

KB: Describe your work in 3 words and why these words?

Worlds of microscopic life: Color Movement or Passage of time – When people ask me what kind of artwork I do, these are the words I use to describe my work.

KB: I read that your work is deliberately apolitical. Why is that?

I focus only or mainly on what I know best, and that is my back yard. Where I grew up, looking at land, space and how time and light changes throughout the day.

KB: If you could pick 7 paintings of 7 artists: what would you pick and why?

Oh boy! I can only come up these four for now:

Joseph Boyce- I saw a video of him sitting with a coyote in a room. And that performance had me perplexed for days! As children we were entertained by stories of coyote’s antics, always taunting and showing off to the other animals. As he had the most beautiful coat of all. In the end he lost his coat as he angered all the animals, and they stripped him of his beautiful coat. On the other hand- he was the most hated predator to sheep herders. And we did everything to eradicate the coyote. And there he was, enduring himself to the artworld.

Susan Rothenberg – My first trip to NY, I picked up a postcard of her work depicting a moving horse. But there were heavy lines running across the painting. Like she was defiling her own work or dared to. I have come to really appreciate her brush work, the applying of paint.

Mark Rothko – It’s the sense of being in a sacred space that I love in his work.

Hieronymus Bosch – a scene depicting a village life in winter. It’s the details of every little thing that intrigues me.

KB: I read you never know what up or down is, so you turn the paper and canvas?

When I begin a work, I start with no plan as to top or bottom designation. To start with a top and a bottom for me is too restrictive, static.

KB: Any painter you admire and why?

Currently I don’t have a favorite artist nut I do admire the early painters of Art History.

KB: What is the best work you ever created and why?

“Senega”, “Indian Pear”, “Codswallop” and “Sweven”.

Senega – It is what the ground looks like, as it changes, moves and what it records as people, animals and time passes over it.

Indian Pear – The colour is very appealing to me, a vibrant green with a fiery red dot for the cactus fruit.

Codswallop – The painting was just an unusually happy piece….

Sweven – A very emotional work. My life had changed so drastically overnight. I was totally blindsided by it. But when it was finished, and I stepped back to view it – a surprise made itself
clear. It had turned into a very colourful, playful and optimistic piece instead of showing the hurt, the pain of a broken heart and the humiliation I had intended to show. Sweven means a dream, or a vision. I prefer the vision of a better, happier life.

KB: What are you currently up to?

Currently getting my footing again and being included in some major shows on Contemporary Native Artists Works. All in Institutions that never noticed Native painters ever and for so long. Very happy about those. Finally!

Check out Emmi’s website: HERE
Find her on Instagram: HERE

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