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Charity Mughogho: Named among the top 10 Women bankers shaping Africa’s financial services sector by the Angaza Awards

The Head of Standard Bank Consumer business unit Charity Mughogho has been named among the top 10 Women bankers shaping Africa’s financial services sector by the Angaza Awards.

Mughogho Head Standard Bank’s Consumer and High Net Worth Clients (CHNW) segment and is a member of the Bank’s executive Leadership Council in Malawi.

Announcing the award, Chief Executive, Phillip Madinga congratulated Charity for emerging the first woman bank executive in Malawi and Standard Bank to be picked for the Angaza Awards. The Angaza Awards offer a continental platform that recognizes female senior executives and emerging leaders in Africa’s Banking, Finance and Investment sector. This year’s Angaza Awards has recognized Charity Mughogho as one of the women steering and shaping Africa’s financial services sector.

“Charity currently leads the largest department in the Bank with over 400 employees under her supervision. Along with her long list of accomplishments, Charity pioneered the first roll out of Bancassurance in the market of Malawi where she took a leading role in getting the bank to have the first Bancassurance license in the country. We can proudly say she set the pace in the country and we have now seen more banks setting up Bancassurance since then and benefitting more Malawians,” said Madinga.

In the advent of the digital revolution Charity was responsible for the innovative roll out of Malawi largest digital loan offering in 2021 that offered customers access to up to MK15 Million via digital channels leading to increased access to consumer lending for Individual customers.

Mughogho is key to enabling financial access to all Malawians by managing the bank’s key customer touchpoints such as Personal Banking, Executive Banking, Private Banking, the Branch network and ATMs, Customer Call centres, and Digital Banking.

“Financial Inclusion remains one of my key passions. I believe that through authentically listening to our people and customers, we can create financial solutions that revolutionize the Banking industry and create better lives. I am driven by the principles of ‘purposeful living’ and excellence and excited by new and innovative ways of creating financial impact for a brighter Malawi.” Said Mughogho

The CHNW head is among 10 women from eight African nations to be recognized by the Angaza Awards, now in their second consecutive year. In addition to Malawi, the other honorees are from Ghana, Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia, Kenya and Togo.

“All of us at Standard Bank Plc are extremely proud of this recent win. This is not just a win for Charity but for the Bank and the wider Malawi. Charity is the first Malawian recipient of this prestigious award, and she plays a critical role at a leadership level to support and groom future leaders who will drive our nation’s agenda even further. We hope that the win will inspire a generation of young women leaders within the Bank and beyond to push frontiers of excellence and innovation in financial inclusiveness,” said Madinga.

The Angaza Awards criteria includes an assessment of the applicant’s area of responsibility and contribution to firm performance beyond the organisation they work for . High scores were awarded for achievements that transcended the institution, resulted in industry development, and shared value creation.

Launched in 2020, Angaza Awards has helped raise international awareness of the seasoned professional women shaping and influencing the financial services through their organizations. The 2023 Top 10 Women will be celebrated during the Angaza Forum in Kigali, Rwanda August 3-4, 2023.

Charity Mughogho’s award also follows recent recognition for one of the Bank’s women board directors, Dr Rachel Sibande who was named amongst the top 100 Influential Young people in Africa in 2022 by Avance Media.


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