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America’s Path to a Police State

“Show me the man; I will find you the crime!” These words historically have been attributed to Lavrentiy Beria, the pederastic murdering thug who led the NKVD for Stalin before it transmogrified into the KGB. The philosophy was clear. The...

The post America’s Path to a Police State appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

“Show me the man; I will find you the crime!” These words historically have been attributed to Lavrentiy Beria, the pederastic murdering thug who led the NKVD for Stalin before it transmogrified into the KGB.

The philosophy was clear. The socialist state has no need for principles such as “innocent until proven guilty.” Common criminals are not the issue. The priority is to protect the ruling elite from those citizens who wish to exercise their “unalienable rights” and be led by a political elite that actually represents the will of the electorate.

Those who believe in “government of the people, by the people, for the people” must be neutralized. Those citizens must be targeted by the law enforcement and intelligence organs of the state, each one investigated for who they are until a transgression can be found or a crime simply manufactured.

As the son of those who suffered first Nazi occupation, then Communist oppression, I never thought this day would come.

My father was an anti-Communist student on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain, betrayed by the infamous double agent Kim Philby and sentenced to life in a Communist political prison, which he was liberated from by the Hungarian freedom fighters of 1956.

Never ever would I have believed that America, the nation of which I have chosen to become a citizen, in whose highest political institution I have served as deputy to the president, would become a country of political prisoners and KGB tactics. But it has.

From a pro-life pastor whose home was raided by the FBI on a misdemeanor charge that had previously been dismissed by a local court, to the Jan. 6 protesters who were held for years in jail before even being arraigned, to a former president who had his home ransacked by armed federal agents as his attorneys were ordered to stand outside, we have become that nation.

And today is the ultimate empirical evidence that we have descended into the political gutter.

The accusation against former President Donald Trump is that he paid Stephanie Clifford — doing business as “Stormy Daniels” — to sign a nondisclosure agreement, or NDA. So what? I too signed an NDA with the Trump Organization in 2015 when I became then-candidate Trump’s adviser for national security issues in the run-up to the primary debate, which would focus on those issues. NDAs are not criminal. In fact, thousands are being signed in places of business across America today.

Even if the Trump Organization misstated the purpose of that payment, the statute of limitations on that misdemeanor expired in 2018. The idea that it can be connected to irregular election practices or tax evasion and thus alchemically transmuted into a felony seven years later is absurd, and Alan Dershowitz, a Democrat legal academic, has said as much.

The truth is that the Democrat Party no longer represents the “little man,” or the working class. Instead, it has become a bicoastal political class of elitists who see those who disagree with them as the problem, especially the 74 million who voted for a man who was never a member of the political class.

They have become “The Party.” And just as with the Party of the erstwhile Soviet Union, those who dare challenge their writ must be neutralized. Any dissent illuminates their inherent illegitimacy, be it a district attorney in Manhattan who received $1 million from a super PAC funded by a billionaire who despises the 45th president of the United States; or a former speaker of the House who never even recognized the said president, called him “the resident of the White House,” and detested the fact that 64 million Americans had voted for him.

There is no way back for the Democrat Party. It has become a radical institution that favors open borders, the mutation of children in the name of “transgenderism,” leniency for hardened criminals, and the disarming of the law-abiding. The task of restoring the fabric of the republic rent asunder by extremists who hate the principles upon which America was founded will be the work of those who love “the shining city on a Hill.”

Are you one of them?

Sebastian Gorka is former deputy assistant to the president for strategy, host of the nationally syndicated radio show America First, and author of The War for America’s Soul. Learn more at www.SebastianGorka.com.

The post America’s Path to a Police State appeared first on The American Spectator | USA News and Politics.

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