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Snoop Dogg, John Cena, and 6 other details you may have missed from WrestleMania 39

WrestleMania 39.
  • The two-day WrestleMania 39 event in Inglewood, California, was a monster success.
  • Not everything went to plan, though.
  • Snoop Dogg, a WWE co-host, created an iconic WrestleMania moment of his own.
One of Snoop Dogg's WrestleMania moments may have been improv.
The Miz and Snoop Dogg.

Snoop Dogg made regular appearances on both the first and second nights of WrestleMania 39 at the SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California, as a presenter on the broadcast.

"I'm happy the team wanted me to be a part of it as I was going to come just as a fan, but they asked me to be a co-host, so that made it easy for me," the Inglewood native said backstage during the production.

Snoop Dogg's finest moment, though, may have come at a moment that was least expected.

On Sunday, Snoop and his WWE co-host The Miz entered the ring to announce the attendance.

With this being pro wrestling, drama obviously ensued, and The Miz ended up in a match against Shane McMahon.

But that bout could barely begin as Shane, Vince McMahon's son, suffered an injury.

The injury didn't seem part of the script, as not even The Miz appeared to know what to do apart from jumping around the ring's periphery.

Thinking quickly, Snoop entered the ring and attacked the Miz to take attention away from McMahon and secure an iconic WrestleMania moment for himself.

Watch it here:

"I didn't even know I was going to be in that match-up," Snoop told WWE backstage. "That's what I love about WrestleMania. There's always something unpredictable.

"This is my city, baby. This is my WrestleMania. It's Hollywood."

Logan Paul channeled the WWE icon Shawn Michaels for his high-flying entrance.
Logan Paul.

WWE's Head of Creative Triple-H told Insider last year that Logan Paul blew his mind when he saw his extraordinary development in pro wrestling.

Paul's abilities in the ring seemingly matched his performance level on the mic, yet, at WrestleMania 39, his entrance and how he paid homage to those who had helped train him in the sport took things to an entirely new level.

Watch Logan's electric entrance right here:

Shawn Michaels, the SVP for talent development at WWE, has been helping Logan Paul behind the scenes.

During his heyday, Michaels was a reliable pay-per-view headliner, a four-time world champion, and a WWE icon.

One of his best entrances was when he faced Bret 'The Hitman' Hart at WrestleMania in 1996 as he entered the ring via zip wire — just like Paul did at the weekend.

In an equally clear nod to that match, Paul's opponent Seth Rollins wore pink just like Hart used to.

Rollins defeated Paul by pinfall in their singles match, but despite the loss, the internet sensation remains a clear hit with the company.

John Cena still has it.
John Cena.

More matches will live long in memory than Austin Theory's opening night victory over John Cena. Still, this booking showed one thing — Cena is a superstar regardless of whether he's on the silver screen or rushing to the WWE ring.

In his entrance, which you can see below, Cena is accompanied by kids from Make-A-Wish — a charity he has long been an ambassador for and holds the record for making the most wishes come true.

When he says it's time to go to work, the camera follows him down the ramp to show off the sheer size of the SoFi Stadium and just how well-attended and spectacular the event looked.

In the match itself, the build-up to the finish — which saw Theory prevail after a low blow — felt anticlimactic.

But Cena forever remains a box office attraction.

Brock Lesnar's match with Omos was timed to perfection.
Brock Lesnar and Omos.

There are few occasions when Brock Lesnar, a champion in both WWE and UFC, would have looked undersized and been regarded as an underdog.

But that's precisely what happened when he faced Omos, who is 7-foot-4 and more than a foot taller than The Beast Incarnate.

When heavyweights are this big, fans don't expect technical finesse but two meaty men slapping each other around without overstaying their welcome — and that's exactly what was delivered.

Pound-for-pound, Rhea Ripley may be one of the most powerful athletes in the sport.
Rhea Ripley.

It takes a great amount of strength to pick people up and throw them around like they're nothing, yet Rhea Ripley manages to do this over and over again.

Pound-for-pound — meaning, if all athletes were the same shape and size, who would come out on top in terms of a specific skill — few would be more powerful than Ripley.

Her championship win over her historic rival Charlotte Flair was a long time coming, but there was no more fitting way for her to achieve the victory than a Riptide from the top rope.

Such a maneuver showed exactly what sets Ripley apart.

Watch it right here: 

An injury to Finn Balor shows that pro wrestling is real.
Brood Edge and 'Demon' Finn Balor.

Few things frustrate the sport more than when critics claim pro wrestling is fake.

Organizations like WWE are soap operas with stunt performers, and the various injuries sustained in and out of the ring show that pro wrestling is very real.

Just look at Finn Balor, who was wrestling as "The Demon" on Sunday against "Brood" Edge, losing an 18-minute long Hell in a Cell match.

During the show, Balor cut his head when he clattered a ladder.

But because of all his make-up, it was difficult to see just how bad the injury was until he posted a photo on Instagram after the event.

See it right here:

The Roman Reigns win over Cody Rhodes means one thing.
Roman Reigns beat Cody Rhodes.

Pre-event expectancy was that the Cody Rhodes storyline was building to such a crescendo that a victory over long-reigning WWE champion Roman Reigns felt like a foregone conclusion.

But WWE's ability to surprise — if not frustrate — some of its fans continued as Reigns beat Rhodes after a 34-minute match.

Reigns became champion in August 2020 when he defeated Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman to begin his second term as a king of the ring.

After beating Rhodes, that tenure was extended to 946 days, and it means a significant milestone of 1,000 days as champion is now in the cards, provided he can keep the belt for another couple of months.

Vince McMahon now has a mustache.
Vince McMahon has a moustache.

Between WrestleMania 39's opening night and closing night CNBC reported that Hollywood talent and media agency Endeavor was buying WWE, fending off interest from Saudi Investment Fund.

Vince McMahon confirmed the deal with Endeavor boss Ari Emmanuel the following day Monday.

The news is interesting as it will create a new super sports group that will see another Endeavor property, the UFC, merge with WWE.

This sports group values UFC and WWE at approximately $21 billion.

Perhaps even more interestingly, though, is the fact McMahon seemingly grew a new mustache for the announcement.

"It's the next evolution of the WWE," McMahon said on CNBC.

Emmanuel told CNBC: "This is going to be UFC 2.0 … we have unbelievably attractive economics."

Read the original article on Insider

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