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I’m a stress expert – the 12 signs you need to act to avoid life-threatening conditions and 5 ways to cut symptoms

ALMOST 80 per cent of us suffer monthly stress, posing the  risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks and mental health conditions including anxiety and  depression.

And it is one of the most common reasons for taking time off work, with GPs issuing almost a million sick notes for people with stress-related conditions last year.

Almost 80 per cent of us suffer monthly stress, posing the risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks and mental health conditions[/caption]
Make time for things you enjoy and leave you feeling relaxed, whether it’s mindfulness, reading, a walk, sport or watching TV[/caption]

For Stress Awareness Month this April, experts are encouraging people to put themselves back in the driving seat by ­managing everyday stress to stop it becoming a health problem.

Stress is the body’s reaction to feeling threatened or under ­pressure and we experience it day to day.

But too much stress can affect our mood, our body and our relationships, leaving us feeling anxious and irritable with reduced self-esteem.

‘We live in ­challenging, unpredictable times’

Neil Shah, founder of the Stress Management Society, which is behind the awareness month, said: “We launched the Stress Management Society 20 years ago to help create a ­happier, healthier and more resilient world.

“Yet it seems we are moving further away from that goal.

“We live in extremely ­challenging and unpredictable times, where a build up of, or too much, stress is a big ­problem. But we’re still not ­comfortable talking about it.

“We need to remove the guilt, shame and stigma associated with it so that people feel ­comfortable putting their hand up and saying: ‘I’m struggling and overwhelmed.’ ”

A racing heart, fast and ­shallow breathing, increased blood pressure, raised temperature, tightened muscles and ­gritted teeth are all signs your body is dealing with stress.

An inability to think clearly, tearfulness or anger, panic and anxiety are also signs that you are overwhelmed and need to act.

Neil explained how unhealthy levels of stress are different to passing, everyday moments. 

He said: “Recognising that the stress or pressure you are under is greater than you have the ­capacity to cope with is the clearest sign that your stress ­levels are bad for your wellbeing.

“It’s a bit like a bridge that needs reinforcements to bear the load. It will show the signs of ­buckling before it collapses ­altogether and it’s important to spot those early signs.

“We’re designed to experience stress, and it can be a good thing when you are running for a bus or train or doing sport.

“But it’s meant to help you survive in a given moment. 

“We’re not designed to be in that state ­constantly. It’s extremely exhausting and requires a lot of energy, which is why you feel so tired after a stressful day. If you find you are going to sleep feeling stressed and ­waking up feeling the same way, it’s a vicious cycle and you should act to help yourself.”

In the UK, 74 per cent of ­people have felt so stressed they have been overwhelmed or left unable to cope, according to the Mental Health Foundation.

Inpatient hospital admissions caused by stress-related illnesses cost around £8.13billion, according to a report by Statistica.

And some 79 per cent of British adults say they feel stressed at least one day a month, with women more stressed than men, according to Human Resources company CIPHR.

 Work, money worries, family and health are the main causes.

Neil said stress-relieving ­remedies and apps can feel like they help but they are not the ­solution.

He said: “There is no quick fix. It requires time and effort. If you want those feelings to change, you have to better equip yourself to cope with stress and get back in the driving seat.”

This means breaking bad ­habits including too much screen time, not enough sleep, too little exercise or water, isolation, poor diets and not enough down-time or time spent outdoors.

He added: “If you make ­lifestyle changes and you are still struggling to stabilise yourself, then it might be time to see a professional like a GP or counsellor.”


The Stress Management Society says . . . 

STAY CONNECTED. Look after your social wellbeing by staying in touch with others. Pick up the phone, talk, and ask for help.

GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Set up a good bedtime routine and make your bedroom a tech-free zone. This will force you to switch off in this “always on” world.

PRIORITISE AND ORGANISE. Even if you work from home, try to keep work and personal space separate, create boundaries and prioritise the most important tasks for the start of the day.

EAT HEALTHILY. Reduce sugar consumption to avoid energy crashes, avoid relying on stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

SELF-CARE. Make time for things you enjoy and leave you feeling relaxed, whether it’s mindfulness, reading, a walk, sport or watching TV.

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