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British angler catches huge 222lb catfish after it dragged his boat half a mile

The struggle lasted almost an hour.

Ditch Ballard and his catch
Mr Ballard couldn’t believe the size of the bite (Picture: BPM Media)

A British angler was lost for words when he hooked the biggest catch of his life and managed to nab a 222lb catfish.

Ditch Ballard, 37, encountered the huge creature while fishing in Spain, as it dragged his boat for an hour after getting a bite.

The catfish was 9ft long, making it 3/4 of the length of Ballard’s boat – with the plucky fisherman describing the wrestle as the ‘biggest battle of his fishing career.’

At the time, temperatures in the River Ebro were freezing, making Ballard’s efforts even more impressive.

BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833) Pic: DitchBallard/BNPS A British angler has caught a monster 222lb catfish which dragged his boat almost a mile in an epic hour-long struggle. Ditch Ballard, 37, was carp fishing on the bank of the River Ebro in Spain when the 9ft creature became attached to his rod. He hopped in his 12ft long aluminium craft and summoned all his strength to reel in the fish in the 'biggest battle of his fishing career'. He contended with freezing temperatures which left him trying to hold on to his catch while 'shivering uncontrollably'. Ditch, who moved from Watford to southern Catalonia six years ago, runs the angling holiday company Ebro Mad Cats.
Ditch Ballard described his encounter with the mammoth fish as the ‘biggest battle of his fishing career’ (Picture: DitchBallard/BNPS)

‘With an air temperature of -3C the wind chill actually made it feel unbearable,’ he recalled.

Ballard, who moved from Watford to Southern Catalonia six years ago said: ‘I was carp fishing, but the bend in the little 10ft rod suggested I was likely attached to a catfish.

‘The line was uncontrollably ripping off the reel so I untied my boat and set sail, without pausing to grab my hat or my shoes from the bivvy.

‘The next hour was simply painful; as my muscles fatigued and the adrenaline wore off, my body temperature began to crash, and I found myself crouched in the bottom of the boat trying to hold on whilst shivering uncontrollably.

‘Eventually the leader knot appeared in the darkness and I knew my prize was close.

‘What I didn’t know is just how far I had been towed down river – I was now over 1km from home.

‘I struggled to put on the gloves and began hand lining, putting way more pressure on that hook than should be possible. I needed this battle to be over one way or another, so I just pulled with all I had left in me.

BNPS.co.uk (01202 558833) Pic: DitchBallard/BNPS A British angler has caught a monster 222lb catfish which dragged his boat almost a mile in an epic hour-long struggle. Ditch Ballard, 37, was carp fishing on the bank of the River Ebro in Spain when the 9ft creature became attached to his rod. He hopped in his 12ft long aluminium craft and summoned all his strength to reel in the fish in the 'biggest battle of his fishing career'. He contended with freezing temperatures which left him trying to hold on to his catch while 'shivering uncontrollably'. Ditch, who moved from Watford to southern Catalonia six years ago, runs the angling holiday company Ebro Mad Cats.
After taking pictures with the huge creature, Ballard released it back into the water (Picture: DitchBallard/BNPS)

‘Each time the fish ran I nearly lost a digit, as by this time my hands were so cold they weren’t really doing what my brain was telling them.

‘With the rod fully compressed, and the drag on the reel screwed up tight, I was actually lent back into that fish with all 13st of me.

‘If the line had snapped at that moment I would have almost gone overboard into 6C water.

‘Eventually over 2.5m of catfish surfaced, and I managed to get a hand on its jaw.

‘I was physically and mentally exhausted but had to give one last push to secure my prize.

‘It was the biggest battle of my fishing career, yet I wouldn’t wish it on anyone!’

After laying his catch down to photograph its immense size and strange appearance, Ballard released it back into the water.

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