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Former MI5 Agent Reveals On His Deathbed- " I Killed Princess Diana Because She Knew Secrets Of Royalty( VIDEO )


Princess Diana – the people’s princess. She was adored by everyone who knew her, and she brought light wherever she went. She was known for her compassion and kindness, grace and elegance. Life was cruel to steal her so young from her people, at such a young age, too.

Her death since then has affected thousands all over, especially when news of her death first leaked. The entire world was in mourning. Even now, many years later, her death still leaves a scar in the hearts of her people. Everyone thought, and it was investigated, too, that her death was caused by paparazzi chasing her, causing her and her then lover’s car to crash, resulting in the ill-fated lovers passing away immediately upon impact.

However, new evidence has been found. Or rather, someone has stepped forward to confess his crimes, after so many years. John Hopkins, a retired MI5 agent, has since made some terribly astonishing confessions since...








































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he’d received orders directly from Prince Philip – and we had to make it look like an accident. I’d never killed a woman before, much less a princess, but I obeyed orders. I did it for Queen and country." He went on to claim that this went up so high in the hierarchy and that there is no free press in Britain at all, claiming that "British journalists all answer to editors who answer to oligarchs who all want knighthoods from the crime family at Buckingham Palace. There is no free press in Britain, "

He then proceeded to confess that if Prince Phillips were to take a test, he would

Prince William Dismissed Prince Harry's Romantic Trip to Botswana With Meghan Markle? Kate Middleton's Husband Reportedly Had Brutal Response About Sussexes' 'Starry-Eyed' Vacation

Prince Harry and Prince William were reportedly not on the same page when it came to Meghan Markle. Kate Middleton's husband was not as thrilled when he learned that his younger brother had taken Markle to Botswana.

Prince William Had Brutal Response To Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's Botswana Trip

King Charles' two sons were very close growing up. However, there was reportedly a falling-out between the royal siblings after Prince Harry married Markle.

Royal author Tina Brown, author of The Palace Papers, shared Prince William's alleged reaction after learning that his brother took Markle to Botswana. The heir apparent wasn't impressed because the former Suits star was not the only woman he took to Africa.

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Brown wrote in her book, per Showbiz CheatSheet:

"William knew Harry all too well and feared he was heading for trouble. Every time his brother fell in love, it was an eruption of Vesuvius."

Prince Harry gave Prince William a "starry-eyed" version of his and Markle's trip to Botswana, and here's what the Prince of Wales reportedly said:

"You do realize this is the fourth girl you've taken to Botswana."

Prince William was reportedly nervous about the speed at which Prince Harry's relationship with Markle was going. The future king was also concerned about Harry's "mental fragility" that he might not be able to control the pressure.

What Did Prince Harry Say About His Botswana Trip With Meghan Markle?

In the Sussexes' Netflix docuseries Harry & Meghan, the royal couple visited the early years of their relationship, including their trip to Africa. Prince Harry and Markle romanticized the vacation.

Prince William's brother said this about the trip:

"We had to get to know each other before the rest of the world, before the media sort of, you know, joined it."

Markle said this about their vacation, per People:

"We could both just be completely ourselves. There's no distraction. There was no cell phone reception. There's no mirror. There's no bathroom. And there was no, how do I look? Thankfully, we really liked each other."

READ MORE: Kate Middleton Paranoid? Prince William’s Wife Is Reportedly Worried About Prince Harry, Meghan Markle’s Attendance at King Charles’ Coronation After Sussexes’ Attack Her in Spare, Netflix Docuseries

Following their trip to Africa, their romance picked up in London and Toronto. They reportedly had a strict two-week rule that they had to see each other at least once every 14 days.

Prince Harry said:

"Those first few months when no one knew. It made much more sense for her to come to me so that then she can come and stay with me on Kensington Palace grounds."

He added:

"We can then jump in the car and head up to Windsor and go for walks around Frogmore, and do all these things together so that we can get to know each other without someone taking a photograph and then it becoming news."

Do you agree with Prince William about his concerns regarding Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's relationship?

Stay tuned for more news and updates about Prince William.

Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie's relationship was reportedly put to the test after Spare release.

The close relationship between Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie was put to a test earlier this year after the Duke of Sussex released his memoir called Spare, a new report claimed.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Meghan Markle Caught Lying Again? Duchess' Old Blog Post 'Dishing' On Kate Middleton Exposed

Prince Harry And Princess Eugenie’s Relationship Got Tested?

Sources suggested that Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie spent weeks without speaking to each other amid the controversies surrounding Meghan Markle’s husband when his highly anticipated book hit the shelves. An insider claimed:

"The release of Spare and the interviews surrounding it ruffled Eugenie’s feathers. She was like, ‘What the hell are you doing?’"

In Spare, Prince Harry made unsavory accusations about Prince William, Kate Middleton, King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla.

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The informant furthered:

"It was the first time there had been a sense of awkwardness between Harry and Eugenie, and they went a few weeks without speaking."

Despite this, Princess Eugenie reportedly never shut Prince Harry out. The tipster added:

"It was horrible, but once the dust settled and Harry explained why he wanted to get his side of the story out, she saw where he was coming from. All Eugenie wants is for Harry to bridge the divide with the royal family."

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Princess Eugenie Wants To Follow Prince Harry In The U.S.?

Meanwhile, other reports claimed that Prince Harry knew about Princess Eugenie's second pregnancy long before the rest of the world. A spy revealed to Life & Style:

"He was one of the first people told. [Harry and Meghan Markle] couldn’t be happier for them. They immediately sent over some organic baby clothes with a handwritten note of congratulations."

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Most, if not all, royal followers are aware that Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie maintained their close bond forged when their mothers – the late Princess Diana and Sarah Ferguson – used to set up playdays at Kensington Palace in London.

A mole shared:

"They always have each other’s back. [Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie] used to race bikes and climb trees together as kids. Harry and Eugenie are still as thick as thieves."

Speculations are also rife that pregnant Princess Eugenie is eyeing a move to Prince Harry’s newly adopted hometown of Montecito, Calif. The sister of Princess Beatrice previously lived in New York City for two years.

A tattler stated:

"She was one of the few people who were understanding when Harry and Meghan left England for the United States. Eugenie and Jack visited them in California last year and had an amazing time. Harry’s been trying to persuade them to relocate there, too, and they checked out a few houses during the trip. He would be thrilled if she and Jack became his neighbors."

Prince Harry and Princess Eugenie have yet to comment on the claims that the release of Spare affected their relationship. So, avid supporters of Meghan Markle and Jack Brookbank’s spouses should take all these unverified reports with a pinch of salt until everything is proven true and correct.

Meghan Markle Caught Lying Again? Duchess' Old Blog Post 'Dishing' On Kate Middleton Exposed

Did Meghan Markle Write A Blog About Kate Middleton?

A source claimed the blog post debunked the idea that Markle never thought about what it would be like to marry a prince. True to form for the rogue royal, who made a royal exit to move to Montecito, California with Prince Harry, in 2020, the said blog post is reportedly not exactly pro-royal.

The entry is critical of women who hold on to dreams of being a princess. In the blog post, Markle wrote:

"Grown women seem to retain this childhood fantasy. Just look at the pomp and circumstance surrounding the royal wedding and endless conversation about Princess Kate."

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The wife of Prince Harry revealed that her childhood fantasy was to be She-Ra, Princess of Power. Markle explained:

"For those of you unfamiliar with the ‘80s cartoon reference, She-Ra is the twin sister of He-Man and a sword-wielding royal rebel known for her strength. We’re definitely not talking about Cinderella here."

The insider claimed the revelation did not surprise Middleton. Most, if not all, royal followers are aware that the wives of Prince William and Prince Harry have long had a rocky relationship.

Meghan Markle And Kate Middleton’s Rocky Relationship

Markle and Middleton famously butted heads over the bridesmaids' dresses for the Duchess of Sussex’s wedding to Prince Harry in 2018. A mole told Star Magazine:

"It vindicates what Kate already suspected. That Meghan came into the royal household nurturing this hang-up on Kate. This solidifies why there wasn’t so much hope of a solid relationship or friendship in the first place."

Star Magazine said it is all familiar to Prince Harry and Markle. Fresh off their tell-all docuseries and the prince’s controversial memoir called Spare, they are used to having every word of theirs examined.

A source said:

"Harry and Meghan are just so sick of their critics dredging up whatever they can to try and paint her as a hypocrite and a liar. It’s been happening for years."

The informant said Markle would not be addressing the misinterpretation though the blog post was not an attack on Middleton. It furthered:

"Meghan finds this whole narrative so tedious and beneath her. She’s extremely wary of feeding into it."

Meghan Markle has yet to comment on the claims that she wrote an anti-royal blog post about Kate Middleton years ago. So, avid followers of Prince Harry’s wife should take all these unverified reports with a huge grain of salt until everything is proven true and correct.

Prince William Taking His Revenge on Prince Harry? Kate Middleton's Husband Reportedly Involved in Sussex's Eviction From Frogmore Cottage

King Charles turned to Prince William about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's fate in Frogmore Cottage. The Prince of Wales reportedly approved of the Sussexes' eviction.

King Charles And Prince William Decided About Frogxit Together?

News about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex being evicted from their residence in London, Frogmore Cottage. King Charles reportedly made the decision after Prince Harry dropped his memoir, Spare, in January.

However, sources are claiming that His Majesty didn't come up with the decision alone. He reportedly asked for his eldest son's feedback, and the heir to the throne supported his decision.

A source, who is a friend of King Charles and Queen Camilla, told The Daily Beast:

"Charles is not making these decisions in isolation. He has the support of his son and heir and is working in partnership with him. They are a unit and are closer than ever."

There are speculations that Prince William supporting his father's decision is all down to him wanting to take revenge on his younger sibling who had attacked the royal family in their Netflix docuseries Harry & Meghan and his book.

Royal commentator Daniela Elser suggested that there might be a revenge factor suggesting that Prince William's involvement in the decision raises two questions, per Showbiz CheatSheet:

"How much of this decision was driven by a hard-nosed focus on ensuring the royal family operates as leanly as possible and how much was just good old-fashioned revenge?"
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