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SSG Landers win 2022 Korean Series in front of sell out crowds

They defeated the Kiwoom Heroes in six sold-out games, which attracted over 122,000 spectators. Veteran infielder Sung-hyun Kim batted in game six winning runs. Venezuelan right-hander Wilmer Font earned the win.

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<p>The SSG Landers won on home turf in Incheon game six against the Kiwoom Heroes, 4-3, and clinched the Korean Series title in six games.</p>

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<p>Veteran infielder Sung-hyun Kim hit a two-RBI double in the bottom of the sixth to put the Landers ahead. Former major leaguer Wilmer Font, a 32-year-old Venezuelan right-hander, earned the win, his second in the series.</p>

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<p>With the teams tied at two, the Korean Series lived a dramatic turning point in Game Five. The Heroes took a 4-0 lead into the sixth. The Landers came from behind to clinch a dramatic win on a three-run walk-off home run by pinch hitter Kang-min Kim off reliever Won-tae Choi.</p>

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<p>The SSG Landers field in Incheon hosted Games 1, 2, 5 and 6. The Gocheok Sky Dome in Seoul, one of the venues of the WBSC Premier12 2019, hosted Games 3 and 4. All six games were sold out and combined over 122,000 spectators.</p>

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<p><strong>All the results</strong></p>

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<p>1 November Kiwoom Heroes-SSG Landers 7-6 <br>2 November SSG Landers-Kiwoom Heroes 6-1<br>4 November SSG Landers-Kiwoom Heroes 8-2 <br>5 November Kiwoom Heroes-SSG Landers 6-3<br>7 November SSG Landers-Kiwoom Heroes 5-4 <br>8 November SSG Landers-Kiwoom Heroes 4-3</p>

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<p>The SSG Landers joined the Korea Baseball Organization (KBO) league in 2000. They were known as the SK Wyverns until the 2021 season and won four Korean Series titles as the Wyverns.</p>

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<p>They became the first team in KBO history to spend the whole regular season in first place. They finished with 88 wins, 52 losses and four ties and earned their right to play in the Korean Series.</p>

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<p>The Kiwoom Heroes, originally the Hyunday Unicorns and the Nexen Heroes, eliminated the defending champions KT Wiz in a very tight Semi-Playoff series, three games to two.</p>

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<p>They went on to beat the second-place LG Twins in the best-of-five Playoff series, three games to one.</p>

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