India on Thursday said it is keeping a "close" eye on developments relating to the attack on former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan during his protest march in Pakistan's Punjab province.
"This is something that we are closely keeping an eye on and we will continue to monitor the ongoing developments," External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said in responding to a question at a media briefing.
Khan was injured on Thursday when an unidentified gunman opened fire on the container-mounted-truck carrying him during his protest march in the eastern city of Wazirabad.
Seventy-year-old Khan was leading the march to capital Islamabad to demand snap elections.
The incident occurred near Allahwala Chowk of Wazirabad town in Punjab. Asad Umar, the senior leader of Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party, told the media that a bullet hit Khan's leg.
"Khan is being taken to Lahore by road. He is not critical but he received a bullet injury," Umar said, adding that Khan's oppon