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Get ready to see orange juice prices spike at the grocery store thanks to Hurricane Ian

Octavio Rita picks oranges from a tree in one of the Peace River Packing Company groves on February 01, 2022 in Fort Meade, Florida. A U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast announced that Florida is on pace to produce its smallest crop of oranges since 1944 -1945. One of the major causes of the low yield is the citrus greening disease, a bacteria that can cause massive fruit drops and eventually kill citrus trees.
  • Orange juice prices are projected to spike due to the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.
  • Florida is a major producer of citrus, but the USDA estimates a 32% decrease in production this upcoming season.
  • Florida growers have been adapting to challenges for decades caused by natural disasters and invasive insects.

Enjoying a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice is about to get more expensive.

Central Florida, home to sprawling citrus groves responsible for the vast production of fresh oranges and orange juice across the country, took a hit when Hurricane Ian recently ravaged the state. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) said it could result in record lows for the orange crop. 

Specifically, the USDA projected that 28 million boxes of oranges will be produced in the 2022-23 growing season, which is down 32% from last year's production of 41 million boxes, suggesting that the current price of orange juice — at a record high of $2.90 per 12-ounce can — will climb, as well. As USDA Commissioner Nikki Fried said in a statement, these calculations were made before taking into account the aftermath of Hurricane Ian and will serve as "an invaluable baseline for growers, processors, packers and government in predicting additional crop loss."

"As we move forward in the wake of this disaster, rest assured that I remain steadfast in my support of our Florida citrus growers, and my department remains committed to innovation in the face of the ongoing challenges of weather events like Ian, citrus greening and unfair trade practices," Fried said. "It is heartbreaking to see such an iconic Florida industry hurting right now. This year will be tough, no one is disputing that, but I believe in the tenacity and passion of our citrus industry professionals to come back stronger than ever."

She added that she will do "everything in my power to secure all the available resources for Florida's growers to recover from Hurricane Ian."

According to the USDA, California is expected to surpass Florida as the primary orange producer, expected to make nearly 62% of the country's oranges in the upcoming season. 

Florida growers are no stranger to production challenges. Insider previously went to central Florida to meet with a number of growers who have been battling issues with oranges and grapefruit for decades, not only caused by natural disasters, but also a disease known as citrus greening, which is caused by a tiny, invasive insect from Asia that infects trees, stunts orange growth and juice production, and leads to eventual death of the tree.

There's no cure for the disease and these growing challenges are ongoing, which is why Florida growers are working to develop innovative solutions to stimulate citrus growth. CEO of Florida's Riverfront Packing Company Dan Richey, for example, previously told Insider about his pilot program funded by Coca-Cola, which entails dousing trees on his groves in red clay that the insects cannot see, and therefore not invade. 

And although prices are climbing and citrus might be in short supply, the demand for vitamin C is still there. Jennifer Schaal, the chief financial officer of Dundee Citrus Growers Association, one of the largest fresh-fruit cooperatives in Florida, previously told Insider that "demand hasn't dwindled, so it's been very good for us on our end in providing that vitamin C."

"Demand through the pandemic has been very good for any type of commodity that has vitamin C, and citrus is one of the best ways to get vitamin C directly, either by eating the orange or through orange juice," Schaal said.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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