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What Potency CBD Should You Get?

Sponsored by cbdMD

When it comes to CBD there are lots of different forms and strengths – or CBD potencies – to choose from. With so many options it can be an over-thinking rabbit hole. Today, we’ll explain what all those numbers mean so you can confidently choose a CBD potency for yourself, without all the worry.

First, What Is CBD Potency?

CBD potency refers to how much CBD is in a given sample of CBD product. The more concentrated the cannabinoids, particularly CBD, are in the solution, then the higher the strength, or potency, of that solution.

CBD products tell you the CBD potency in each bottle so you know exactly what strength of CBD you are taking. There will be other cannabinoids present, but the potency is determined by the amount of cannabidiol, or CBD.

The CBD Potency Numbers You Need to Know

Potency (also called strength): On the bottle you will usually see a number in milligrams, such as 6000 mg CBD. This means that there is 6000 mg of CBD in that entire bottle of product. This number is the CBD potency of that formula (whether tinctures, softgels, or gummies, this applies.)

Dosage: This is a measurement of how much you take in each serving. On the bottle you may see a number that says “X” mg of CBD per serving. This is also a measurement of potency, but it is per serving rather than per bottle. If you take a ½ serving, however, the dosage number would be halved.

The amount of CBD per serving is listed somewhere on the bottle. The back label, at the very least, should list a standard serving size and how many milligrams of CBD are in it.

Choosing the Right CBD Potency

Choose your CBD potency based on the size of your body, your individual needs, the advice of your doctor, and your previous experience with other CBD strengths and how they make you feel. Generally speaking, higher potency means more results. Fortunately, there are now high-potency CBD products with as much as 250 mg of CBD per serving available at much more affordable prices than in the early days when CBD was scarce.

But there are other factors that can affect the strength of your results. So if your response to a given CBD product isn’t as quick or as powerful as you want, you can try a product with other cannabinoids such as THC, and also change the form of product you are taking.

CBD Type Affects Potency

There are three different kinds of CBD: CBD isolate, broad spectrum CBD, and full spectrum CBD. The same CBD potency numbering system applies to all three, though most users agree that the wider the spectrum, the stronger the results. CBD isolate is pure CBD, while broad spectrum CBD includes other hemp compounds but no detectable THC. Full spectrum CBD includes a small amount of THC, though usually not enough to get you high. So, remember, potency can also be influenced by the type of CBD you are using.

THC Potency

There are restrictions on THC potency that apply. If you are using a full spectrum CBD oil product, which combines the power of CBD + THC, the THC potency must be kept to 0.3% or less by dry weight of the CBD product, per federal law. Again, the CBD strength you see on the bottle will refer to the amount of CBD in the product, but it also might specify the amount of THC. Normally 1 mg to 4 mg of THC per serving will have an effect but not be intoxicating.

In general, full spectrum products feel more potent because even those small amounts of THC can enhance the sense of relaxation and well-being that the CBD provides, as well as improve sleep. You may want to avoid THC for other reasons, of course (like drug testing), but that’s the most common user experience.

Thanks to what we know about the endocannabinoid system in our bodies – it processes CBD and other cannabinoids to help your body stay in balance – we know that flooding the system with cannabinoids is the key to results. Therefore, higher strength CBD products become the biggest sellers with the most dedicated users.

When it comes to CBD products, with or without the THC, more potency means more results. With the THC, more potency is also important but you may feel that potency in a more noticeable way as you use higher potency products.

CBD Form Also Affects How Potent a Product Feels

The form of CBD you are taking also matters. Some methods of consuming CBD make it more bioavailable, influencing the rate at which your body gets the CBD to your bloodstream and endocannabinoid system. These aren’t huge discrepancies in time, but some products do simply work a little faster than others, and the overall effect will feel stronger because more CBD has made it to your endocannabinoid system.

Generally, absorbing a CBD tincture through a mucous membrane, such as by holding it under your tongue for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing, will increase its bioavailability compared to a form of CBD that you swallow such as a capsule or gummy. So if you prefer the latter form you might require a higher potency product to get similar results.

Remember that response to CBD is also a very individual thing – just because your friend feels a certain way with a certain amount of CBD on board doesn’t mean that you will. Feel free to experiment to find out what works best for you!

The post What Potency CBD Should You Get? appeared first on The Village Voice.

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