Dwell's 540-square-foot backyard home with a black finish.
Home designer Dwell has launched its first multipurpose backyard home.
The company joined forces with Abodu and Norm Architects to build the 540-square-foot Dwell House.
It can serve as a guesthouse, rental apartment, home office, pool house, or a fitness studio.
Dwell has created the Dwell House, a 540-square-foot, one-bedroom ADU that fits in most backyards.
It's constructed off-site and gives home owners additional space without the hassle of construction or moving. Take a look.
The Dwell House, produced in partnership with Abodu and award-winning Danish design studio Norm Architects, is a 540-square-foot space with a full kitchen and bathroom, designed with a California-meets-Copenhagen feel.
Dwell House
It features a 12-foot folding glass door and can be used as a standalone apartment, office, pool house, or fitness studio.
The Dwell House is only available on the West Coast so far and starts at $389,000.
Each house is constructed off-site, shipped to the property, and craned into place. It can be ready in as little as six months.
On-site construction time is only about two weeks.
Houses will initially be available for purchase in Los Angeles, the Bay Area, and Seattle. This floor plan shows the backyard space used as a dwelling.
Backyard houses can add space for guests, a growing family, an aging parent, or a home office, says Dwell CEO Zach Klein.
Adobu co-founder Eric McInerney described the Dwell House as a "new take on the modern home."
The Dwell House comes with appliances including an oven, refrigerator, and dishwasher.
The other room can be used as a bedroom.
It can also be used as a spacious office.
It comes with a bathroom that features a narrow full-height window.
The Dwell House was designed to let homeowners add more space without a lengthy renovation or moving.
The Dwell House can be inspected at Abodu's Los Angeles showroom in the DTLA arts district.
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