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Our WizzAir plane engine burst into flames and left us stranded on holiday – we had to share a room with strangers

A COUPLE say they are currently stranded in a foreign country sharing a hotel room with strangers after their WizzAir plane engine burst into flames.

Steve Fludder and Emma Bradley, both 39, had just enjoyed a week-long getaway in Bulgaria when they were due to fly home to the UK.

MEN Media
Steve Fludder, right, and his partner Emma Bradley, say they are among many stranded in a foreign country after their plane engine burst into flames[/caption]
MEN Media
The group are staying in a Romanian hotel’s out-of-service room and don’t know how long they’ll be stuck there[/caption]

But, Steve claims their WizzAir flight barely got off the ground before it hit a flock of birds, sending the plane engine up in flames as it ground to a halt on the runway.

The pair are now stuck in a southeastern European country, sleeping on the floor of a random hotel, fighting to get back home to Lancashire.

Steve, who owns wrestling company PCW, had booked the last-minute holiday through the budget-friendly company Love Holidays.

While the holiday wasn’t all smooth sailing, the 39-year-old said it really took a turn for the worst as they were due to leave on Tuesday morning.

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Steve said: “We were about to take off, the plane nose had just lifted up a little bit and then it hits a flock of birds.

“Not one bird, a big flock of birds, and the engine burst into flames.

“There were flames coming off the back of the engine and then the brakes hit like there was no tomorrow so it was like the biggest whiplash jolt ever. It was crazy.”

Steve said he and Emma, and the 150 passengers, were shuffled back into the airport where they waited for hours before being told the flight had been canceled.

The pair queued to see what their next steps were and two hours later were told by WizzAir staff the earliest available flight home was on October 8.

Steve said the gravity of the situation sunk in when he and other passengers realised they would have to figure out where to stay.

He said airline staff originally said they would find everyone a hotel – but shortly after said they may not get a room.

And within six hours Steve and Emma were in a hotel in the neighboring country of Romania – with no rooms available.

Steve said: “It was only after around 11.30pm, after they watched our group crying for an hour, that the lovely manager of the hotel found us an out-of-service room.

“It wasn’t used, it wasn’t a nice room.

“But they still gave us that room and they gave us some food, some leftovers from the restaurant so we had some cold food.

“The night in the hotel room was horrible, I’m lied on the floor.

“I’m a big guy, I’m not really built for laying on the ground with a towel for a pillow.”

Steve says he, Emma and four others shared the small room – and may have to until they get a flight home.

We’re not asking for the world, we didn’t ask to be stranded.

Steve Fludder

He said this prompted him to get in touch with WizzAir, who he claims says they couldn’t help him.

Steve says he then asked about accommodation and was told passengers would have to pay for a room themselves.

He said: “I told them they need to help us and she’s like ‘no, no, I can’t help I can only do reservations’.

“This is the emergency contact number for WizzAir what do we do.

“WizzAir should have provided the hotel with food, that’s what they’re supposed to do, that’s the airline, passenger duty of care.

“We’re not asking for the world, we didn’t ask to be stranded.”

Steve added: “My partner’s mental health has absolutely crumpled, this is what we came out for, we come on holiday to get a break.

“You can just see she’s someone who is just worn out by anxiety, I just want to hug her and everything but what can you do – this has ruined the whole experience really.”

Steve says he doesn’t know for sure when he will get home but claims he has been told there could be an opportunity to get his party on a plane to Liverpool soon.

The Sun has contacted Love Holidays and WizzAir for comment.

MEN Media
The group were forced to share a tiny bathroom between them[/caption]

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