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Boursa Kuwait Data now available on “Yahoo Finance” Media Platform and “Apple Stocks” Application

Kuwait: Boursa Kuwait today announced that the exchange’s data and that of the listed companies is now available on the “Yahoo Finance” online platform and the “Apple Stocks” application. Boursa Kuwait announced this as part of its efforts to offer regional and global investors access to stock prices and associated data, and to Boursa Kuwait indices, which could all be added to the users watch list.

The” Apple Stocks” application is pre-installed on Apple smartphones, tablets, and computers. The application sources its information from “Yahoo Finance”, enabling the user to monitor the stock market and follow stocks and indices of choice.

This initiative further builds on Boursa Kuwait’s efforts to provide market data to investors and traders alike, as it falls in line with the company’s aim to develop an informative and tool rich exchange platform for all market participants, supporting them to make sound investment decisions.

As part of this ongoing digital upgrade and transformation, earlier in 2021, Boursa Kuwait introduced its fully revamped and updated website boursakuwait.com.kw and continued to present investors and traders the ability to keep up with the stock market through their platform of choice wherever they are, through the launch of the all new Boursa Kuwait applications. The Boursa Kuwait apps are accessible through iOS and Android based smart phones, tablets, and Apple watches. The integrated system offers stakeholders the advantage of viewing indicators and prices, accessing financial statements of listed companies, and following up on their developments and disclosures. It also offers detailed charts that showcase stock prices over a specified period of time, along with technical indicators to analyze historical data, price movement patterns and statistical trends from trading activity, for a more thorough overview. All applications provide the feature of alerts and the option to create a watch list.

Throughout its journey, Boursa Kuwait has adopted a progressive approach towards developing the operations of the exchange and its informative tools, to ensure it offers all of its stakeholders’ easy access to information, reinforcing its transparency as an exchange. Moreover, Boursa Kuwait is driven by its persistence to elevate the overall status of the Kuwaiti Capital Market with a global echo, through the international standards it adopts, and the far reach and access of quality information it offers globally through multiple channels, fortifying its efforts towards digital transformation.

Boursa Kuwait’s all-encompassing approach takes into consideration the diverse needs of its stakeholders. Coupled with its strong understanding of the local, regional and international business landscape, Boursa Kuwait plays a major role in bringing stability to the local capital market and is committed to ensuring that market participants continue to stay up to date with the latest developments locally and worldwide.

Since its inception, Boursa Kuwait, a self-listed company and one of the government entities to successfully undergo privatization, has implemented many steps in accordance with international practices and standards to enhance the position of the exchange regionally and globally, as well as transform Kuwait into a regional and global investment destination, by focusing on creating an attractive issuer base and broadening its investor base, increasing the depth and breadth of its products, as well as upgrading its infrastructure and business environment to international standards.

The post Boursa Kuwait Data now available on “Yahoo Finance” Media Platform and “Apple Stocks” Application appeared first on Kuwait Times.

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