On Saturday, in the greater Houston area of Texas, children played little league baseball. One such game between the 9-and-under Scorpions Baseball team and Prospects Baseball team ended with a Scorpions loss. It happens every weekend—one team wins and the others lose. Little league baseball (like many youth sports) has a great tradition where both teams and their adult coaches line up and then give one another high fives after the game. They do this as a reminder that they are playing a game, and win or lose sportsmanship is arguably the single most important thing one can learn from organized sports.
Kenneth Wendt is a sergeant with the Harris County Precinct 5 Constable’s Office. He was also the coach of the Scorpions team. I say was because, unlike the government, his little league team has justifiably removed him from that position after he assaulted a couple of the children on the Prospects Baseball team after the game.