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Boys troll me for my fat belly & stretch marks & ask why I’m skinny elsewhere – I don’t care, it makes me thousands

A MUM-of-three has gone viral for flaunting her stretch-mark covered tummy.

Antonia Graham, 25, from Cheshire, said trolls always ask her why she is skinny everywhere else apart from her stomach, but says she is now £10,000 a month from her curves.

@antoniagrahamx/News Dog Media
Antonia Graham earns £10k a month flaunting her tummy[/caption]
The mum-of-three said she used to hide her body but has now embraced it[/caption]

The mum said she started posing for photos during lockdown, but after years of editing her photos she decided to finally embrace her natural body.

Speaking to the Daily Star, she said she had never been confident during her teen years, and tried to hide her body in her early 20s too.

After having three kids, she has now accepted herself for how she looks.

She said: “A lot of people try and hide them [stretch marks] after having children.

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Having babies changed our bodies forever, but we love our stretch marks

“People go as far as to hide their stretch marks, but we all have stretch marks.

“One day I just thought ‘what am I doing wearing over-sized T-shirts and baggy leggings? I spent £200 on a brand new wardrobe, and I’ve never looked back.”

Antonio has racked up over 360,000 followers on TikTok and is regularly praised for showing herself unedited.

Although comments are “mainly good”, she said she does get cruel remarks from “younger boys that don’t seem to understand that not everybody looks like Instagram models”.

In the clip – which amassed 7.6 million views – she clapped back at trolls who called her “fat” and proudly declared that she was actually “morbidly obese”.

One week later, Antonia went from being a stay-at-home mum to a “dream job” earning thousands eating McDonald’s, KFC and Dominos on OnlyFans.

She now earns up to £10,000 per month eating on camera.

Antonia added: “I struggled hugely with my weight up until last year, I was on yo-yo diets and I even did a five day water fast in the hope to lose some weight. I didn’t of course!

“But last year I had a video go viral, it was just me making a joke about my weight and it reached millions of people.

“Along with the floods of hateful mostly men and women were thousands of comments from women that looked exactly like me and had found peace in my video and the fact they were not alone with the way they looked.

“In the comments, someone also suggested I should check out eating on camera and from there, I was sucked into the world of feederism. I started eating for a living around about one week after that viral video.”

Antonia now only works two days per week and says her video requests are not normally explicit.

She continues: “Most of the requests I get are PG rated, barely any rude content is requested at all because my customers are not like ordinary men. They want to see you eat and grow and gain weight.

“I eat mostly fast food like McDonald’s and KFC and usually enough to feed a family in one sitting.

“I eat around 3,000 calories in a meal and it definitely puts a strain on the body.

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“I have been asked to eat three large dominoes pizza in one sitting before! I had to decline as even I have a stopping point!

“I charge £10 per minute for a custom video and I only work Mondays and Fridays but I do have the luxury of skipping often. As I only work as and when I need money I earn below £10k a month, whereas some people in the business earn over £30k a month.”

Although this seems like the “dream job”, Antonia says consuming so much has put a strain on her body.

Antonia – who is passionate about making the world a better place for the plus-sized community – says, “While it is the “dream job”, I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody if they were just doing it for the money. 

“There is a huge fetish community tucked away and they can spot a fake a mile away.

“Unfortunately the job does put a massive strain on your body too.

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“I have probably spent thousands of pounds on food to stretch out my stomach enough for this job. You really need to push yourself to the limit.

“This job did help me find self-love and acceptance of my body but it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows because money isn’t my life long goal.

“I do enjoy my job a lot but it’s not something I plan to do forever. But I am so happy to have built a name for myself within this community and everybody is so kind and sweet.”

@antoniagrahamx/News Dog Media
Antonio has racked up over 360,000 followers on TikTok and is regularly praised for showing herself unedited[/caption]
@antoniagrahamx/News Dog Media
She now earns up to £10,000 per month eating on camera[/caption]
Antonia is passionate about making the world a better place for the plus-sized community[/caption]

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