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‘What’s a scam that’s become so normalized that we don’t even realize it’s a scam anymore?: TikToker says the job-hunting process has become a scam

On Tuesday, a viral TikTok receiving over 745,000 views broke down the "scam" that is behind job-hunting these days. 

Fabio Suave @fsuave5 stitched a popular video that asks, “What's a scam that's become so normalized that we don’t even realize it's a scam anymore?”

"The entire process of getting a job," Suave begins before revealing his inspiration behind the stitch: a job notification he received via Indeed about a client adviser position with a very "vast pay range."

@fsuave5 #stitch with @debtcollective ♬ Love You So - The King Khan & BBQ Show

Suave mentions how it is great the company listed the pay range on the job application rather than the constant interviewing and chatter that happens before finding how much the job is willing to pay. 

Suave then directly addresses hiring managers. "If you are an employer, and you do not put the rate of pay on your job listings outright, ... you fucking suck," Suave says.

Viewers who commented on the video similarly advocated for pay transparency during the hiring process.


“There isn’t a labor shortage, there’s a wage shortage and people know their worth,” another said.  

According to an article from the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, employment seekers are facing many challenges such as affordability with childcare and housing along with low pay being offered at jobs. Significantly, personal motivation was a huge factor due to employers’ lack of response to job applications. 

On top of the constant interviews and not knowing what all is going to come with the job, Suave points out how companies want so much out of a potential employee without regard for the rate of pay. 

“We’re looking for a charismatic, energetic, absolutely dumb motherfucker with nothing going on willing to dedicate all of their time to this postion with a rate of pay that’s cost efficient to the company,” Suave says. “Must be able to multitask and work well in high-paced environments.” 

Suave, giving a mock interview example, continues to mention things, such as the infamous, “Tell me about a challenge you had to face and how did you overcome it,” question and the scheduling conflicts that come with starting a new job and having other commitments outside of that. 

Viewers could not have agreed with this segment more. 

One user commented, “My favorite is when they say they work with your schedule and then they just “forget.””

Another commented, “I hate the overcoming challenge question. I don’t keep a backlog of all of my challenges at past jobs that I’ve overcome, but it’s [the question] at every interview.” 

Another article from BMA Group discusses some of the most prominent hiring challenges in 2022, from low wages not being acceptable as the top reason to the Great Resignation that occurred at the beginning of 2020 and continued in 2021, with almost 48 million people quitting their jobs.

Other reasons have to do with robots snubbing good candidates based on if they are a good fit “on paper” and not having real humans take the time to read their resumes. Also, there have been many changes to different work spaces since before the pandemic to cope with smaller staffs. 

The TikToker then gives his own personal example of a job-hunting experience with an auto shop in which the interviewer allegedly began talking to him as though he already had the job, which Suave says threw him off. 

“He was like, 'I want you here on Friday at seven in the morning,'" Suave recalls.  

Suave then explains how he first wanted to know the rate of pay, which allegedly ended up being $10 an hour with a 70 hour work week and 30 hours of overtime. He says he would be getting $15 in overtime and $20 in double overtime, so, according to his boss, he would be “making it up in the hours.” 

This example went hand in hand with the top reason for high unemployment: low wages with high expectations from companies. 

“There’s not a single lie in this," one viewer commented.

The Daily Dot reached out to Suave via TikTok comment. 

The post ‘What’s a scam that’s become so normalized that we don’t even realize it’s a scam anymore?: TikToker says the job-hunting process has become a scam appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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