“The Donut King” is available to stream on Hulu and to rent or buy on several other platforms. Today, we’re answering your questions, sharing your reflections on the documentary and revealing a few of our favorite doughnuts.
“We don’t just have children, we have future employees,” said one of the doughnut shop owners featured in this month’s documentary, “The Donut King.”
Listener (and viewer!) Elizabeth M. was struck by this dynamic:
“The movie didn’t address my concern about the welfare of the children of Ted and the other shop owners. Were they attending school? Were the shops safe places for them?”
Whether or not minors are permitted to work, all states in the U.S. require school attendance until the age of 16 or high school is completed, whichever comes first. And elementary school has been mandatory for all children in the U.S. since 1918.
Child labor isn’t something that inherently threatens child welfare. In 2018, the Small Business Administration even made a case for why business owners should hire their children. (“Nepotism —the practice of using power or influence to favor relatives — has a poor connotation. However, when it comes to your business, it may just be a great idea.”)
Federal laws don’t allow children to work in dangerous conditions nor operate dangerous equipment, but they do allow children to work for their parents for unlimited hours a week. While many states, including California, impose other conditions and restrictions on child labor, most have exemptions for children working for their parents’ business.
“The Donut King” reminded Tom S. of another film from the early 1990s, “Cambodian Doughnut Dreams,” which similarly focused on Cambodians living in Los Angeles with American doughnut shop ambitions.
Dan V. in Los Angeles told us that less than 60 minutes into watching the film, he had to stop and take a doughnut break. (We can relate.) He wrote:
“I grew up in Southern California and [the chain] Winchell’s was always what I thought a donut shop was. Similar to McDonalds, no matter which shop you went to, you always knew what to expect. There are only a few in a 10-mile radius from me and, as pointed out in ‘The Donut King,’ the ones that closed are now independent shops.”
Thanks for listening, watching this month’s selection and writing in. We’ll be back next week with our documentary pick for April. Got an idea for Econ Extra Credit? We’re all ears: extracredit@marketplace.org