Former 90 Day Fiancé star Varya Malina revealed the costly birthday gifts she got from a mystery fan. The Russian native first appeared on the show in 2020 with Geoffrey Paschel. Even though she has been away from the small screen for a while, her Instagram followers are growing every day. Varya likes to interact with her fans and keep them updated on social media about her life. Sometimes, she also gets strange requests from some of her hardcore fans. Before Geoffrey's arrest, one of Varya's followers asked her to join him on a trip to Hawaii.
Varya shared the screenshot of the conversation on Instagram, in which she declined the offer as politely as she could. She told the fan that she doesn't work as an escort. The fan apologized and claimed that he was just overly excited about his upcoming divorce. Varya didn't go to Hawaii, but she celebrated her 33rd birthday in San Diego. In January 2022, she flew from Knoxville, Tennessee, to America's Finest City. She posted a no-makeup look and showed off her wrinkles, which many 90 Day Fiancé fans thought was quite inspiring.
Several weeks after Varya's birthday, she has finally received a bunch of expensive gifts from a 90 Day Fiancé fan. She shared a few Instagram Stories while opening her gift box and showing everyone what she received. In the first Story, Varya talked about how her wait is finally over as she has received her much-awaited "package." In the next one, the 33-year-old reality star opened the box and wrote, "It's my birthday gift from one amazing and very generous person." The box contained gifts such as skating equipment, a sealed pack of AirPods Pro and high-quality pink roller skates.
90 Day Fiancé alum Varya revealed that she had not met her admirer yet who sent her these gifts. The last time she was in San Diego, the secret fan got "exposed to COVID." In February 2022, Varya shared a video of herself trying to skate for the first time. 90 Day Fiancé fans thought she skated like a pro and complimented her. A fan commented, "That's some mad ninja skills you got there Varya." Another chimed in, "Lmaooo that was amazing only you can make almost falling absolutely adorable." Someone else wrote, "Keep it up! You'll get it! You can do anything you set your mind to."
Since Varya was interested in skating, perhaps that's why the secret fan sent her skate gear. The idea of receiving birthday gifts from a stranger sounds eerie. But Varya is a popular influencer, and she has some hardcore fans who like pampering her with expensive gifts. Hopefully, Varya has loved her presents and will use them to have a great time. Since the 90 Day Fiancé celeb is a quick learner, it will be interesting to see if she can become a roller skating pro by her next birthday.
Source: Varya Malina/Instagram, Varya Malina/Instagram