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Раритетный патефон поэта-фронтовика Алексея Фатьянова пополнил фонды Музея Победы

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Titans: 10 Possible DC Comics Villains For Season 4 | Screen Rant

In its three seasons streaming, Titans has already featured some iconic villains from DC Comics such as Trigon, Deathstroke, and Blackfire, as well as bringing a few Batman villains into the series. And thanks to a few casting announcements, the audience knows that there are a trio of comic book villains coming in Season 4.

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Brother Blood (played by Joseph Morgan), Mother Mayhem (played by Franka Potente), and Jinx (played by Lisa Ambalavanar) are all set to appear in the season. A trio of villains confirmed for just 12 episodes may seem like a lot, but there are actually a lot of villains who have connections to these particular characters in the comics as well.

Yes, Trigon already appeared to end the first season of the series and begin the second. It's unlikely, however, that he's gone for good since Raven's father has a habit of finding his way back to the land of the living in the comics.

Trigon actually has ties to Brother Blood. In the comics, Brother Blood is a title past down from father to son in the Church of Blood, and the ninth in the line is the one with the ties to Raven's father. He acts as an emissary of Trigon. At one point, Raven is even married to a Brother Blood, though not exactly by choice. That exact storyline might not play out on screen, but it wouldn't be a huge leap for Brother Blood's church to still have ties to him.

Twister is the villain codename used by Theresa Zimmer. She's a member of the Church of Blood, and at one point believed that Brother Blood was in love with her. She also has powers that allow her to alter someone's perception of reality. Those powers are the result of being experimented on by Brother Blood himself.

Twister eventually leaves the church behind in the comics and becomes a member of the Suicide Squad and close friend of Plastique. It would be fun to see if Titans' continuity built to cross over with another series or not, but with the current Suicide Squad firmly in the movies, that seems unlikely.

The big rumor that has surfaced while Season 4 films is that Lex Luthor might be making an appearance. It wouldn't be entirely out of left field since part of Lex Luthor's DNA makes up Superboy's genetic material.

With a version of Lex Luthor in the movies of the DC Extended Universe, and one already in play in the Arrowverse (primarily in Supergirl), it seems unlikely that there would be a need to include the character in Titans. If Connor's story is going to be fleshed out even more next season, however, a Lex Luthor appearance might help that.

Bethany Snow isn't exactly a supervillain. She doesn't don a costume or a mask and put people in precarious situations. She does, however, do the work of the Church of Blood in an effort to make them appear as a legitimate religious group instead of a violent cult.

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Bethany is a reporter. She spends some of her time framing the Teen Titans for the things the church did in the comics. While the Titans have already seen themselves at the low end of public opinion, they're headed to California now, where the public might not be quite as familiar with them. Of course, a version of the character has already appeared in the Arrowverse.

Shimmer, real name Selinda Flinders, is a character who has already appeared in Titans, but only briefly. A metahuman who can manipulate one element into another for a few minutes (and only in a three foot radius), she was caught for her crimes by Donna Troy and Khory Anders in the second season. She's a sometimes team member of Jinx in the comics as a member of the Fearsome Five.

She's also not the only member of the group to be teased throughout the three seasons of the show. If Jinx is appearing as a recurring antagonist, it's entirely possible that the series is building to the Titans facing off against the Fearsome Five. Shimmer was pretty easily apprehended by Donna and Khory too as some of the most powerful Titans, and she would definitely want revenge.

Like Shimmer, Doctor Light has already appeared in Titans. In fact, he fought the original Titans team before being recruited by Slade Wilson to help him get revenge against the new iteration of them. Slade Wilson also killed Arthur Light when he had no more use for his assistance.

That being said, Doctor Light is also the character that recruits the team members who become the Fearsome Five to take on the Titans in the comics. The version of Doctor Light could be a new one, as The Flash also featured a different version of the character. It depends on just what spin on the Fearsome Five the show does, and it certainly appears to be in the cards for the team to appear.

Gizmo's claim to fame in the comics is his ability to transform any piece of machinery into a weapon. Regular household appliances become deadly when he gets his hands on them. Gizmo is yet another member of the Fearsome Five, and like Shimmer, he had a single appearance in Titans so far. He appeared with a team of henchmen in the episode "Barbara Gordon."

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In it, the group was attempting to steal a virus from a storage facility, but they were apprehended fairly quickly by the Titans. He and Shimmer can't be very happy with how easily they were defeated. Maybe they'll meet when both of their cases are put on trial to encourage a team-up?

The Fearsome Five would need a fifth member beyond Jinx, Shimmer, Gizmo, and potentially a new Doctor Light. That could be Shimmer's brother Mammoth, or it could be the more interesting villain Psimon. Real name Simon Jones, he's a physicist who experimented with gateways to new dimensions and ended up coming in contact with Trigon in the comics.

It's Trigon who gives Simon his abilities: telekinesis, telepathy, astral projection, memory manipulation, and more. He's also a genius, which would make him better able to outmaneuver the Titans than some of their other villains. He even replaces Doctor Light as the team leader.

Most of the members of the Titans have their own personal villains that follow them to take on the team. The audience has seen that with Scarecrow manipulating Red Hood, Deathstoke coming after Nightwing, Blackfire after Starfire, and Trigon after Raven. Gemini is Beast Boy's villain. She has the ability to shapeshift, but most often simply uses her body as though it's elastic in a fight.

The daughter of a villain, and former actress, Madame Rouge, Gemini blames Beast Boy for her mother's death and targets him, even framing him for murder. Beast Boy really needs more backstory beyond the fact that he lived with this timeline's version of Doom Patrol, some giving him so history in the form of his own villain could be a fun way to expand his character.

Cheshire has a history with the Titans because she has a history with a former member - Roy Harper. Cheshire, real name Jade Nguyen, has a child with Roy. Roy, as the audience knows, exists in the world of the television show, but hasn't been introduced yet. Donna Troy mentions him by name in the second season, which means he - and his past - could still come into play in the show.

Beyond her connection to Roy, who often goes easy on her in conflict because of their romantic history, Cheshire is an assassin. She trains with the League of Assassins, and she's been hired by just about every villain in DC comics to do a job for them at one point or another. It wouldn't be surprising to see Brother Blood or Mother Mayhem hire her services.

NEXT: Which Titans Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

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