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How I Met Your Mother: What Redditors Would Want To See If There Were A Season 10

With the conclusion of the first season of the How I Met Your Mother spin-off series entitled How I Met Your Father, the discussions about how the original show ended have once again started. HIMYM, which ended after nine seasons, surprised audiences when it revealed that the mother that Ted had been discussing with his children had been dead for five years, and the purpose of his long-winded story was actually to get his kid's permission to start dating again.

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The series end was met with mixed reviews, with some fans demanding either a new ending or a continuation into a 10th season. While it has now been almost a decade since the series finale, fans, and even star Jason Segal, have voiced their support for a 10th season. The big question, however, is what would this 10th season be about? Redditors have a variety of solutions.

With nine seasons building towards the moment that Ted met his future wife, the fact that audiences only see her with Ted for a few episodes was a bit of a disappointment. For this reason, Redditor Limpy_spacecakes feels that a season dedicated to "them building their relationship for the audience would be great."

Many of Ted's other relationships had more screen time than his relationship with Tracy, due likely to the fact that she was never the point of Ted's story at all. However, a little more development in their relationship may help put viewers at ease over the show's ending.

So much happened in the final few episodes of the series. Barney went very quickly from being married to Robin, back to being a player, and then suddenly to being a father. The whiplash of his story was a lot for audiences to take in, and he is still difficult to picture as a father since the position seems to go against Barney's personality.

Redditor TheBelen18 wants to see Barney "grow with his daughter." Viewers see Barney quickly switch from trying to score girls' numbers to telling them to cover up and be safe, but it would be good to see his actual relationship and personality develop along with his daughter.

After a very long and eventful wedding weekend, Robin and Barney started their lives together. However, after two years, they decide that it would be best for both of them if they get divorced. After so much ado about their relationship and marriage, the divorce happening only an episode later was frustrating, leaving fans wishing that How I Met Your Mother had cut the whole storyline.

Reddit user TheBelen18 wants a season that will show more of "the problems that led" to their divorce. The series shows that they struggled to be a part of each other's professional lives, but other than that their entire relationship and its end felt anticlimactic without context.

Another big event that the final season led up to was whether or not Lily and Marshall would end up moving to Italy for a year. Ultimately, they made the move, and viewers see that they took their parents and newest baby, Daisy, with them. However, there is little else that is ever shown about their time abroad.

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Redditor CreepyHarmony27 feels that it would be fun to see "Lily and Marshal [sic] struggling with adapting to Rome." Between Lily working for The Captain, Marshall dressing like an Italian gangster, and their parents being clueless, this certainly would make an interesting plot.

While most Redditors had ideas for continuing the show, user ChuckFinley222 felt that it would be better if a 10th season simply started the entire series over again. "Ted wakes up, it was all a dream and we're back in the S1E1 pilot," they said.

While it is difficult to say how this would relate to Ted's story to his children, it could potentially be comical to see on screen. If older Ted woke up from this dream and decided that he wanted to tell his kids the real story, it could give audiences a whole new chance to get to know the How I Met Your Mother characters and learn all new life lessons from the show.

The series ends with Ted holding the famous blue french horn out to Robin who beams down at him, so audiences can assume that she returned his feelings. However, while Ted and Robin could be a relatable couple, at times, the ups and downs of their relationship were a lot for viewers to swallow.

Redditor Ozdanish suggested a 10th season pick up "1 year after the finale," showing where Ted and Robin have ended up. Ozdanish predicts that the two would no longer be a couple since their history suggests that they are not compatible. Whether or not this is the case, a season that picks up a couple of years after the finale could answer a lot of fans' unanswered questions.

Some of the most beloved episodes of the series are those that feature the group just having a good time at the bar. While some of the events that transpired around them seemed larger-than-life, the connection between the characters and the adventures they have at MacLaren's Pub is part of what made the group so relatable.

Redditor Friendly-Head6639 doesn't want a 10th season full of more plot twists, but instead one that features "shenanigans" and "fun."  This could vary between future adventures that audiences never got to see or more details in the stories that fans already know and love.

Redditor Jable-TheGoblinKing also wanted to see a 10th season pick up a year or two after Robin and Ted get back together. In their version, however, they describe the gang coming together at the bar after the funeral of Barney, who would have recently passed away. While the mood would be somber at first, the group would quickly begin to reminisce about the crazy things Barney had done, and other major events in all their lives.

RELATED: 10 Biggest Similarities How I Met Your Father Has To How I Met Your Mother

This user believes the creators should make it "a short season [of] 10-12 episodes," where each character has a chance to tell some stories. The end would see the characters leaving the bar together for the last time.

Robin's cameo in How I Met Your Father has inspired audiences to think more about what Robin's life looked like after she grew apart from the group. Her career has seen her all over the world, with events transpiring like getting attacked by a bull in a Spanish bullfight.

Redditor MagnumAsian wants to see a season or spin-off that shows "Robin letting her career take her wherever the wind blows." The season could explore her many victories within her career, the various people that she would meet, as well as reminiscing about the good old days with her friends.

How I Met Your Mother had an alternate ending in which Ted meets Tracy, and the two live happily ever after. This touching end was not what the show creators decided to run with, but many viewers still prefer it over the version where Tracy dies.

Redditor DifficultYou6600 suggests that a season 10 could "use clips from the final episode to construct the new version of events as a prologue and then just do a normal season with Tracy now as a main character." This would give audiences more of a chance to get to know Tracy and make those that were unhappy with her sudden death a little more satisfied with the show's ending.

NEXT: The 10 Best How I Met Your Mother Characters, According To Ranker

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