Academy Awards co-host Amy Schumer says she is still in shock after Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. In many ways, the 2022 Oscars was a special year for the ceremony. Of course, there was the controversy over eight of the awards being handed out before the actual televised event, which many people were unhappy with. Other notable moments included Jane Campion winning Best Director and Smith himself finally winning an Oscar after 20 years since his first nomination. However, as many now know, all of these moments were overshadowed by one incident.
During the ceremony, Rock made a joke at the expense of Smith's wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, while presenting a category. The comedian commented on the fact that Pinkett Smith shaves her head, stating that she looked like she was ready to star in a G.I. Jane sequel. The joke did not go over well, as Pinkett Smith has been quite open about the fact that she has alopecia, an illness which causes hair loss. Rock's joke clearly struck a nerve with Smith, as he casually walked on stage, slapped Rock across the face, and retook his seat, only to then continue to chastise him.
Of course, many were shocked by the exchange, and different opinions about Smith's Oscars slap have been shared over the last few days. Now, in an Instagram post, Schumer expresses that she still feels "triggered and traumatized" by the event. She has made it clear that she stands with Rock, stating that she believes he "handled it like a pro," and while she says she felt proud of herself and her co-hosts for their work on Oscar night, the "sickening feeling" has yet to leave her. See her full post below:
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Schumer's standpoint is an interesting one, as while many agree with her that Smith's actions were a very poor way to handle the situation, most are not also explicitly siding with Rock. His joke was certainly tasteless, and especially rude given that he also poked fun at Pinkett Smith the last time he hosted the Oscars. Of course, Schumer is looking at the situation from a very unique standpoint, being one of the night's co-hosts. While most people can only express their opinions from their viewpoint as outsiders, Schumer can put herself in Rock's shoes, and regardless of whether his joke was appropriate, she is right that Rock did not waver after he was hit and simply carried on with the show.
Ultimately, it's a shame that all the other things which took place during the Academy Awards are being overshadowed by Smith and Rock's altercation. Schumer was right to congratulate her co-hosts, as it reminds people that the night was not simply about Smith and Rock embarrassing themselves on live TV. Many people were honored that night as well, and perhaps when the dust settles on the "slap incident," those other filmmakers will be able to be celebrated properly.
Source: Amy Schumer/Instagram