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Loki Season 2 Directors Compare Series To Moon Knight

Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson, the directors for Loki season 2, compare their latest Marvel project to fellow Disney+ series Moon Knight. Last year, Loki split open the MCU multiverse in a big way, and the series is far from finished. It has the distinction of being the first Marvel show to get a second season, and anticipation is already incredibly high. Loki season 1 concluded with the titular god of mischief (Tom Hiddleston) realizing he had been thrust into an alternate TVA after his variant Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) killed the mysterious He Who Remains (Jonathan Majors). Even worse, Loki's new friend Mobius (Owen Wilson) doesn't know who he is, setting up a truly dramatic sophomore run.

Though Loki season 1 concluded in July 2021, the second season doesn't seem like it's any closer to being released. There have been various reports that filming could begin this summer, which means Loki season 2 won't premiere until 2023. While that wait is rather excruciating, Marvel has taken steps behind the scenes to prep for what's to come. Hiddleston, Wilson, Di Martino, and Gugu Mbatha-Raw (who played Ravonna Renslayer) are all expected to return to Loki. Eric Martin will be taking over as head writer, while Moorhead and Benson, fresh off directing a couple episodes of Moon Knight, have been tapped to helm the majority of episodes for season 2.

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It was while promoting Moon Knight with ComicBook.com that Moorhead and Benson were able to tease what they'll be bringing to Loki season 2. Moorhead in particular spoke to their desire to make something new and fresh, which they also did with Moon Knight. As a result, there is a similar feeling between that series and the returning Hiddleston-led show. Moorhead said:

"I think the biggest thing about Loki is just that it's actually a lot like Moon Knight, where there's just no reason to do it if it's not going to be something new and fresh. It's funny is, it does feel like Marvel would be willing to walk away unless it actually is something that they felt the unexpected. Like from Moon Knight and especially because Moon Knight is a character where nobody knows almost anything about him, yet. Soon to be changed, right? And so our gloves are off and we get to kind of do whatever we want. And everybody at Marvel and ourselves gets really excited when we are presented with the unexpected. We also of course, hope that people watching feel the same way and we're gonna bring all that to Loki."

Premiering this week on Disney+, Moon Knight certainly promises to bring something new to the long-running MCU, and the idea that Moorhead and Benson can keep that momentum going for Loki season 2 is promising. The first season had some really compelling concepts going for it, but some criticized the finale as being too caught up in the rest of the MCU. Loki season 2 will likely be continuing the franchise's multiverse arc, so there might be even more MCU connections ahead. However, Moorhead and Benson's interest in the unexpected suggests Loki will be going to some unique places.

There's actually something interesting in how Moorhead and Benson are directing both Moon Knight and Loki. While the latter is centered on an established MCU character and likely has a plot that ties into several other projects, Moon Knight has been touted as a standalone adventure for the franchise. That means that while the shows might have some similarities, they also pose unique challenges for the directing duo. Fans can get an idea of what Moorhead and Benson will bring to Loki by watching Moon Knight. There might be some stylistic clues to be found in their episodes.

More: Loki Season 2 News & Updates: Everything We Know

Source: ComicBook.com

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