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Alec Baldwin’s daughter Ireland, 26, SHADES dad & stepmom Hilaria after yoga teacher reveals she’s pregnant

IRELAND Baldwin seemingly threw shade at dad Alec Baldwin after he and wife Hilaria announced that they’re expecting baby No. 7.

The yoga instructor welcomed the youngest of their children – affectionately dubbed the Baldwinitos – in 2021.

Instagram/irelandbasingerbaldwin Verified
Ireland Baldwin threw shade at dad Alec online[/caption]
Getty Images - Getty
Her post came after he and wife Hilaria Baldwin announced they’re expecting again[/caption]

After the happy couple shared their exciting news on social media, posting a sweet video from the moment they told their younger kids about the impending bundle of joy, Ireland – Alec’s oldest child – reacted online.

In a clip of her own, she appeared to throw a bit of shade her father’s way.

Ireland was show chowing down on what looked to be a salad in her Instagram post.

She wrote in the caption: “mood.”

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Fans had a ball in the comments, having a laugh at what they perceived to be her reaction.

One commenter questioned: “7th baby mood?”

Another added: “When you get another sibling.”

“You’ll always be #1!” a third fan commented.

Others simply commented the laughing-crying emoji.

Alec shares his eldest child with ex-wife Kim Basinger.


On Monday, Hilaria returned to social media to share her happy news.

She posted a sweet video, which appeared to show her sitting on the floor surrounded by her young children and husband Alec, who was seated in a chair.

The family was all smiles as the kids hugged their mother and jumped from the floor to a bed nearby.

Each of the little Baldwins appeared excited by the news.

Hilaria revealed in the caption: “After many ups and downs over the past few years, we have an exciting up and a huge surprise: another Baldwinito is coming this fall.

“We were pretty sure our family was complete, and we’re beyond happy with this surprise. I’m sharing with you the moment we told the kids – as you can see, they are supre excited!”

The author went on: “Our new baby is a very bright spot in our lives. A blessing and a gift during such uncertain times. I’ve missed you during my break from social media…I’m back and looking forward to continuing with you this wild journey that we call ‘life.'”

Her message concluded with: “Our love to you and your loved ones.”

Supporters flooded the comments, congratulating Hilaria and Alec.

“Oh my goodness! Wow. So thrilled for you, H,” one wrote.

Another added: “Congratulations!!”

A third commented: “Felicidades Bella! Super excited for you and your family! Besos!”

Another chimed in: “Congratulations. Now your house will be filled with even more love.”

The exciting baby news comes months after a tragic shooting on the set of the film Rust, which Alec was set to star in, which left a staffer dead.


In October 2021, Alec accidentally shot Rust crew members Halyna Hutchins and Joel Souza.

Halyna was killed, while Joel was hospitalized and released.

The deceased had been working as director of photography on the film prior to the shooting.

Joel was serving as the film’s director.

Days after the shooting, Alec released a statement on Twitter about the accident.

He wrote at the time: “There are no words to convey my shock and sadness regarding the tragic accident that took the life of Halyna Hutchins, a wife, mother and deeply admired colleague of ours.”

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Alec went on: “I’m fully cooperating with the police investigation to address how this tragedy occurred and I am in touch with her husband, offering my support to him and his family.

“My heart is broken for her husband, their son, and all who knew and loved Halyna.”

Rex Features
Ireland his Alec’s oldest child, whom he shares with ex Kim Bassinger[/caption]
He and Hilaria have six young children with a seventh baby on the way[/caption]
Getty Images - Getty
The couple has affectionately dubbed their littles Baldwinitos[/caption]

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