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22 of the most dastardly 'Bachelor' and 'Bachelorette' villains, ranked

Shanae Ankney.
  • As any "Bachelor" fan knows, one of the most important parts of the season is the villain.
  • Some are victims of editing, while others have simply loved stirring up drama.
  • Some iconic villains include Chad Johnson, Corinne Olympios, and Victoria Larson.
21. Trish Schneider returned to the show after she was eliminated to try and steal more time on Jesse Palmer's season.
Trish Schneider.

During her time on Palmer's season of "The Bachelor," Schneider made it clear that she wasn't there to make friends. And even after she was eliminated, she came back, trying to pull Palmer away from his other dates.

20. Arie Luyendyk Jr. changed his mind at the last minute when he was the star of "The Bachelor."
Arie Luyendyk Jr.

In one of the rare cases of the lead becoming the villain, Luyendyk earned his villainy after his indecisiveness.

After choosing Becca Kufrin on his season finale, sometime between filming and the finale airing, the former "Bachelor" changed his mind and decided he wanted to be with his runner-up, Lauren Burnham, instead. He brought cameras along to dump Kufrin, who was blindsided by his decision, refused to leave, and then to top it all off, popped the question to Burnham on air at the reunion.

19. Krystal Nielsen showed a lot of affection for glitter and a fake baby voice during Arie Luyendyk's season of "The Bachelor."

Nielsen was all about snagging as much of his attention as possible, but unfortunately, it ended up blowing up in her face. After a bowling date gone wrong, Nielsen couldn't say enough negative things about Luyendyk and his contestants. She even called Luyendyk "needle d---" on the bus back to the house.

Fans were over her fake baby voice, her love of glitter, and her rude behavior by the time she went on "Paradise" — but once there, she was able to convince audiences to forgive her, and she went on to get married to a man she met on the show, Chris Randone. They called it quits a year later.

18. Ian Thompson thought he should be the next "Bachelor" on Kaitlyn Bristowe's season.
Ian Thompson.

Bristowe didn't get very far into her time as "The Bachelorette" before Thompson decided that he was better than her and that he should be the star of his own season of "The Bachelor," instead.

That got him swiftly kicked off the show, which only made him more angry. He called Bristowe shallow, and accused her of only being there to make out with guys.

17. Olivia Caridi practically became a meme during her time on Ben Higgins' season.
Olivia Caridi.

Olivia Caridi entered Ben Higgins' season of "The Bachelor" swinging — from night one, she was willing to do whatever it took to catch Higgins' eye. After a few eye-roll-inducing comments, like when she tried to say she understood hardship because she'd been bullied for having cankles, or calling Amanda Stanton a "teen mom," it was clear that Caridi was meant to be the villain of the season.

She got hers though — Caridi was famously left behind on an island during a two-on-one date.

16. Jamie Skaar made Michelle Young upset with a rumor he fully made up, and then insulted her.
Jamie Skaar.

Skaar and Young had a connection early on, but soon after their first date he simultaneously became cocky and insecure by starting a rumor that the other contestants were mad that Young and contestant Joe Coleman had a relationship before the show ... which wasn't true on either fronts.

When Young confronted the men of the season, they (understandably) reacted with confusion, because none of them had actually been thinking that — only Skaar had.

When confronted, he doubled down and rambled on and on trying to justify what he did, only for Young to immediately send him home.

15. Wes Hayden was on Jillian Harris' season of "The Bachelorette" for every reason but love.
Wes Hayden.

Not only did Hayden have a girlfriend back home, but he was also on the show to promote his own music — not find love. Predictably, that didn't exactly work out well for him, and Harris sent him packing as one of the show's most hated villains.

14. Jed Wyatt edges out Hayden because, unlike Hayden, Wyatt never fessed up to his girlfriend back home during Hannah Brown's season and the two got engaged, leaving Brown broken-hearted.
Jed Wyatt and Hannah Brown.

During Brown's season, the news broke that Wyatt, one of the front-runners, had only gone on the show to promote his music career and had a girlfriend back home — sound familiar?

However, Wyatt never admitted this during the season, and viewers had to watch in horror as Brown fell in love with him, and then got engaged to him, only for her to find out the news later and dump him on camera.

13. Juan Pablo Galavis was the star and the villain of his own season.
Juan Pablo Galavis.

Besides Arie Luyendyk, the leading man isn't usually also the villain of his season, but in Galavis' case, that's exactly what happened. Especially toward the end of the season, he seemingly dismissed his final women's feelings, and his trademark phrase, "It's OK," only served to push Andi Dorfman away.

He also shamed Clare Crawley for having sex with him during the Fantasy Suites.

Between his behavior on the show and his homophobic comments he made off the show, no one was sad to see him go.

12. Corinne Olympios tried to steal Nick Viall's heart — but we kinda love her anyway.
Corrine Olympios.

On Viall's season, Olympios was the contestant who fans loved to hate. Despite the fact that she was an adult, she couldn't stop talking about how she had a nanny, and she ruthlessly interrupted other women when they tried to get their time with Viall.

While she came across as immature to the other contestants, Viall just thought she seemed like a lot of fun — and we can't disagree.

11. Kalon McMahon messed with the wrong "Bachelorette" when he called Emily Maynard's daughter "baggage."
Kalon McMahon.

Being that Maynard was a major fan-favorite, it wasn't surprising at all that the villain on her season ended up being one of the most hated of all time. McMahon was overheard calling Maynard's daughter, Ricki, "baggage," which led to Maynard giving him a massive talking-to and sending him straight home, deservedly so.

10. Victoria Larson wasn't on Matt James' season for long, but it didn't take much to get people to despise her.
Victoria Larson.

Fans knew they were in for it when it was revealed that Larson's profession was simply "Queen." But no one could have been fully prepared for what was to come when Larson made her debut on James' season.

She seemingly had no filter or tact, she manipulated James, and she turned on anyone at the drop of a hat. It's no wonder fans begged James to send her home week after week.

And when he finally did, she told James that she was disappointed in him, called him a "jester" instead of a king, and declared that she'd never date a "Matt" again.

Larson did appear on "Paradise," but didn't make much of an impact either way, and left pretty early on.

9. Yosef Aborady made enemies on Clare Crawley's season, and then doubled down on his behavior at "Men Tell All."
Yosef Aborady.

Aborady's behavior was teased in the very first preview for Crawley's season, but nothing could have prepared fans for what actually happened.

Aborady, for whatever reason, was very upset about a date that Crawley didn't plan and he wasn't even on, and then decided to shame Crawley for this, talk over her when she tried responding to his concerns, and scream about how she was the "oldest 'Bachelorette,'' and he expected more from her.

It got worse at the season's reunion, when he doubled down on his behavior, said he wouldn't apologize for anything, and even said he'd be fine if someone talked to his daughter the way he spoke to Crawley. Yikes.

8. Vienna Girardi scored the final rose, but was also the season's villain during Jake Pavelka's season.
Vienna Girardi.

It's rare that the villain makes it past the first few weeks of the show, but in Girardi's case, she made it all the way to the end, with Pavelka popping the question to her during the season finale. Their relationship didn't last (and ended up going down in flames), and she didn't make any friends after spending the season feuding with the other women.

While, in retrospect, Girardi's behavior wasn't as much villainous as it was immature (she was 23), she deserves her spot this high on the list, as she set the template for many villains to come after.

7. Justin Rego didn't give Ali Fedotowsky what she deserved. Instead, he ran away.
Justin Rego.

Being that Fedotowsky was one of the most beloved "Bachelorette" stars ever, the fact that Rego treated her poorly made him all the more hated by fans.

After she found out he had a girlfriend back home, Rego literally ran away from Fedotowsky, through a hotel lobby and shrubbery, rather than owning up to his lies and bad actions.

6. When Tierra LiCausi declared that she couldn't control what her eyebrow did during Sean Lowe's season, she cemented her place in the villain hall of fame.
Tierra LiCausi.

Oh, Tierra. From the eyebrow she couldn't control to her proclamations that no one could steal her sparkle, LiCausi was one of the most memorable "Bachelor" villains ever. She even (potentially) faked hypothermia to spend more time with Lowe! LiCausi also constantly got in fights with everyone else, and then acted a completely different way around Lowe, which earns you no points with Bachelor Nation.

5. Bentley Williams played Ashley Hebert big time, which broke our hearts.
Bentley Williams.

Hebert was a beloved "Bachelorette," and fans watched her fall for Williams hard — but they knew something was up.

Unfortunately, he ended up being her season's villain when he admitted that he never actually reciprocated her feelings, wasn't even attracted to her, and was ready to watch her cry when he broke up with her.

4. Kelsey Poe had an "amazing story," which she shared with Chris Soules.
Kelsey Poe.

It's hard to forget Poe and her time on Soules' season of "The Bachelor," especially since she immediately made herself known for what she called her "amazing story" — aka, her journey in her life since her husband died. Yes, she called the story of her husband Sanderson Poe's untimely death "amazing."

She quickly made herself an enemy of the other women, tearing them down at every opportunity, and during a very tense two-on-one group date with Ashley Iaconetti, Soules finally decided to send her home.

3. It's hard to describe everything Luke Parker did on Hannah Brown's season.
Luke Parker.

Parker, better known as Luke P., earned the first impression rose and from then on out, it seemed like he had some type of hold on Brown, even after he exhibited red flag after red flag, constantly got in fights with other contestants, lied to and manipulated Brown, and eventually tried to shame her for having sex with more than one contestant during Fantasy Suites.

It doesn't end there, though — Brown sent him home after that conversation, and he had the audacity to show up at the rose ceremony the next day like everything was fine, and tried to force Brown to speak with him even though she said no.

Fans everywhere cheered when Brown, frustrated, picked up the rose podium and moved it so Parker wouldn't be involved anymore.

3. Courtney Robertson wrote a book about her villainy during her time on Ben Flajnik's season, aptly titled "I Didn't Come Here to Make Friends."
Courtney Robertson.

Robertson, truthfully, is the blueprint. She appeared on the 16th season of "The Bachelor," and set a precedent for every "villain" after her. Robertson said what was on her mind, made no bones about not caring about the other woman at all, snuck extra time with Flajnik, acted like a completely different person around him, and walked away with the final rose. All hail Queen Robertson.

However, Robertson was entertaining in a love-to-hate-her type of way. The most recent woman to unseat her No. 2 spot was just downright unpleasant to watch.

2. Shanae Ankney ... What can we say about Shanae that wasn't already screamed at her during the Women Tell All?
Shanae Ankney.

When Clayton Echard's season of "The Bachelor" started, we thought our main villain would be Cassidy Timbrooks, who didn't even end up making this ranking. But we were all sadly mistaken — once Timbrooks was eliminated, that's when her BFF Ankney stepped in.

To put it briefly: Ankney seemed like a deeply unpleasant, insecure, manipulative liar during her time on the show.

And while we know a lot of this stuff can be explained by editing, there seems to be no logical reasoning for how Ankney treated fellow contestant Elizabeth Corrigan's ADHD diagnosis, how she constantly bragged to the camera that Echard was believing her lies, or why Echard felt so disgusted by watching her behavior during the season that he had to post an apology on Twitter.

Rarely do we get a true F-bomb during the Women Tell All, but we got a succinct one from Lyndsey Windham, who simply said: "From the bottom of my heart, f--- you, Shanae."


1. Chad Johnson was the worst of the worst when he appeared on JoJo Fletcher's season.
Chad Johnson.

Johnson pretty much made everyone on Fletcher's season afraid to be around him. He was aggressive, a liar, insisted on making eye contact while he ate meat, and got into fights with multiple contestants.

While we're not really taking "Paradise" into consideration for these rankings, Johnson's behavior on the show is unforgivable. He insulted multiple contestants, including Sarah Herron, whom he called a "one-armed b----," got exceedingly intoxicated, and cursed out Chris Harrison, which led to his removal from the show.

We hope, for everyone's sake, that Johnson is never dethroned as the biggest villain in the show's history.

Nicole Pomarico contributed to a previous version of this article.

Read the original article on Insider

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