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Новости сегодня

Новости от TheMoneytizer

From itchy skin to the Pill’s impact on fertility – Dr Zoe answers your health queries

IF you have tried to make an appointment with your doctor in the past two years, you probably had to wait. GPs are working hard to see as many patients as they can, but there are other places you can turn to. For treatment for minor illnesses and injuries, speak to your local pharmacist, or […]

IF you have tried to make an appointment with your doctor in the past two years, you probably had to wait.

GPs are working hard to see as many patients as they can, but there are other places you can turn to.

Olivia West
Dr Zoe is here to answer your questions every week, from niggling pains to worries you have about your kids and loved ones[/caption]

For treatment for minor illnesses and injuries, speak to your local pharmacist, or try calling 111.

And if you’ve got a niggling health condition or worry, ask me. Each week, I will answer as many as I can, so email your queries now. Here’s what we’re tackling this week.

Q: I’VE been on the mini-Pill for nine years now. How do I know my fertility still works?

A: Long-term use of the Pill or mini-Pill won’t affect your fertility.
When you stop, your chances of getting pregnant within a year are about the same as if you hadn’t been using it.

It’s worth mentioning though, that you can’t know for sure you’ve reached the menopause when you’re on the Pill. This is because hormonal contraception can affect your periods.

But you can usually safely continue to take the progestogen only Pill, which is the mini-Pill, until the age of 55 and then stop as getting pregnant naturally after this is very rare.

Q: CAN my GP/nurse practitioner refer me for a breast cancer gene test?

A: If there is a strong family history of breast cancer in your family or the variant BRCA gene has been identified in any of your close relatives, you will likely be eligible for the NHS genetic test.

If eligible, your GP will refer you and you can speak to a genetic counsellor to guide your decision as to whether to go ahead with the test.

There are pros and cons both ways and it is a very personal decision which should be given careful consideration.

Q: SHOULD I be worried my ten-month-old has a freckle when he hasn’t ever been in the sun?

A: Baby freckles are considered somewhat unusual, but it is not impossible for them to develop.

Most children, however, will not usually get freckles until they are a few years old.

Sunlight is usually the cause of most freckles.

Unlike moles, freckles almost always appear in groups and rarely alone, so I do wonder if in fact your baby has a mole.

Moles are common in infants and children and are generally harmless, but if it is growing in size or changing then do ask your GP to take a look.

Q: I GET really itchy skin at his time of year. Should I use a cream and, if so, can you recommend one?

A: Dry and itchy skin can be more likely when the weather is cold like it has been recently. Cold air exacerbates dry skin because of the lack of moisture in the air.

Spending more time indoors, with the central heating on, can also remove natural moisture from the skin.

I’d recommend using an emollient — a moisturising cream that covers the skin with a protective film to trap in moisture.

There are many different ones available over the counter and sometimes it can be a bit of trial and error to see which works best for you.

Have a chat with your pharmacist and see what they recommend.

Q: WHY are allergies on the rise?

A: There is no denying that allergies are on the rise and have been for decades.

Allergy is now a very common ailment, affecting more than 20 per cent of the populations of most developed countries.

It’s not known with certainty why this is happening but there are a number of theories and likely contributing factors.

Scientists don’t all agree when it comes to the “hygiene hypothesis” —the idea that we are too clean, so children do not get exposed to enough germs to train their immune systems well.

It may be a contributory factor, but it is definitely not the whole story.

It’s likely that the many ways in which our lifestyles have changed over the years could be playing a role, from what we eat to how we play — not outdoors so much these days.

Another major factor which is undeniable is pollution and climate change, which is absolutely impacting on our health in many ways, including through allergies such as asthma and hay fever.

Get in touch

Email me your health questions to: health@thesun.co.uk

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