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There's Something About Mary: Main Characters Ranked, According To Likability

Some fans consider There's Something About Mary to be one of the best romantic comedies of the 1990s. Many audiences might say the movie has a cult following and that it can be considered a modern classic. The Farrelly brothers bring together several quirky personalities to tell a simple love story.

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As Ted Stroehmann searches to reconnect with his long-time crush, audiences are introduced to wacky people in both Ted and Mary Jensen's lives. Some characters like Dom "Woogie" Woganowski are less likable than others.

Fans of There's Something About Mary know Chris Elliott's Dom as Ted's best friend. He is introduced when Ted tells him about his tenacious crush on Mary that has lasted from his high school days into adulthood. At first, Dom appears likable as he encourages Ted to go after Mary, even helping him hire an investigator to track her down.

However, by the end of the film, Dom is revealed as Woogie. Audiences hear Mary talk about an unhinged ex named Woogie who became so obsessive it causes her to change her name out of fear of him finding her. He shows up at Mary's house uninvited and scares her. He manipulates Ted and hires a slimy P.I. who continually tries to stop the two from meeting. His selfishness is underscored in his theft of all of Mary's shoes.

Matt Dillon plays Pat Healy. Some fans say There's Something About Mary is one of Matt Dillon's best movies. He is the P.I. Ted hires to find Mary. He is perhaps one of the movie's funniest characters. However, he presents several unaffable qualities.

Pat is duplicitous and selfish. When he finds Mary and is attracted to her, he lies to Ted about her well-being and whereabouts so he has the opportunity to seduce her himself. When he gets involved with Mary, he spies on her to discover her interests and lies about himself to fit the mold of her perfect guy.

Lee Evans plays Tucker. He is Mary's friend and appears to be a pleasant character upon his introduction. He warns her about prospective partners who might be trying to swindle her and comes to her house bearing gifts.

However, by the end of the movie, Tucker is revealed to be Norm Phipps. He, like Pat Healy, creates a persona in an attempt to win Mary's affection. He lies to her and goes out of his way to sabotage kind people in Mary's life like Brett Favre.

Jeffrey Tambor's Sully is Pat Healy's associate. He is one of the less developed characters in There's Something About Mary. He is showcased most clearly when he picks up Pat in Miami and when he reads a script in a staged call meant to manipulate Mary.

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Sully is conniving and lacks a moral compass, exhibited in his dirty dealings with Pat. He helps trick Mary in their call, making her believe Pat is a good man who regularly performs humanitarian duties overseas. He isn't as direct in his lies, and he is helping his friend in his actions, but his behavior is dishonest.

Lin Shaye plays Magda. She is Mary's neighbor and the two spend friendly time together. Magda is funny and abrasive. She shows positive behavior in her interactions with Mary. She cares about Mary and warns her to be cautious with her prospective partners.

Magda is pleasant and speaks to Mary with respect. She shows her loving attitude in her relationship with her dog. She shows a harsh demeanor among people who appear to threaten her or Mary, but she is kind to those who are honest to them.

Ted is the protagonist in the movie. Some fans say There's Something About Mary is one of Ben Stiller's best movies. The plotline of the film presents some unlikable qualities for Ted. He is manipulative and doesn't tell Mary the truth about how he ends up in Miami after they first meet.

RELATED: Ben Stiller's 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Films According To IMDb

However, Ted is honest by the end of the story. He is kind to Mary and her brother Warren. He is pleasant and polite to most people he meets. He shows true selflessness in his final moments in the film when he encourages Mary to be with Brett despite his feelings for her.

Cameron Diaz plays Mary. Many viewers say There's Something About Mary is one of Cameron Diaz's best films. Several characters in the film are infatuated with Mary, and it's not hard for audiences to see why. Mary is funny, pleasant, and kind to nearly everyone she meets.

Mary helps others in her job as an orthopedic surgeon. She makes the well-being of her brother a priority in her life. He is forgiving and understanding. When Ted reveals his true colors in the finale, she excuses his behavior after realizing he has good intentions.

NEXT: The 10 Best Plot Twists In Comedy Movies

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