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Pivoting: The Main Characters, Ranked By Funniness | ScreenRant

The sweet sitcom Pivoting offers up a look at how three best friends cope with grief, and some main characters are more hilarious than others.

While the premise of Pivoting is tragic, as Jodie, Sarah, and Amy are coping with the death of their friend Colleen, the sitcom is a humorous look at three women who want to be happier. Each one is totally stuck in their own way, whether in a bad marriage, stressful career, or worried about parenting. As these three friends start changing things around, they show viewers their senses of humor and always approach life's ups and downs with a joke and a smile.

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From Jodie's unlikable husband to some of Amy's family members, it's interesting to compare the characters on Pivoting and see who brings the most humor to the show and who isn't funny at all. 

10 Diana

Sarah's ex-wife Diana pops up in a few scenes, whether she's shopping at the store where Sarah now works or she comes home to find Sarah stealing their fig tree.

When compared to the other characters on the show, Diana doesn't seem funny at all. She doesn't seem to have much of a sense of humor as she takes herself very seriously, and Sarah struggles with Diana wanting her to pay a lot of spousal support.

9 Dan

Dan and Jodie's marriage is a terrible sitcom relationship as Dan expects Jodie to do everything around the house. He shows his disrespect and lack of compassion when Jodie works hard to make a delicious dinner and he eats some out of the pan with his fingers before racing away.

Dan is definitely the Pivoting character who doesn't have a sense of humor at all. Whenever Jodie tries to talk to him, he rushes off without even trying to listen, and viewers don't appreciate his mean personality.


7 Brian

Jodie, Amy, and Sarah visit Colleen's husband Brian on a regular basis, whether they want to talk about their late friend or just soak in his good vibes and helpful advice.

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Brian is a character who is funny without meaning or trying to be. When Sarah shows up at his house late one night, he tells her that his daughter is having a rough night and that she's welcome to help, an unintentionally funny line that diffuses the tension of the moment.

6 Matt

While Jodie and Matt's kiss in episode four of season 1 might not be one of the most romantic scenes on a sitcom, since she's still married, Matt does add something important to Pivoting as he shows Jodie that she should be more confident.

Matt has a happy-go-lucky personality and he's good natured, but he's not one for jokes and often seems more naive and innocent than the other main characters on the sitcom.

5 Luke

Amy and Henry's son Luke is another funny Pivoting character. He gets a fair amount of screen time and his obsession with dinosaurs is silly and fun, as he's got a brilliant grasp of every possible detail.

Luke shines in one particular scene in the season 1 episode "Hell On Wheels" when he skates at the roller rink and puts her arms out like a dinosaur who he admires. Luke shows Amy that it's okay to be unique and different, and when he embraces his inner self no matter what others think, he's a meaningful and funny part of the show.

4 Henry

Henry fits in with some hilarious TV sitcom fathers as he's cheesy but he enjoys life and truly loves being a parent.

Viewers like Henry right away as he cares about Amy's happiness and tries to look out for her. When Amy wants Henry to stop running in a dangerous part of their city, Henry challenges her to stop eating artificial sweeteners. The two realize that they have to calm down and try to have more fun while still living healthy lifestyles. Every time Henry gives Amy a look or questions her behavior, it's definitely fun to watch.

3 Sarah

Sarah has a more sarcastic, dry, and bitter sense of humor than her best friends, and the running joke on the series is that she's self-centered and loves mentioning that she used to be a doctor.

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While Sarah cares about her friends, she could definitely be a bit more humble at times, especially when talking to strangers. Still, it's funny watching Sarah try to be less ambitious, especially when she upsets her new co-workers at the grocery store by trying to implement rules and regulations.

2 Jodie

Jodie says some of the most hilarious quotes on Pivoting, making her one of the best and funniest characters.

Jodie's desire to become fitter, healthier, and happier is integral to the sitcom. Jodie hates her husband and boring domestic life and her jokes about wearing tighter jeans or wanting to change her life contribute to the show's light-hearted tone. One of the best scenes is when Jodie lies on the floor and makes her friends take a photo of her so it looks like she's standing against a wall. Jodie is sweet but a bit lost, which results in many comedic moments.

1 Amy

The funniest Pivoting character has to be Amy, who makes viewers laugh when she says that she's going to be a mom in the afternoons from now on.

Amy loves her children but she's scared of messing up, so she usually leaves her morning show job and hangs around town before returning home at night. Now, she's determined to be there for her kids. Fans understand that she wants to be a good parent without losing her sense of self or having fun, and whether Amy is yelling at a fellow mom or joking around with her husband, she's unique and special.

NEXT: 10 Comedy Shows To Look Forward to in 2022

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