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WTS: EDM - Fire the coach... again

Game #23 Oilers host Kings 6pm MT

Oh oh...........Just out work them and score goals. Easy
Those Flames though. Bunch of asses.

Happy to see Dustin Brown got his career back on track. Good for him.
Also, I f***en hate Dustin Brown.

This is going to be a tough game. 3 goals gets us a point ... 4 goals gets us a win.
I believe we still haven't lost 2 in a row. I wonder if any other team can claim that?

This will be our first back to back loss of the season imo.

I want you to pound our cheeks.
Run the scoreboard. 8+ goals please.
I wanna hear the "F i r e B l a k e" chants like in Vancouver.
{^^^ from poster “Kingshockey24”}
--Pound your cheeks!?!?!?
----Yes. For a full 60 minutes please.
------Well if you insist. Wait, we’re still talking about hockey right?
--I thought the rebuild was going mostly well over there?
----Vilardi, Tkachev, and Turcotte are all still in the AHL 2 months into the season. We just let go of a younger, better, cheaper, defensemen in Kale Clague when Olli Maatta is still somehow on the team. Our young players haven't gotten any ice-time. We have guys like Lizotte, Moore, and Andersson who've been playing terribly in the line-up over the kids. Cal Petersen has been Dan Cloutier 2.0. It's a mess here.

Should be a win, but we all got fooled not only once or twice!
Expect a 6-4 7-5 type of game, La has some speed and also like to throw pucks at net and crash, need to keep them on the outside.

Hoping we thrash the kings then they beat Vancouver tomorrow, making Vancouver look like absolute crap and still not firing their coach/gm.

Gene has more props than Carrot Top.
--Same hair too!
--God, I love Gene.
--Gene is embarrassing
--Gene is a beauty
--The amount of second hand embarrassment from this fool never ceases to amaze.

Death, taxes, the Oilers not being ready for games.

Classic f***en oilers.

Fire Tippet already

Wow a bottom 6 goal against?

We suck at hockey.

That Moore pass over Broberg was pretty impressive…{!!!}
We got them right where we want them!

So is it coaching or the captains?

Team not ready to start the game AGAIN. The record is such a mirage

{Friedman tweets Gabby new coach in VAN}

--That’s not good for us
--Lol, I fully expect Boudreaus head to explode coaching those clowns
--Agreed. Boudreau will never win a cup, but he's the perfect coach to turn their offensive skill into success.
--Meh I’m not worried about that. The Oilers have to worry about their own business (although I wouldn’t have minded Boudreau here).

Ahhh I forgot the California reffing.

Shots are 10-2, f*** off

How long of a losing streak do they need for Tippett to get fired?
--25. Probably.
--I hear Travis Green is available, lol.
----Wouldn’t really be a downgrade.
--When Eakins got fired, I think we had to go on a 2-20-2 to get him bounced
I think Tmac got fired after a win didn't he?

Seriously, what the f*** does Tippett do in trainings. What part of the game does he “coach” them?

Babcock incoming…

This roster is seriously flawed.
--It’s more the coach than the roster.
--Is it the roster that’s flawed or the coach not utilizing his roster properly?

Kings on pace for 60 shots. I think they get it.
--I wish we had Scrivens now

Hire Babcock. Get these p*ssies to work.

This is the worst 16-6 Oilers team I've ever seen !

Lots of hockey to be played. Oilers are weathering the storm just fine and Kostko hasnt imploded.
Oilers will come back and win by at least 2.

Realllllllly tempted to start a Fire Tippett poll afterwards.

Yeah I don’t think Tippett is the guy to bring us to the promised land.
--He's not taking the Oilers to any kind of land.

Quick seems to be having a nice year.
great …

2012 Quick showed up.

My god Quick can do the splits like it’s as casual as laying down.

If LA is selling in February, we need to buy Quick.

Jack Micheals has a huge crush on Quick.

Need better forwards.
--Do we? Is it a coincidence that good forwards come here and look like AHL players?
we traded a blue chip dman for a very good third liner who was as consistent as it comes. Shows up and now he’s on pace for the worst season of his career by a mile.
there’s something wrong beyond just the players.

The goal posts and the cross bar are playing a great game for the Oilers.

I'm bailing, this thread is gonna get ugly.

holy f***ing lol that was bad, he literally got swiss cheesed.

Hey Kings fans lurking in this thread, we'll trade you coaches and throw in a free Zack Kassian.

LA has 1 win in their last 8, and this is how we play them?

shorthanded goal incoming, surely
--Hell yes!!! Good call
--Are you a wizard?

Surely that goal will energize them and they'll start playing up to their potential, right?

{Why do they keep calling people Shirley?}

Quick, everyone go back acting like the game isn't over anymore.

The rare double hold.

Dustin Brown concussed by the Neimo hit. He doesn't know what he's doing.

Nurse wasn’t holding lmao

Yeah probably I don't hate that call lol.

Nurse two minutes for causing a penalty.

what the f*** did Brown get work done on his face? he's looking young and shiny.

McDavid's been frustrated last 2 games.
--Ya he also looks like he is frustrated. Not good.
--Connor not having a great game

McDavid is full hand grenade with the puck tonight
--Thanks you for summoning a McGoal. Whenever we mention him having a bad game he ends up doing something special.

This team needs to wake the f*** up and stop spotting the opposition leads. Loved that Niemelainen hit. What did I miss in the 1st?
--Offensive revival of the old, grinding Kings teams and Kosko keeping us in the game because this team just can't show up for a game right from the beginning..
--And Quick always seems to own us and no one else in the league over the last 4-5 years.
----The Dubnyk special..
--Interesting, just took a look at his splits and only Vancouver does Quick have a higher SV% against in the West (.926 vs .924).
He's torched a couple Eastern teams, including a career .944 in 15 games vs the Flyers

This is our script!
Start awful
Let the other team lead
get outshot
strong third and win!

McDavid beast mode incoming

Ok Connor take that frustration out on LA

Neat fact: We are 2nd in the league in third period goals (1 behind Florida)... this game is ours

Really turning it up here in the third, aren't we?

Do we even have a shot this period?
--Yam had one. Lol
Edit, maybe not.

'First shot of the period'
*looks at the scoreboard*
Ten minutes into the third period, down a goal.
This team is a f***ing joke.

One f***ing shot halfway through the third period, good Lord.

McDavid destroyed Kempe

Thats not a 5 worthy lmao

Wow seriously? 5 mins? Hahaha f*** off
Edit: penalty for sure but replay shows he hit numbers.

Guess they don't have to bench Connor

Oh ****. The mains are going to have the pitchforks out on that hit.
--Flames fans firing up the thread as we speak.

Really, reviewing that...? 2 minutes sure, but it didnt look very brutal. The result looked kind of brutal but the hit itself, not so much.

That's.... not a great play by McDavid.

That was the weakest boarding call I've ever seen

cue all the McDavid is dirty threads on the main boards

He got ejected for that?

It’s ok guys. We’re at our most dangerous on the pk.

I mean that should be a 5 min major every game. Does it ever get called that way? No. Does McDavid get mugged relentlessly without calls. Yes.

That guy must have scurvy to bleed that easy

I guess we're going to see what this team is made of now with Connor getting kicked out.

watch the Parros dart board of justice come through with a 3 games suspension, because its the Oilers

Guy that died scores right away? Nice
--I don't think he faked a bloody mouth

Kempe looked fine for a guy that drew 5 and a game.

more amused at the bi-polar nature of this board cranked up to ten the last few weeks

hopefully this is the low-point of the season for the Oilers. Up from here on.
--Knowing the Oilers, this is the START of a low point. The low points usually last a few weeks

Post Game Talk

So, what shall we complain about tonight, fellas?
--Only Tippett

He’s not the man for this script.
Unacceptable for the team to come out slowly every single freaking game.
Other coaches have their teams playing with more structure and energy with far less talented rosters.
--Haven't we said these exact things about the last like 6 coaches?


…...And more of the same. My only comment is: The common denominator of all of your dissatisfying relationships… is you.

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