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How to watch Hulu or Hulu + Live TV on Roku, and which Roku models support Hulu

Roku makes it easy to watch Hulu on the streaming device.
  • You can watch Hulu on most Roku devices, though some older Roku players won't work with Hulu + Live TV.
  • Install the Hulu app using the Streaming Channels option in the Roku menu.
  • Sign up for a Hulu subscription from the Hulu website or within the Hulu channel after you install it on your Roku.
  • Visit Insider's Tech Reference library for more stories.

While Hulu doesn't have nearly as many subscribers as streaming services like Netflix and HBO Max, Statista reports that the popular service currently has more than 42 million paying customers. In addition to a deep catalog of TV shows and movies, Hulu also creates original content, like the Steve Martin and Martin Short comedy "Only Murders in the Building."

And thanks to the optional Hulu Live TV add-on, you can also stream live programming from over 50 TV channels. You can get access to all this Hulu content from most Roku devices - here's what you need to know.

How to get Hulu on Roku

To watch Hulu on your Roku, you need two things: a subscription to Hulu and the Hulu app on your Roku player.

1. Using your Roku remote, press the Home button.

2. Select Streaming Channels in the list on the left side of the screen.

3. Select Search Channels.

Use the Search page to find the Hulu channel, if it's not already installed.

4. Search for Hulu. When it appears in the search results, click it and then select Add Channel.

When you find Hulu in the search results, select it.

5. After the channel is installed, select OK.

6. Press the Home button again.

7. Find Hulu and select it to open the channel.

8. Sign in and you can start watching Hulu content on your Roku.

Does my Roku support Hulu?

You can install the Hulu app on most Roku media players, though a few older models are not compatible. The easiest way to determine if your Roku can play the Hulu app is to try to install it (see the previous section). If Hulu doesn't appear in the list of installable apps, it is not compatible with that model.

In addition, some older Rokus can only install the "classic" Hulu app, which does not support streaming live TV from a Hulu + Live TV subscription. Roku players with model numbers 2400 to 3100 (the Roku 1, Roku 2, and Roku LT) and the older Roku Streaming Sticks (models 3420 or earlier) can't play Hulu + Live TV.

To find out if your Roku player works with Hulu + Live TV:

1. Press the Home button on your Roku remote.

2. Select Settings.

3. Choose System.

4. Select About, and you should see your model number listed.

You can find your Roku's model number on the System Info page.

How to sign up for Hulu through Roku

If you don't already have a Hulu account, you can sign up from the Hulu website or from the Hulu app on your Roku. When signing up, you can usually get a free trial unless you've previously had a subscription.

If you use the website, keep in mind that you may be offered a bundle that includes Disney+ and ESPN+, but there should be an option to subscribe to Hulu on its own somewhere on the page.

To sign up using the Roku Hulu app:

1. Download and s the Hulu app on your Roku.

2. Select Start Your Free Trial.

3. Select a plan - you can choose from among Hulu, Hulu (No Ads) and Hulu + Live TV.

4. Follow the instructions to complete your account setup and enter your payment information.

5. After completing the signup process, you can manage your subscription, including changing your payment information or cancelling your service, on your account page at the Hulu website.

How to get Disney Plus on your Roku device, and watch Disney's new streaming service with a free 7-day trialHow to cancel your Roku subscriptions in 2 different waysThe best Roku channels you can add to watch free movies'Does Roku have Spotify?': How to download and stream Spotify on your Roku device
Read the original article on Business Insider

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