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Shadow And Bone: Alina's Most Badass Moments | ScreenRant

Alina Starkov is one of the most relatable characters on Netflix's Shadow and Bone. She grew up different and struggles with being an outsider her entire life. As she comes into her own, she becomes an incredibly inspirational and badass character throughout the series.

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Alina lets her past hardships and her love and compassion for others fuel her confidence and power throughout the series. She doesn't back down from a fight and she is a character that knows she isn't perfect but doesn't see that as a weakness. No matter the odds, Alina is a fierce hero.

6 Defending Mal At The Orphanage

Alina and Mal did not have an easy childhood. They were both bullied and Alina was specifically bullied for being part Shu. However, this never stopped Alina from standing up for Mal. The other children may have seen Mal as weak for needing her to stand up for him, but viewers clearly see how strong Alina was for being there for her friend.

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Alina never let her fear get in the way. It proves that from a young age Alina was strong. Her realizing she was a Sun Summoner definitely helps her fight back when she is older, but she never needed those powers to stand up for her friends. It will be exciting to see how Alina and Mal's relationship grows in season 2 of the show.

5 Burning Maps To Travel On The Skiff With Mal

When Mal is chosen to go on the skiff through the Fold, Alina realizes that she cannot lose him like she lost her parents. Alina does let her emotions get the best of her, but that doesn't take away from her being one of the smartest characters on the show. While a little misguided, it is a well-thought-out plan for her to burn the maps of what is on the other side of the Fold so she has to go on the skiff to redraw them.

This moment also shows that while Alina is badass and powerful, she isn't always perfect. Her burning the maps leads to all of the map makers being sent on the skiff, and in turn them being attacked in the Fold. However, her decision to burn the maps proves that she is willing to take things into her own hands in order to protect those she cares about.

4 Kissing General Kirigan First

Alina catching General Kirigan off guard is definitely a notable badass moment of the series considering he is probably the most powerful character on Shadow and Bone. Alina has been hesitant about Kirigan but she clearly attracted to him after getting to know him. Her feelings for Mal are what holds her back but when she decides to let Mal go, she takes the tension between her and Kirigan into her own hands.

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This move shows the confidence she has gained in herself and illuminates that she is not afraid to go after what she wants. Alina and Kirigan's relationship, while short-lived, is one of the best romances of Shadow and Bone.

3 Shooting the Volkra To Save Mal

When the Volkra start attacking the skiff, Alina understandably panics. She protects herself and stays low but that all changes when she sees Mal in danger. One of the best parts of Alina's character is that what motivates her is typically the love for those she cares about and fans definitely see that in this scene.

Viewers can sense something click in her head when she picks up the gun. It is ironic that Mal tells Alina earlier that she isn't a good shot but she shoots the Volkra perfectly to save his life. To see her go into survival mode and shoot a terrifying Volkra to save Mal was such an empowering and impactful moment. It makes it clear that she loves and cares about Mal so much, which makes them such a great couple on the show.

2 Finally Accepting Her Power As The Sun Summoner

Alina was hesitant to even accept that she was Grisha. She grew up being an outsider simply because of how she looks and she rejected the idea of being even more different as the Sun Summoner. Alina gets pushed hard by Baghra to control and accept her power which motivates Alina to see how this could be something great for her rather than a burden. When she finally does accept her power, it is an impactful moment for her and the audience.

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Alina lets her anger fuel her powers and shows Bahgra that she is capable of controlling them. Baghra is clearly impressed and Alina is happy with herself as well. This scene is simply empowering not only for Alina but for fans. It is a moment where she is unapologetically herself and knows that being a Sun Summoner is now a part of who she is.

1 Taking Back Control Of Her Powers From Kirigan

One mistake that plenty of characters made throughout the series was underestimating Alina. That makes the climax of her taking her powers back from Kirigan that much more impressive. She is able to save her friends and get them out of the Fold, and it is all because she knows she deserves the power she has.

Viewers got chills watching Alina absorb the Stag's antlers and in turn its power as an amplifier. It even surprised fans of the novels, considering this moment is one of the biggest differences from the books. There is no hesitation or doubt when she uses her powers to keep her friends safe in the Fold and put Kirigan in his place. This scene encompasses how amazing, powerful, and badass Alina is.

NEXT: What To Expect In Season Two Of Shadow And Bone

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