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Marvel's Fire Hulk Steals Banner's Crown As The Strongest Avenger

Bruce Banner's Hulk likes to boast that he's the strongest one there is, but the Avengers' latest contest created a new challenger in Fire Hulk.

Warning: contains spoilers for Avengers #44!

While the Incredible Hulk's powers are the stuff of legend, and Bruce Banner's alter-ego has often boasted of being the 'Strongest One There Is,' the original Green Goliath just lost his crown as the Strongest Avenger to another gamma-powered monstrosity - his own cousin. Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk, has been following Bruce's path lately, embracing her anger to become a true Hulk, but for the last few issues that rage has had a specific target.

Having lost his patience with the irresponsible pollution and unprovoked violence of the surface world, Namor of Atlantis summoned the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix to Earth. But the firebird had plans of its own, gathering many of the world's greatest heroes and villains to fight in a tournament that would decide the new host of the Phoenix's might. The former She-Hulk - recently going by just 'Hulk' - was one of the most enthusiastic competitors, embracing the Phoenix's fiery power-up with the intent of killing Namor for putting the world at risk.

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The two finally clash in Jason Aaron and Javier Garron's Avengers #44, and Jennifer lays into Namor. Claiming the title of Fire Hulk, Jennifer tears the undersea ruler's arms free from his body. Unfortunately, Namor is also juiced-up on the Phoenix Force, and quickly grows his limbs back, finally pushing Fire Hulk to lose control and deliver a blow that sends him hurtling to Earth like a meteor, leaving incredible destruction in his wake. Jennifer declares, "Feel... stronger than Avengers! Stronger than Banner! Fire Hulk strongest in whole galaxy!" Sadly, this very Hulk-like sentiment completes her transformation into her cousin's equal, and in allowing her rage to overtake her, she becomes just as much a menace to society.

Thankfully, the new Fire Hulk is short-lived. When the Phoenix chooses Echo as its next host, the hero draws its power from the other competitors. Hulk reverts to her human form, gazing about at the horror around her, and Namor is left devastated by his failure. Up until recently, She-Hulk was the gamma-powered hero who had suffered least from her transformation, able to work as a respected lawyer and superhero despite her green skin and increased musculature. But following her death in Civil War II, She-Hulk began to travel her brother's path - a process which led her to her strongest but most destructive form ever.

Of course, beating the original Hulk takes a sizable upgrade. Bruce's Green Scar form was able to damage tectonic plates with each step at the height of his power, and fans have seen a possible future where Hulk's ultimate form is a Galactus-level threat who wanders the galaxy destroying planets. Jennifer Walters' Fire Hulk doesn't reach the same level as the Breaker of Worlds form - a version of Hulk hollowed out and possessed by Marvel's version of Cthulhu - but having embraced her gamma-powered rage, she has the same potential upper limit, and her Phoenix Force power-up means she's already more than a match for the Savage Hulk fans know and love.

It's not the first time working with the Avengers has given She-Hulk a major upgrade. Recently, Jennifer Walters became the new Iron Fist, during an adventure where several of the Marvel Universe's greatest power sources were stolen from their respective heroes. Sadly, while that power-up helped Jennifer save the world, her time as Fire Hulk is likely to have very different consequences, as Marvel just announced an upcoming Avengers story will see her put on trial for her destructive crimes. Hopefully, having tasted the upper limits of power as Fire Hulk, Jennifer Walters will be able to gather her legal acumen to stay free and keep protecting the world - if only to boast to her cousin that the Avengers have a new standard for Hulk strength.

Next: Hulk Just Absorbed His Kryptonite to Destroy his Worst Foes

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